King's Business - 1929-03



G j&fte HhxbU Ramify SRaça^iuc March • 1929

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if UIOLA INVITES \Z L S Every Prospective Student To Enjoy the Blessing of Instruction in the Word of God All courses of study are built around the Bible. Biblical Introduction, Synthesis, Bible Doctrine, and Christian Evidences are required courses in all departments. Other Bible Courses offered in certain classes. Instruction in all other subjects keeps to the fore the light they throw on the Book and the larger ability they give for understanding and using the Word in a soul-saving and soul-building ministry. The two-year course includes 304 hours of study in the English Bible.

Training in Methods of Service The several courses of study offered, including The General Course, The C h r i s t i a n Education, Missions, M u s i c , and Pastors’ Courses; pre­ pare those who complete them for Leadership in the Educational Pro­ gram of the Church, for direction of Music in the local Church and Evan­ gelistic Field, for Mis­ sion Service at home and abroad, and for all- around use wherever the Lord may lead.

An Unexcelled Faculty The Faculty of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles is composed of men and women of God, of real consecration, possessed of spiritual power, highly trained, widely expe­ rienced, and of interna­ tional reputation. No one finds a p l a c e on the teaching staff o f the In ­ stitute who d o e s not w h o l e-heartedly sub­ scribe to the fundamen­ tals of the Christian Faith as outlined in the Statement of Doctrine held by B. I. O. L. A. since its founding.

f t 3

Abundant Material Provision School activities are conducted in commodious build­ ings which in size," location and general arrangement are exceptionally well adapted for such use. Living quarters for both men and women are provided—single rooms comfortably furnished. Table board is ample in quantity and excellent in quality.

The Finest of Christian Fellowship A carefully selected student body brings together young men and women of one heart and mind in loyalty to Christ, and desire to serve Him. Classroom activities, social life, group and private devoitons and dormitory life—all notably reveal the Presence of the Holy Spirit and the fruitage of His gracious work.

ATI. OF THIS OFFERED AT A VERY REASONABLE PRICE No tuition fees. Nominal registration and nurse and hospital fees.

For Bulletin containing full information address Extension Department

E I E L E I N J T I T E I T E C E L C I A N G E L E X Five-thirty-six to Five-fifty-eight South Hope Street, Los Angeles, California ^ . CW

THE KING’S BUSINESS Motto: ‘‘I, the Lord, do keep it; I will water it every moment: lest any hurt it, I will keep it night and day." Isaiah 27:3. PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY AND REPRESENTING TH E BIBLE IN STITUTE O F LOS ANGELES Volume XX March, 1929 Number 3

1 An interesting book­ let descriptive of our A nnu ity Bone is

is awaiting your request for a copy of same. You are now contrib­ uting from your surplus funds toward the carry- ing on of approved Christian enterprises. The Annuity plan ap­ plied to your benefac­ tions makes it possible to increase your gifts for this purpose, since you are thus assured a reg­ ular income for life. Issued in amounts o f $100.00, $500.00, $5,000.00, $50,000.00, or any intermediate amount.

Table of Contents

Review and Comment................. ».................. s...... i .................. :...... 115 The Resurrection of Jesus—Considered from the Lawyer’s Viewpoint—David Lee Jamison, LL.B...................... 119 The Message of the Cross—Rev. John Wood............................. ,...123 Seed Thoughts from St. Mark—Rev. Wilfred M. Hopkins.____ 125 A Great Scotch Preacher—Prof. John Bissell Trowbridge........ ...129 The Language of the Heavens—Rev. Fred H. Wight................... 130 Striking Stories of God’s Workings..................................................133 Heart to Heart with Young Readers—Florence Nye Whitwell.....136 The Junior King’s Business................................................................ 137 Homiletical Helps for Preachers and Teachers............................. 139 International Lesson Commentary-fpDavid L. Cooper....................140 Notes on Christian Endeavor—Alan S. Pearce............................... 145 Our Literature Table.................................. ,..................... ................149 A Book a Month............................................. 150 Daily Devotional Readings......................... 151

Bib leInstitute of LosAnge


536-558 So. Hope St. Los Angeles, Calif.

When answering advertisements please mention The King’s Business.

You can easily solve Your Easter Program Problem by selecting one or all of these Easter books. Here is a wealth of material including recitations, dialogues, songs, tableaux, drills, and pantomimes, written and presented in simple style—each containing more than enough for your program. Bead each description carefully. TH E PARAMOUNT EASTER BOOK NO. 3 An unusual and original collection of Easter Program helps and features. Becitations, Exercises, Dialogues, Playlets, Tableaux, Pantomimes, Songs, and Pag­ eants—all emphasizing the spirit of Easter. There are no. "fill ins"—every number is good and can be used with assured success. It’s a Paramount—the acme of excellence. TH E PARAMOUNT EASTER BOOK NO. 2 We feel a special pride in offering this -most charm­ ing collection of good things for your Easter Program. It contains so many new and novel features that ex­ press in a most delightful -way all the joy and glad­ ness of the Easter season. Becitations, Dialogues, Drills, Exercises, and Songs. Sixty-four pages of original material with which to prepare the brightest and best Easter Service you have ever had. THE PARAMOUNT EASTER BOOK This wonder book of recitations, dialogues, songs, tableaux,1drills, and pantomimes, has everything that anyone may wish for in preparing an Easter Ser­ vice. Every number is entirely new—none has ever been in print. One feature follows another. A collec­ tion of pleasing surprises. The Paramount Easter Book provides material for every department from beginners to adults. It pictures, tells and sings the beautiful Easter story in ways that must leave lasting impressions. EASTER TIDINGS A wonderful collection of material for your Sunday School Easter Program. 170 recitations, 17 delightful dialogues, and 23 beautiful songs. Adapted for all ages-r-young and old will enjoy having a part in a service, made'doubly enjoyable with the least worry and effort—EASTEB TIDINGS will do it. The price of each of the above books is 25 cents. Write to your supply house or send direct to MEYER & BROTHER 56 W . W ashington S treet, C hicago, Illinois

