King's Business - 1929-03

March 1929


T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s

^ S T O R E D B y L. S. H anna Lampang, Siam

In the account of Jesus’ appearing- by the sea of Galilee after His resurrection, as told in John 21:1-17, there are two words used, both of which are translated as “love” in the. English; however, there is a significance in the different words used. Twice Jesus asked Peter “Do you love me?”, using the strongest Greek word for love. Each time Peter answered, “I like you,” using a much weaker expression. The third time Jesus changed His question so that He used the same word that Peter had used—“Do you like Me?” ’Twas early morn on Galilee;

A second time the Master asked: “Lovest thou me?” So I was cast In deeper shame, for then I knew My words to Him did not ring tru e : For had I not to Him made vow “Though all forsake my Lord, I ’ll bow My head in death, if that’s Thy lot” ? And then, in fear, “I know Him not” ? So pledge of love I found no word But this, “Thou know’st I like my Lord.” “If thou speak true,” the Lord replied, “Go tend My sheep for whom I died.” As I had thrice my Lord denied On that dread night before He died, The risen Christ did thrice inquire With words that purged my soul as fire; But wondrous love He here displayed, Nor with that word my soul dismayed: “Dost like your Lord ?” He kindly asked. I said while tears were falling fast, “Thou know’st all things in earth and sky; Thou know’st I like Thee, Lord, and why.” “If thou speak true,” my Lord replied, “Feed thou my sheep for whom I died.” Full many years have passed since then; (He left me here to dwell with men That they may know His grace divine) I ’ve ne’er forgot the joy sublime When I first knew the wondrous fact That He forgave the sinful act, And in His love abounding free Restored me, there by Galilee. To many men in many lands I ’ve told of wounds in side and hands, And of His death who life supplied; I ’ve fed His sheep for whom He died.

All night we’d fished in vain; you see The Lord had called three years before, While standing on this very shore, That we should go and fish for men: But now we sought our nets again And tried to hide the grief, and loss Of hopes proved vain by Calvary’s Cross. For had we not ambition known To sit with Christ on David’s throne ? All hope and power was then denied In that dark hour when Jesus died. While thus we worked—our hearts all sore— We saw One standing on the shore; A fire was there, and fish and bread; With kindly voice the Stranger said, “My children, have ye aught to eat?” We answered “No.” In tones most sweet He bade “Then cast your net to right.” And though in vain we’d fished all night We found our nets o’er full, and knew ’Twas Christ. Our catch to shore we drew, And round the fire had need supplied By Jesus Christ, who once had died. “Lovest thou Me ?” the Master said; In shame I bowed my craven head; Could I profess a love for One Who knew the crime that I had done? He knew that I, the coward, lied When I my Master thrice denied. Yet now some answer I must make,-rr- ; Speak not of love, nor yet of hate; In life, in death, I bear His bond. So, “Yes, my Lord, of Thee I ’m fond.” “If thou speak true,” the Lord replied, “Go feed My lambs, for whom I died.”

As To R eputed D isagreement of W itnesses Objection is raised again on the ground that the wit­ nesses disagree among themselves as to some of the cir­ cumstances of the resurrection, and that there are dis­ crepancies in the record. Let it be borne imfnind that it is the chief function of a Court of Law in the trial of a cause,, as it should be the chief endeavor of; afi unbiased mind in the investigation of an important matter, to ascer­ tain the real truth as to the main point in issue. Judge

and jury are expected to keep the main point clearly before the mind and. not allow it to be lost sight of or obscured by irrelevant matter or minor questions. The skill and ingenuity of counsel whose side is weak is too often exercised in befogging the issue or transferring the attention of the jury to a false issue. In the case before us the point at issue is, Did Jesus arise from the dead in His natural body? Let not the mind be diverted from that point. If the witnesses have not been discredited as men-

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