IN THE FBI BULLETIN just received, we have ten wanted men listed—but they are not ten most wanted crim i nals. This is the most striking issue of this Bulletin that we have re ceived in a great while—pay atten tion to it!! F '«*—The man who puts God’s business above any other of his affairs. Second — The man who brings his children to church rather than just sending them. Third — The man who is willing to set the right example for his children. Fourth— The man who thinks more of his Sunday School Class than he does of his morning sleep. Fifth — The man who measures his giving by what he has left rather than by the amount he gives. Sixth — -The man who g o e s to church for Chrisfs sake rather than for himself or to please his wife. Seventh — The man who wants to help others rather than have others wait on him . Eighth — The man who can see his own faults before he sees the faults of others. Ninth — The man who stands firm in his convictions as to the Word of God; one who is a backbone Chris tian. Tenth — The man who is more con cerned about w inning souls for Christ than he is about winning honors for himself. ARE YOU AM O N G THESE TEN MOST W AN TED MEN? * "The best way to live in the world is to live above it." * *
W H Y W ASTE OUR TIME? Some folk have strange ways of seeking notori ety. Perhaps you have read of the man who walked backward across the continent, using a mirror as his guideP H e neither proved nor ac complished anything by this strange stunt. H e was a minor news item. But is h e much worse in his think ing than the Christian who persists in looking backward; being con stantly preoccupied with his sins and failures of the past? The Bible suggests that we forget those things which are behind and press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. * * * "People often grumble because they don't have what they want, when they should thank God for giv ing them what they deserve." * * * A M A N BOUGHT A STEAMSHIP TICK ET TO BOSTON from New Orleans. Fearing the expense of the meals he decided to take a supply of crackers and cheese to cancel that item. Pas sengers who missed him in the din ing hall told him of the excellent meals, but he remained silent and remained away. Finally, h e decided he would go on the last evening re gardless of cost. When he had fin ished the meal, which was a perfect feast to him , he went over to settle for the check and was shocked to find that the 'meals were included in the fare. We may sm ile at this man’s fool ishness but many of us starve our souls of God’s blessing rather than feast upon His goodness. The Psalm ist said, “Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good. Blessed is the man who trusteth in H im .” 9
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