SU B SC R IB ER S’ IN FORM A TION A d v e r tis in g : F o r in fo rm a tio n w ith r e f e r ­ en ce to a d v e r tis in g in T H E K IN G ’S BU S I­ NESS a d d re ss th e R e lig io u s P re s s A ssn., 325 N o rth 13th St., P h ila d e lp h ia , P a., o r N o rth A m e ric a n B ldg., C hicago, 111. E n te re d a s S econd C lass M a tte r N o v em ­ b e r 17, 1910, a t th e P o s t Office a t L os A n g eles, C a lifo rn ia , u n d e r th e A c t of M a rch 3, 1879. A cc e p ta n c e fo r m a ilin g a t sp e c ia l r a te of p o s ta g e p ro v id e d fo r in S ectio n 1103, A ct of O cto b er 3, 1917, a u th o riz e d O cto b er 1, 1918. T e rm s : $1.25 p e r y e a r. S in g le co p ies 25 ce n ts. F o re ig n C o u n trie s (in c lu d in g C a n ­ a d a ) $1.50 p e r y e a r. C lu b s of 5 o r m o re

25 c e n ts re d u c tio n on ea c h su b s c rip tio n s e n t to one o r to s e p a ra te a d d re ss e s a s p re fe rre d . R e m itta n c e : S h o u ld b e m a d e b y B a n k D ra ft, E x p re s s o r P . O. M oney O rder, p a y a b le to “B ible I n s titu te o f L os A n ­ geles.*' R e c e ip ts w ill n o t be s e n t fo r r e g u la r s u b s c rip tio n s , b u t d a te o f e x p i­ ra tio n w ill sh o w p la in ly , e a c h m o n th , on o u tsid e w ra p p e r o r c o v e r o f m ag a z in e . M a n u s c r ip ts : T H E K IN G ’S B U S IN E S S c a n n o t a c c e p t re s p o n s ib ility fo r lo ss or d a m a g e to m a n u s c rip ts s e n t to i t fo r c o n s id e ra tio n . C h a n g e o f A d d re s s : P le a s e sen d b o th old a n d n ew a d d re ss e s a t le a s t one m o n th p re v io u s to d a te o f d e s ire d ch a n g e .

POLICY AS D E F IN E D BY T H E BOARD O F D IR E C TO R S O F T H E B IB L E IN S T I­ T U T E O F LOS ANG E LE S (a ) T o s ta n d fo r th e in fa llib le W o rd of God a n d its g r e a t fu n d a m e n ta l tr u th s , (b ) To s tr e n g th e n th e f a ith of a ll b e lie v e rs, (c) T o s tir y o u n g m en a n d w om en to fit th e m se lv e s fo r a n d e n g a g e in d efin ite C h ris tia n w o rk , (d ) To m a k e th e B ib le I n s titu te of L os A n g eles k n o w n , (e ) To m a g n ify G dd o u r F a th e r a n d th e p erso n , w o rk a n d co m in g of o u r L o rd J e s u s C h ris t; a n d to te a c h th e tr a n s f o rm in g p o w e r of th e H o ly S p irit in o u r p re s e n t p ra c tic a l life, (f) T o em p h asize in stro n g , c o n s tru c tiv e m e s sa g e s th e g r e a t fo u n d a tio n s o f C h ris tia n fa ith . 536-538 S. Hope St., BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES, Loa Angeles, California

'For ever, O Lord, Thy Word is settled in heaven."—rPsalm 119:89

JHE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES celebrated its twenty-second Anniversary on Sunday afternoon, February seventeenth, with fitting exercises, the principal feature of the occasion being an address by Dr. Mark A. Matthews, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Seattle. &r> The policy of the Bible Institute, as defined by the Board of Directors, still is unchanged after all these years: (a) To

stand for the infallible Word of God and its great fundamental truths. ( b ) To strengthen the faith of all believers, (c) To stir young men and women to fit

themselves for and engage in defi­ nite Christian work. ( d ) To make the Bible Institute of Los Angeles known, (e) To magnify God our Father and the person, work and pre-millennial coming of our Lord Jesus Christ; and to teach the trans­ forming power of the Holy Spirit in our present practical life, (f) To emphasize in strong, constructive messages the great foundations of Christian faith.

Corner stone o f Bible Institute Building

March 1929


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| R E V I E W A N D C O M M E N T c

The Infallible Critic 10 situation has ever arisen in human affairs, or will arise, that the Word of God does not have something to say about it. Neither the world nor the church will ever face any problem for which the Bible has no solution. It is the broadest Book in existence, because it covers the whole of human activity. Nothing, strictly speaking, lies outside its tremendous scope. No man is wise enough to criticize human life. But this is the .true function of the Word of God. Hebrews 4 :12 declares that “the Word of God is a discerner of the thoughts and intents.” The Greek word is kritikos, from which is derived the English word “critic.” Holy Scrip­ ture, then, is a critic, the infallible critic of all human opinions and actions. In its blazing light all things are naked and laid bare. According to its searching word final judgment will be passed upon all that has transpired in human ex­ istence. From its righteous verdict there can be no appeal. “God hath spoken.” There are two things we must know in order to place a proper appraisal upon human life. First, we must know what men are doing; and second, we must know what God says about it. We have newspapers, magazines, books without end, and now the rad io -a ll devoted to the busi­ ness of telling us what the world is doing and thinking. We have the Bible to tell us what God has said. It is an important function of Christian journalism to apply the Word of God to the present situation, to give the church “meat in due season,” to discern the “signs of the times.” The ancient Pharisees were highly intelligent men. Yet they suffered from a peculiar kind of blindness. Christ said to them, “Ye cannot discern the signs of the times.” They had been demanding of Him a sign from heaven, when as a matter of fact they were entirely sur­ rounded with signs, and to these they were totally blind. Doubtless, these religious Jews were informed as to the events of their day. They knew what was going on. But they could not read the meaning of those events. And this blindness led them headlong into the tragedy of the ages. We are on the verge of something in our day. What is it ? The world is moving faster than ever before. Where is it going ? Events are taking place with amazing rapidity. Startling discoveries are being made daily. What do they signify ? The Church needs the gift of inter­ pretation, and this will come only as we look at human affairs in the “mirror of the Word.” m The Morning Cometh T HE beginning of a new year always arouses interest and curiosity about the future. Toward it there are two extreme attitudes. One is Optimism; the other is

