the Bible'. A thrilling study before us. I was greatly interested to read the comments by Countess Alexandria Tol stoy who escaped a Communist prison and found refuge in the United States. After observing our American way of life, she concluded that there were marked signs of the same conditions prevailing here which were in exist ence before the overthrow 6i the Czarist regime in 1917. She said in part, “Com ing events cast their shadows before in the affairs of nations, and in America the shadows of revolution are growing- ly seen and sensed. Your churches are empty. Your young people are follow ing materialistic ideals. The mood of America is immorality, seen in every place I have visited.” A very frank, but honest appraisal. As you know, on these programs we have made a con tinuing study of the Crisis in Morality, and the fact that atheism breeds im morality and sexual evils. Of course, many will say, “Why, we don’t prac tice atheism here in America. Look at all of our churches.” Yes, look at them. Impotent, largely, except where the Word of God is revered and where the Christ of the Book is upheld. We have a nation of practical atheists, who are living as if there were no God in exist ence. How many people in our nation have thoughts other than for them selves? How many, perhaps one in ten thousand, or maybe one in a hundred thousand who begins the day with God, and goes through it living as if there were a place called heaven, a place called hell, and a judgment to come where God will reckon, with sin and sinners. The Lord warned, “Take heed, and beware of covetousness: for a man’s life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth.” That’s the trouble with our nation. It’s people are never content, they want more, more things, thinking that the next toy, a new car, a new home, yes, 34
by a new one. The lie must be de stroyed and replaced by a new one. The lie must be stamped out and give way to the truth. The first lie is God; the sec ond lie is right. And when you have freed your minds from the fear of God, and from the childish respect for the fiction of right, then all the remaining chains that bind you will snap asun der like threads.” That is just exact ly what is happening in Communist countries today. Can you see how that this entire system is satanically in spired? I cannot study it for a moment but that my mind goes to Romans 1, and the three times in the one chapter where we read that because of the evil condition of men’s hearts, God has given them up. That’s one of the dark est pictures in the world today. Some have said, “But what about the fact that Communism allows church worship.” I cannot help but feel that despite reports of religious freedom, this is nothing more than clever propa ganda. The Reds are good at it. They have not really varied from their de cree published in January, 1918: “No church or religious association shall en joy the rights of judicial persons.” When Russia plundered Poland, the Council of Moscow issued this decree: “All churches, synagogues, and other religious meeting places are to be closed. Afl clergy are suspended. People condemned by the former state on ac count of blasphemy are to be released at once. 2,800,000 rubles are to be set apart for organizing the anti-God move ment in Poland, and the Russian am bassador is to initiate it at once.” Mark you well, if, and I say IF Russia were to control America, wheth er by force, or by the decadent society of our time falling into her hands, the same treatment undoubtedly would take place. Communism hates Chris tianity. As we will see in this study, it is for this reason that Russia is es pecially mentioned and dealt with in
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