The Best Choice for All-Out COMPETITION!
BEST PERFORMING MANIFOLDS Edelbrock has been perfecting intake manifolds since DQGKDVHDUQHGLWVUHSXWDWLRQDVWKHLQGXVWU\·V leading designer and manufacturer of high-performance aluminum intakes. Today, Edelbrock has more choices for circle track competition than any other company. Regardless of what performance level you desire, Edelbrock intake manifolds provide your engine with VXSHULRUDLUIXHOÁRZEHFDXVHHDFKRQHLVWDLORUHGWR SURGXFHSRZHUZLWKLQDVSHFLÀFUSPUDQJHDOORZLQJ\RX to select the best manifold for your application. These manifolds deliver the performance you want with “Made LQWKH86$µTXDOLW\WKDW·VVHFRQGWRQRQH$YDLODEOHIRU AMC/Jeep, Buick, Cadillac, Chevrolet, Chrysler, Ford, Oldsmobile and Pontiac. Edelbrock offers more choices than any other manufacturer: AMC/Jeep | Buick | Cadillac | Chevrolet | Chrysler | Ford | Oldsmobile | Pontiac LARGEST SELECTION OF CYLINDER HEADS ON THE MARKET Just because a cylinder head is made from aluminum GRHVQ·WPHDQWKDWLW·VPDGHIRUSHUIRUPDQFH(GHOEURFN cylinder heads have highly efficient ports and state- of-the-art combustion chamber shapes for improved performance throughout the rpm range, giving you the top-end horsepower that you want and the great throttle response that you can feel. Choose from our Performer RPM, E-CNC and Victor series cylinder heads for out- of-the-box performance. For the racer looking for more, our Pro-Port cylinder heads are designed specifically for the professional cylinder head porter and engine builder with extra-thick walls for custom CNC porting. Edelbrock heads are “Made in the USA” for quality and performance that is unsurpassed. Edelbrock offers more choices than any other manufacturer: AMC/Jeep | Buick | Cadillac | Chevrolet | Chrysler | Ford | Oldsmobile | Pontiac VICTOR SERIES CIRCLE TRACKWATER PUMPS Edelbrock Victor Series Circle Track Water Pumps for small-block Chevys and Fords are designed specifically for circle track competition and endurance racing applications with a revised impeller entry, a hard- anodized finish, and a thicker rear cover for increased durability. They have the same great features as our standard Victor Series pumps including a billet hub with heavy-duty ball/roller bearings, and provide maximum cooling with equal distribution to both sides of the engine block. Auxiliary water outlets ease fabrication of custom plumbing systems and auxiliary fittings are available in AN or NPT.
Edelbrock manifolds, cylinder heads and water pumps are desgined, cast and machined in the USA for the best quality.
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