Pessimism. The philosophers might call the first unquali­ fied Idealism, and the latter Realism. The Christian view, which always avoids narrow extremes, recognizes some truth in each of these attitudes. “Watchman, what of the night? The morning cometh, and also the night” (Isa. 21 :11, 12). Here is truth worth remembering during the New Year. Ahead of us there is both the “morning” and the “night.” We live in the night, there will be night in 1929 —don’t forget that, and you will not be disappointed. But more important still, the “morning” cometh, it may come

in 1929—remember that and you will not be overwhelmed or discour­ aged by the night. He is coming surely, the Sun of Righteousness with healing in His wings. The night is far spent. H ‘ And Also the Night OW dark is the night? Signor Salvador de Madariaga, Ox­ ford professor, said in a recent

For several coming issues the mate­ rial in this department of T he K ing ' s B usiness will be supplied by Prof. Alva J. McClain, a mem­ ber o f the Bible Institute Faculty. The nature and scope of this mate­ rial is indicated in his leading article.

lecture: “Alcoholism, prostitution, slavery and war, like the four black hounds of the legend, are close on the tracks of the white hares of the Knight of civilization. The harpy colonization vainly seeks to cover her naked­ ness with the fig-leaves of the mandate System. The pul­ pit preaches that men are equal, but class barriers and race distinctions keep them apart. Millions of socialists proclaim themselves pacifists but secretly dream of class war. The small nations are looked on merely as markets. Vast territories are given to be administered by a handful of obscure but powerful men in the interests of a trust. Open diplomacy is controlled by secret finance, and the League of Nations is used by diplomats as a basis for hostile intrigue. Chaos reigns in the intellectual world, in the world of material relationships, in the whole course of events.” The Signor should know something about world con­ ditions. He was formerly chief of the Disarmament Sec­ tion of the League of Nations. But don’t forget that “the morning cometh.” The Son of God can do more than the League of Nations. To Fight or Not to Fight A S this is being written, the Senators at Washington x x are fighting among themselves to determine whether the Kellogg Peace Pact means to stop fighting or to go on fighting. No one seems to know just what it means. Some regard the Pact as a pledge of sacred honor never to resort to war in settlement of disputes. Others say it permits war in self defense. What it means will probably not be put down in cold print, for that might hamper the freedom of the war- makers in the future. But no matter what is done about it now, the real meaning will be discovered when the next occasion for war arises. That is the lesson of history.


March 1929

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There is no justification either in history or in the Word of God for the belief that war can be abolished without the Son of God. The world needs His rule. He will abolish war. But until that day comes, anything is worth while that can shorten the periods of war and lengthen the periods of peace. The Christian should pray “ for kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life . . . . For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour” (1 Tim. 2:2, 3). A Senator Mentions Christ S ENATOR REED, who is from Missouri both lit­ erally and figuratively, asks whether it is plausible to suppose that the Kellogg Peace Pact in 1929 can accom­ plish what the teachings of Christ have failed to accomplish in 1,900 years—a question which should make men think, both the statesmen and the preachers. But Mr. Reed overlooks one thing. Nineteen hundred years ago governments didn’t bother even to discuss the possibility of universal Peace Pacts. That is something accomplished. The teachings of Christ exercise a restrain­ ing power over even those who have never accepted Him. The Church has never perfectly taught or practiced the teachings of Christ. But the nations, nevertheless, owe much to the Church’s ministry and presence in the world. They will know more about this when the Church is taken out of the world, as it will be one of these days. Read 1 Thessalonians, fourth chapter. Mr. Rickard and Dr. Torrey A S this is being written, the newspapers announce the ■iy. death of Tex Rickard, ex-saloonkeeper, gambler and promoter of prize fights. To this event over two and one- half full pages were devoted by the Examiner, leading morning paper in Los Angeles. The story of Mr. Rick­ ard’s life will follow in later issues, published serially. A few weeks ago a man lay dying in Berlin, Germany. Daily dispatches reporting his condition were given front­ page publicity in the city newspapers. His main distinc­ tion was marriage to and separation from a screen star. Not long before, Dr. R. A. Torrey died, a great Chris­ tian preacher, evangelist, author and educator, under whose world-wide ministry hundreds of thousands had been brought to accept Jesus Christ and to live a life of righteousness. If the passing of Dr. Torrey was given any notice in the newspapers, this writer did not discover it. If you are surprised at this peculiar blindness of the world to the worth and work of a great servant of God, read what the Apostle John says about the Master whom Dr. Torrey served: “He was in the world, and the world was made by Him, and THE WORLD KNEW HIM NOT” (John 1 :10). The WORLD is still blind. Hoover and the M illennium D OES’ the election of Mr. Hoover indicate that the Millennium has arrived? It was a great victory, but here are some interesting figures. According to Current History, there are in this country 21,409,215 voters who believe in the ideals of Mr. Hoover. And there are 15,042,366 voters who swear by Mr. Smith’s ideas of gov­ ernment. The margin is exactly 6,366,849 voters. It looks impressive,, but how long will it last? The strength of the Democratic- candidate was in the large

cities, while Mr. Hoover was strongly supported by rural districts and smaller towns. Population is concentrating more and more in the large cities. How long will it take to wipe out the Hoover margin ? There is still need for prayer, even if the President-elect does all that is expected of him. The Devil’s Tail I N the rendition of “Faust,” the Chicago Opera Com­ pany is considering seriously the elimination of horhs and spiked tail from the costume worn by Mephistopheles, an evil spirit who represents the devil. They propose to dress him up in a more attractive costume. The world, at its best, is never very accurate when dealing with Biblical matters. But this is an evidence of increasing intelligence. The leering devil with horns and tail, so dear to the newspapers, is wholly an invention with no foundation in Scripture. Read Second Corinthians, the eleventh chapter, verses 14 and 15, for a true, description of Satan. The great Deceiver is wiser than his dupes. Making Progress Backward T HE next great step of the Church must be backward in order to regrasp the things that abide. This is the word of Dr. Robert E. Speer, great missionary leader, and it suggests that the Church is going forward in the wrong direction. It reminds us of a story. At a conference of a certain large denomination a young modernist professor said to a veteran pastor, “You fellows are getting so far behind that you will never catch up with us.” Said the old min­ ister, “We don’t expect to catch up. WE ARE NOT GOING IN THE SAME DIRECTION.” A church going in the right direction never needs to take a step backward. But some of our modern churches will never make any real progress until they begin to walk backward. For one thing, the Church and its ministry must go back to the Bible. The reading of books is, of course, a virtue. But mere books cannot take the place of “the Book.” Bengel, one of the greatest of all Christian schol­ ars, thanked God for the loss of his father’s library, because it kept him from reading too many books. But don’t burn your libraries. Read your Bibles more. cussing prospects for 1929, points one out as follows: “Prosperity cannot last forever in a country where the speculators are making most of the money while the pro­ ducers of the necessities of life are barely making both ends meet.................... When a man buys a stock or a commodity and merely sells it at a profit in the same mar­ ket form and quantity, he is doing the country no good. But when men raise fruit on the Pacific Coast or Florida, when men plant wheat or corn in the great Central West,' or when men grow cotton in the Southland, they are creating real wealth in which everyone ultimately shares.” This from anyone else than Mr. Babson would be called Socialistic. There are too many mere “buyers’and sellers,” and they are getting more than the “producers.” It will not always be so. Read tvhat Isaiah says, chapter Mr. Babson and Isaiah W E have other troubles besides prohibition enforce­ ment. Roger Babson, noted business expert, dis­

March 1929


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The Largest Bible in the World is a treasured possession o f the National L i b r a r y in Stockholm, Sweden. Hand lettered and written about the year 1200, the huge vol­ ume fell into the hands of the Swed­ ish army in 1648 when Prague was taken by storm. (P. & A . Photo.)

65, verses 21 and 22. The “producers,” at least, ought to pray for the return of Christ and the establishment of His kingdom. , . . .

One wonders whether Mr. Hoover really enjoyed the afternoon. Also what George Fox and William Penn, both great Quakers, would have done under similar cir­ cumstances. But this is only the beginning of Mr. Hoover’s troubles. It will be more difficult to please the politicians of Washington than the rulers of Latin America. Cicero’s Opinion of Us T HOSE who like to boast of their Anglo-Saxon superiority should read what Cicero once said, about it. He advised a fellow Roman not to purchase the Anglo- Saxon captives taken from the Isle of Britain, because they had no value even as slaves. If the Anglo-Saxons have any superiority over other peoples, it is because the Gospel of God’s grace has touched them. Henry Ford as a Prophet H ENRY FORD, in a book recently published, predicts a coming world in which there is no drudgery, no prohibition problem and no smoking. As to this last, either Mr. Ford has not read late records of the Internal Revenue Bureau or else he has become even more opti­ mistic than when he set out in his peace ship to stop the late war. Every minute the smokers of America consume a ciga­ rette ten miles long. Six times as many are used as just before the World War. And at least a third of these are smoked by women, it is estimated. But Mr. Ford is right after all, in spite of the smoke- filled atmosphere. Some day we shall have a “cigarette­ less” world. Perhaps Mr. Ford has been reading the Bible. See Matthew, chapter 13, verse 41. (Cigar smokers, reading this, should not feel too vir­ tuous. That coming world will also be a “cigarless” world.) H Sociology and the Trinity A SOCIOLOGIST rejects the doctrine of the Trinity, declaring it to be an invention of Athanasius in the fourth century. The viewpoint of this sociologist is neither historical nor wise. Athanasius, great church

Agnosticism and Prayer AN agnostic was in troublé and a friend suggested that he pray. “How can I pray,” the agnostic answered, “when I do not know whether there is a God or not?” Said the friend, “If you are lost in thè forest, you do not wait until you find someone before shouting for help. But you shout to find out if some one is there.” It is strange how men seem to abandon ordinary common sense when dealing with questions about God and religion. Babies and Oas Masks M EDICAL authorities of the world, but especially of America, are doing wonders in reducing the high rate of infant mortality. Babies for whom there would have been no hope fifty years ago, are now being saved to lives of health by medical skill. This is worthy of applause. At the same . time, military experts from Europe declare that when the next war arrives it will be necessary for even the babies in the cradle to wear gas masks. And they add that the next war is on the way. Not yet is the world made safe for human life, to say nothing of democracy. The world needs a King, that King who took little children into His arms and blessed them. He will protect the beneficent work of science from the devilish machinations of the war-makers. Read Isaiah, chapter two, verse four. a» Sunday infBrazil O N Sunday, December twenty-third, Herbert Hoover left Brazil for home. In the morning he attended the American Union Church, where the pastor prayed for his safety and happiness. At noon he gave a luncheon to the President of Brazil. In the afternoon he was taken to the famous Hippodrome race track where the feature race was named Hoover in honor of the distinguished guest.

March 1929


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Tremble At Thyself “I will praise Thee, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made" (Psa. 139:14). T HE word " fearfully" in this passage is indeed impres­ sive. So delicately combined; so much in danger of being dissolved by innumerable causes, is man, that one must tremble who stops to consider. Where can we find a pump as perfect as the human heart? If the boss treats it right, it stays on the job for more than 600,000 hours, making 4,320 strokes and pumping 15 gallons an hour. We have no telephonic mechanism equal to our nervous system; no wireless as efficient as the voice and the ea r; no cameras as perfect as the human eye; no ventilating plant as wonderful as the nose, lungs, and skin; and no electrical switchboard can compare with the spinal cord. The very air we breathe may cause death. The touch of an insect, a cut or scratch, a delicious morsel of food, may instantly turn the most athletic form into a corpse. Where is the mysterious link between spirit and body? How do they touch? Why is it that the spirit does not wander off to the stars any moment, like flights of mind ? Where is the secret laboratory where birth as a natural fact and creation as a supernatural fact, coincide ? We can­ not find it. Life shrouds its secret with a veil as impene­ trable as that which shrouds death. It is a solemn fact— we are "fearfully and wonderfully made." • We wonder that there are so many premature deaths. Is it not strange that there are not more? “Our life contains a thousand springs, And dies if one be gone. Strange that a harp of a thousand strings Should keep in tune so long!” . But all this has principally to do with the body, the casket in which the jewel is kept. How much more reason we have to fear, when we recall that we are moral and accountable beings, made for eternity! What consequences hang upon small, apparently trifling beginnings of evil! An evil thought forms into a purpose. Then follows an action, a course, the influencing of others and perhaps perdition not only for one’s self but others who have been drawn after him. It is no wonder that Andrew Fuller ex­ claimed : "O my soul, tremble at thyself !" “A sacred burden is this life ye bear, Look on it, lift it, bear it solemnly. . Stand up and walk beneath it steadfastly, Fail not for sorrow; falter not for sin, Look upward, onward, and through Christ you’ll win.” —K. L. B. This is a Christian Fastidius described a Christian as follows: “A Chris­ tian is one who shows mercy to all; who is provoked by no wrong; who relieves the wretched, succors the needy; who mourns with mourners, and feels the pain of another as his own; whose wrongful dealing no man feels; who serves God day and night, and ever meditates upon His precepts; who has no deceit in his heart; whose soul is simple and undefiled, and his conscience faithful and pure; whose whole mind rests on God; whose whole hope is fixed on Christ, desiring heavenly rather than earthly things, and leaving human things to lay hold on things Divine."

father, did not invent the doctrine of the Trinity. He defended it, and very ably too, as Arius, his Unitarian opponent, could tell you if he were here. It would be a good thing if all college students were required to take a thorough course in Church History. Then when they become famous sociologists, they could speak with more accuracy when they enter the field of historical theology. If there is any person on earth who should be grateful for the Christian doctrine of the Triune God, it is the sociologist. This doctrine assures us that the true God is a social Being—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. It gives the sociologist, if he, be a Christian, a basis for his science in the very nature of God Himself. In the relations of the three Persons of the Godhead, there is a perfect model for the ethical relationships of men. All this wealth of meaning is lost in the Unitarian conception of God. Theirs is a barren God who dwelt alone throughout a past eternity. He could not have been a God of Love, because there was no one to love. If He began to love when He created a world of men, then Love is no part of His eternal nature, and if this be so, how can we be sure that He will not sometime cease to love? Over against this, how rich and satisfying is the Chris­ tian God as He appears in the prayer of our Lord to the Father: “FOR THOU LOVEDST ME BEFORE THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD. O righteous Fa­ ther, the world hath not known Thee; but I have known Thee, and these have known that Thou hast sent Me. And I have declared unto them Thy Name, and will declare it, that THE LOVE WHEREW ITH THOU HAST LOVED ME MAY BE IN THEM” (John 17:24-26). ¿Me. a» “The Tragic Joke” R ALPH D. BLUMENFELD, Editor of the London Daily Express, has been touring in the United States. Having returned to England, he describes prohibition in America as “a tragic joke.” He says, “I went to many private dinners in all parts of the country, and with only one exception, I never saw a prohibition table.” That is nothing. Before the 18th Amendment there were many men who could never find anything but saloons when they went to town. But what they said was not taken seriously. Doubtless the editor’s experience proves that conditions are bad in this country, but it also sug­ gests that his hosts while here must have been chosen with remarkable foresight. Dr. Kyle Speaks T } R . MELVIN GROVE KYLE, noted Archeologist and President of Xenia Seminary, writes some pointed sentences in the Bibliotheca Sacra: “The rapidity with which American manners have been going down grade morally has made many people so dizzy that they have shut their eyes tight—but they keep on going.” “The unseemly scramble of many would-be great preachers to get into a great place instead of trying to make a place great by being in it, is one of the distinguish­ ing marks of little men.” “War memorials minister to that national spirit of patriotism which, more than anything else in the world, ministers to the production of other wars. They do not help the dead; they do not minister to the necessities of dependent ones left destitute: they only stir up pride in the achievements of arms and a spirit of revenge which guarantees more wars —and more war materials.” —Alva J. McClain.

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The Resurrection of Jesus — Considered from the Lawyer’s Viewpoint B y T he R ev . D avid L ee J am ison , LL .B .

HE most significant claim made in behalf of Christianity is that its Founder, Jesus of Naz­ areth, arose from the dead after His crucifixion. When the report spread through Jerusalem that the crucified Nazarene had arisen from the dead and was alive, Pontius Pilate, the Roman Gov­ ernor of Palestine, who had pronounced the sentence of death on Jesus, considered His rumored resurrection of sufficient importance to send a report thereof to the Em­ peror Tiberius, at Rome. The Emperor treated the mat­ ter with sufficient seriousness to refer it officially to the Roman Senate, whose province it was, under the law, to consider all claims to Deity in the Empire. “For an ancient law prevailed that no one should be made a God by the Romans except by a vote and. decree of the Senate.” But the Senate rejected the Nazarene’s claim to deity, “osten­ sibly because they had not first examined into the matter” (Eusebius’ Church History, Book 2, Chapter 2). The writer’s present aim is to “examine into the mat­ ter” of the claim that Jesus arose from the dead, and to consider whether that claim is based on sufficient proof to establish its validity. The question for our consideration and decision is, Did Jesus arise from the dead after He had been cruci­ fied? If so, in what form did He come forth? In other words, was the actual body of Jesus, which was crucified on the cross and laid in the tomb, raised from death into life? In the consideration of this subject we shall take first the Record as we find it, sift the evidence therein con­ tained and endeavor to determine just what it establishes as to the resurrection. Secondly, you will be expected to consider the wit­ nesses whose testimony is contained in the Record, whether they are competent and credible, and whether their testimony is consistent and convincing. Thirdly, you will be asked to determine whether the record of that testimony is true and worthy of credence. T h e R ecord C oncerning H is D eath We must ascertain first of all whether the death of Jesus is established beyond a reasonable doubt, for, as a matter of course, there must be a death before there can be a resurrection. There is a mass of circumstantial evi­ dence proving His arrest, trial and sentence to death by crucifixion. The execution of the death sentence is given with vivid and dramatic detail. The evidence carries Jesus all the way from the Garden of Gethsemane, where He was taken from among His friends, to Golgotha, where He was crucified. His name was fastened on His cross in the three languages used in that day, so that there could be no mistaking His identity. The circumstances of His death are such that there can be no doubt that it was a real death—no swoon or suspended animation. When the soldiers charged with the execution of the death penalty observed that Jesus had died, in order to make assurance doubly sure a spear was thrust into His side, bringing forth blood and water. The death of Jesus was certified to before Pilate by the

centurion who was appointed to carry into effect the sen­ tence of the court. Pilate thereupon issued a permit for the burial of the body of Jesus (Mark 15 :43-45). Next we have evidence as to the disposition of the dead body. There is no mistaking the identity here. The legs of the two others crucified that day were broken; the legs of Jesus were not broken. Only He, of the three, received the spear-thrust in the side. All four of the Evangelists identify the man who buried the body of Jesus as Joseph of Arimathaea. We gather from the accounts also that this Joseph buried the body in his own tomb, which was new and had never been used, and that it was near the place of the crucifixion. There is no opportunity for uncertainty here. When the body had been deposited in this tomb a great stone was rolled against the opening, thereby closing it. The evidence shows that certain women who knew Jesus well, being of His company, witnessed the burial and noted the location of the tomb (Luke 23:55). It is recorded also that by request of the chief priests and Pharisees and by order of Pilate the stone closing of the tomb was officially sealed and a guard was posted to keep the body undisturbed. This guard was composed of not less than four men: a “corporal’s guard.” T h e T estimony to th e O pen T omb Early on the second morning following the burial— on the third day, as the Jews reckoned time—this tomb was found opened, by women who came to visit it, the same women who had witnessed the burial, but the body was gone (Luke 23 :55 to 2 4 :3). It is shown also that “an angel of the Lord” came and rolled away the stone from the door of the tomb. His appearance was so terrifying that “the watchers did quake, and became as dead men” (Matthew 28:2-4). This angel, attended by another, announced to these women that the Lord had arisen from the dead and was alive (Matthew 28:5-7; Mark 16: 5, 6; Luke 24:4-7). On receiving this information and a commission to bear it to the disciples, the women hurriedly left the tomb. They became separated, however, so that one of them, Mary Magdalene, was left alone, when she saw Jesus alive. She at first mistook Him for the gardener; but when He spoke to her, calling her by name, she recognized Him fully. He also appeared to the other women on their way to the disciples. These women took hold of His feet (Matthew 28 :9). He directed them to tell the disciples to meet Him in Galilee. Peter and John also came and found the tomb empty. John noted the grave clothes disposed in such fashion that he was convinced that Jesus had arisen. Later Peter saw the Lord. The same day Jesus appeared and talked with two disciples on their way to a village named Emmaus. That evening a company of disciples were assembled in the city, when suddenly the Lord Himself stood in their midst. They were terrified at the sight, supposing Him to be a spirit. He said, “See my hands and my feet, that it is I myself: handle me, and see; for a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye behold me having.” And He

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over death and the grave, the Prince of Life : an impres­ sion which lay at the bottom of their future ministry” ( “New Life of Jesus,” Voi. 1, page 412). The modern theory, adopted by those who cannot believe that the body of Jesus was animated, is the theory of a spiritual resurrection. The advocates of this view hold that the spirit of Jesus left His body at death and continued alive without any period of intermission. The so-called resurrection occurred, according to this view, not on the third day, but on the same day—yes, the same moment—as death. Just how this spirit could appear to human beings has not yet been made clear. There are fatal objections to this spiritual resurrection theory. In the first place, it is opposed to the evidence given by eye-witnesses that the body of Jesus was raised to life. That evidence stands until refuted. The second objection to the theory is that it fails to explain how the disciples, dependent as they were on the bodily senses, could recognize Jesus: how they could see, hear, touch and eat with a spirit. In the third place, it fails to explain the empty tomb, or account for the body of Jesus. The evidence in relation to the empty tomb cannot be ignored or explained away by conjecture or fanciful theory. The tomb still remains empty, and the body of Jesus gone. Where is the body? The only evidence before us supports the contention that it was raised to life. E fforts to E xpla in T he E mpty T omb Five theories have been advanced to explain the empty tomb : (1) That the disciples stole the body. This was the explanation offered by the contemporary Jews. But the disciples had no motive for taking the body as they did not expect Jesus to arise. Moreover, it is inconceivable that these timid men—timid as they evidently were be­ tween the time of the arrest and resurrection of their Lord—would have braved the Guard. Furthermore, if they had stolen the body while the Guard slept they would not have tarried to remove the grave clothes from the body and leave them in the tomb, where they were found on the morning of the resurrection. (2) That it was unhistorical : A. Meyer says, “An empty grave was never seen by any disciple of Jesus.” Again, an opinion, but no proof. (3) That the disciples imagined they saw Jesus in Galilee, that is, had visions, and hence inferred that the tomb was empty. But they had ,no visions or hallucina­ tions. They actually saw their Lord, as the evidence proves. (4) That the women mistook some other empty tomb for that of Jesus’. But the evidence is that they watched the burial and marked the spot where the body of their Master was laid. Also that an angel identified to them the place where thè body had lain and declared it to have been raised (Matt. 28:2-6). (5) That the body had been secretly removed, either (a) By the owner of the tomb, (b) By the Sanhedrin, or (c) By Pilate. To this it is sufficient to reply that had the body been re­ moved by order of any one of these persons, its location would have been certified and proof presented when the city was in an uproar and the authorities nonplused by the persistent affirmation of the disciples that Jesus had arisen from the grave and was alive. The only theory of the empty tomb that is supported by the evidence is that the dead body of Jesus awoke to life and left the tomb.

asked if they had anything to eat. They gave Him a piece of broiled fish, which He took and ate before them (Luke 24:39-43). All these five appearances occurred on the day of His resurrection. Thomas had not been present when Jesus appeared to the disciples and he refused to believe their testimony. A week later the disciples were again assem­ bled, and Thomas with them, the doors being closed. Jesus suddenly appeared in the midst. Addressing Thomas, He said, “Reach hither thy finger, and see my hands; and reach hither thy hand and put it into my side; and be not faithless but believing.” Thomas, thoroughly convinced that it was Jesus alive, exclaimed, “My Lord and my God!” Jesus said to him, “Because you have seen me you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed” (John 20:24-29). T estimony of J esus ’ P ost -R esurrection A ppearances Another appearance was by the Sea of Galilee, where Jesus fed seven of the disciples with fish which He had cooked (John 21:9-12). The next recorded appearance was in a mountain of Galilee, at a place which He had designated. The eleven apostles were there certainly. And the probabilities are that there were more than five hundred in the company. The appearance of James, the Lord’s brother, may be referred to next. James did not believe in Jesus before His death; but he is found in the company of believers immediately after the ascension. This appearance to James is a natural explanation of the radical change in his attitude toward Jesus. The last appearance specifically referred to in the Gospels is that which was made to the eleven apostles and which ended in the ascension into the heavens. The Record clearly indicates that there were other appearances which are not described or even mentioned in its pages (see John 20: 30, 31; Acts 1 :3). That the disciples believed, that they saw their Lord alive after His crucifixion is very evident. It is equally clear that they were convinced of His physical resurrec­ tion. They testify that they saw His body, handled it, heard His voice, ate with Him of food which He had prepared, and saw Him eat of food which they gave Him. The disciples had not at the first expected their Lord to arise from the dead. They were persistent unbelievers in the resurrection, and were driven to faith only by con­ vincing and overwhelming proofs. The first reports brought by the women were regarded as “idle talk” (Luke 24:10, 11). Even when Jesus appeared in the midst of the company on the evening of His resurrection, they would not believe it was He, but supposed they saw a spirit. The Lord upbraided them for their unbelief and proved that He was present in His material body by eat­ ing a piece of fish in their presence (Luke 24:39-43). F utile E fforts to D isprove T he R esurrection Faced by these witnesses to the resurrection, and noting their evident sincerity, there have been men who admitted that the disciples saw Jesus after His crucifixion, but contend that He had not actually died: that it was a case of swoon or suspended animation. They suggest that in the cool atmosphere of the tomb He regained conscious­ ness and rejoined His disciples. Dr. David Friedrich Strauss shows the absurdity of this suggestion. “It is impossible,” he declares, “that a being who had stolen half dead out of the sepulcher, who crept about weak and ill, wanting medical treatment, who required bandaging, strengthening and indulgence, and who still at last yielded to His sufferifigs, could have given to the disciples the impression that he was a conqueror

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^ S T O R E D B y L. S. H anna Lampang, Siam

In the account of Jesus’ appearing- by the sea of Galilee after His resurrection, as told in John 21:1-17, there are two words used, both of which are translated as “love” in the. English; however, there is a significance in the different words used. Twice Jesus asked Peter “Do you love me?”, using the strongest Greek word for love. Each time Peter answered, “I like you,” using a much weaker expression. The third time Jesus changed His question so that He used the same word that Peter had used—“Do you like Me?” ’Twas early morn on Galilee;

A second time the Master asked: “Lovest thou me?” So I was cast In deeper shame, for then I knew My words to Him did not ring tru e : For had I not to Him made vow “Though all forsake my Lord, I ’ll bow My head in death, if that’s Thy lot” ? And then, in fear, “I know Him not” ? So pledge of love I found no word But this, “Thou know’st I like my Lord.” “If thou speak true,” the Lord replied, “Go tend My sheep for whom I died.” As I had thrice my Lord denied On that dread night before He died, The risen Christ did thrice inquire With words that purged my soul as fire; But wondrous love He here displayed, Nor with that word my soul dismayed: “Dost like your Lord ?” He kindly asked. I said while tears were falling fast, “Thou know’st all things in earth and sky; Thou know’st I like Thee, Lord, and why.” “If thou speak true,” my Lord replied, “Feed thou my sheep for whom I died.” Full many years have passed since then; (He left me here to dwell with men That they may know His grace divine) I ’ve ne’er forgot the joy sublime When I first knew the wondrous fact That He forgave the sinful act, And in His love abounding free Restored me, there by Galilee. To many men in many lands I ’ve told of wounds in side and hands, And of His death who life supplied; I ’ve fed His sheep for whom He died.

All night we’d fished in vain; you see The Lord had called three years before, While standing on this very shore, That we should go and fish for men: But now we sought our nets again And tried to hide the grief, and loss Of hopes proved vain by Calvary’s Cross. For had we not ambition known To sit with Christ on David’s throne ? All hope and power was then denied In that dark hour when Jesus died. While thus we worked—our hearts all sore— We saw One standing on the shore; A fire was there, and fish and bread; With kindly voice the Stranger said, “My children, have ye aught to eat?” We answered “No.” In tones most sweet He bade “Then cast your net to right.” And though in vain we’d fished all night We found our nets o’er full, and knew ’Twas Christ. Our catch to shore we drew, And round the fire had need supplied By Jesus Christ, who once had died. “Lovest thou Me ?” the Master said; In shame I bowed my craven head; Could I profess a love for One Who knew the crime that I had done? He knew that I, the coward, lied When I my Master thrice denied. Yet now some answer I must make,-rr- ; Speak not of love, nor yet of hate; In life, in death, I bear His bond. So, “Yes, my Lord, of Thee I ’m fond.” “If thou speak true,” the Lord replied, “Go feed My lambs, for whom I died.”

As To R eputed D isagreement of W itnesses Objection is raised again on the ground that the wit­ nesses disagree among themselves as to some of the cir­ cumstances of the resurrection, and that there are dis­ crepancies in the record. Let it be borne imfnind that it is the chief function of a Court of Law in the trial of a cause,, as it should be the chief endeavor of; afi unbiased mind in the investigation of an important matter, to ascer­ tain the real truth as to the main point in issue. Judge

and jury are expected to keep the main point clearly before the mind and. not allow it to be lost sight of or obscured by irrelevant matter or minor questions. The skill and ingenuity of counsel whose side is weak is too often exercised in befogging the issue or transferring the attention of the jury to a false issue. In the case before us the point at issue is, Did Jesus arise from the dead in His natural body? Let not the mind be diverted from that point. If the witnesses have not been discredited as men-

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for the encouragement of the good and as a terror to evil-doers. In talking with men of other faiths, I have found that the resurrection of Jesus is the chief proof of His deity. I have had extended conversations with Jews concerning the claims of Jesiis to Messiahship. Invariably the con­ versation has drifted to the claim of His resurrection. I remember a bright young Jewish lawyer, whom I met and talked with in camp during the World War. He ac­ cepted a copy of the New Testament and was reading the record of the resurrection. Another Jew, whom I met in camp, had been trained to become a rabbi, but had lost his faith and become an atheist. We had several pro­ longed conversations. He also took a New Testament and promised to read the Life of Jesus, and, especially, the account of His resurrection. The last word I remember him saying was, “I cannot pray to God, but I am praying to your Jesus.” C hrist ’ s D eity P roved by H is R esurrection While on a trip to the Orient I made it a point to talk with representatives of the Eastern faiths with whom I could converse in the English language. There stands out in my memory the case of the Hindu priest at Rama- patnam, with whom I talked on the comparative merits of Hinduism and Christianity. The resurrection of Jesus emerged as the supreme proof of His deity. Going from Korea to Japan I formed the acquaintance of a young Japanese official. After he had satisfied him­ self that I was not a spy, we became good enough friends to talk on the subject of Christianity. Here again the argument gravitated to the claim of the resurrection, in which he became deeply interested. When the Son of God came to earth to establish the kingdom of heaven among men He accredited His divine authority by irrefutable proofs, chief among them being His resurrection from the dead in bodily form (Acts 2 :22- 24). The representative of Christ who has no faith in His resurrection will have small part in extending the con­ quests of His kingdom. Before entering the Gospel ministry I was engaged in the practice of law, and I am convinced that from the lawyer’s viewpoint the life of Jesus is consistent and har­ monious throughout. It would be surprising if one who did the works which the Record shows that He performed should enter and leave the world as an ordinary mortal. If He was the unique, pre-existent Son of God—as the Bible declares He was—and it was decided in the counsels of eternity that He should take upon Himself our nature for the purpose of human redemption, it would be quite proper that His entrance into the world should be through divine, rather than human, generation. Granting the supernatural birth, then the sinless life and the miraculous works should occasion no surprise. But it would be sur­ prising if He should die as ordinary mortals die and His divinely conceived body should undergo corruption. The Virgin Birth, the sinless life, the miraculous works, and the bodily resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ are con­ sistent and harmonious. Give up any of them and you will be driven finally to abandon them all, and with them the deity of our Lord and His atonement for sin. “ I n C hrist J esus S hall A ll B f . M ade A live ” There is a beautiful significance in thè physical resur­ rection of our Lord. It is a pledge of the resurrection of the body of every believer. The process of resurrection is mysterious, but none the less certain. Throughout the natural life the human body is changed many times in its constituent particles, the tissues being worn away and

tally incompetent or morally unreliable; if there is no disagreement of the witnesses on the point at issue; if no collusion or improper influence has been shown; then their testimony stands and is credible. This asserted disagreement among the witnesses is not, however, borne out by the facts. On the contrary, there is a beautiful harmony, such as is produced by a skilled orchestra composed of many instruments, every one of which contributes its particular part to the symphony. T he R esurrection A n A ccepted F act We do well here to remind ourselves that the Gospel narratives were not written primarily as a carefully,con­ structed proof of the resurrection of the Lo rd ; but rather to tell how the event occurred and how the disciples were brought to an unshakable belief in this momentous truth. The fifteenth chapter of Paul’s first letter to the Co­ rinthians, which is often cited as an argument for the resurrection of Jesus, makes no attempt to prove that fact. It is an argument for the resurrection of believers, and is based on the accepted fact that Jesus arose from the dead. Paul declares that if Christ did not arise, then the whole argument falls to pieces and the Christian “ faith is vain.” “But now hath Christ been raised from the dead,” as was unanimously agreed among the Christians of Paul’s day, and it is to "be noted that the resurrection of which Paul is writing here is clearly a resurrection of the body. With legal insight Paul sensed the fact that the resur­ rection of Jesus is the keystone in the arch of the temple of the Christian faith. In his greatest doctrinal epistle, —to the Romans,—Paul bases the divine authority of Jesus on His resurrection (Romans 1 :4). Everywhere he stresses this truth. He shows the doctrine contained in the Old Testament Scriptures—in “The Prophets and Moses” (Acts 26:22, 23). He quotes and applies the second and sixteenth Psalms definitely to the resurrection of Jesus (Acts 13:30-37 and Psalms 2 :7 ; 16:10). In his defense before Agrippa, he appeals to the general belief of the Jews in a resurrection of the dead. The climax o f .his sermon on Mars Hill in Athens is the resurrection. And it is pertinent to remark that it was at this doctrine that the Athenians “mocked,” as some men are mocking in these days. “T h e N atural M an R eceiveth N ot ” The man of the so-called “modern mind” professes to be unable to accept the physical resurrection of Jesus, because in his thinking it would be unscientific to do so : “A miracle would violate the laws of nature.” It must not be forgotten that there are spiritual laws as authoritative and binding as the natural laws. And it should be borne in mind that science does not presume to dogmatize in the spiritual realm. She frankly confesses that the whole realm of the material is not yet charted: vast stretches of territory lie undiscovered. No less authorities than Huxley and John Stuart Mill affirm that there is no scientific impossibility in miracle; that it is purely a question of evidence (Huxley, “Con­ troverted Questions,” pages 258, 269; Mill’s Logic, book 3, chapter 25). With this opinion a lawyer can heartily agree. It would be perfectly competent to come into a court of law with evidence to prove that a living man had died. It would be equally competent to introduce evi­ dence to prove that a dead man had come to life. The evidence would be received and duly considered in either case. As a pastor, battling for many years against sin, I am persuaded that this modern world needs a Saviour and Lord of supernatural power and divine authority, both

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