King's Business - 1929-03

if UIOLA INVITES \Z L S Every Prospective Student To Enjoy the Blessing of Instruction in the Word of God All courses of study are built around the Bible. Biblical Introduction, Synthesis, Bible Doctrine, and Christian Evidences are required courses in all departments. Other Bible Courses offered in certain classes. Instruction in all other subjects keeps to the fore the light they throw on the Book and the larger ability they give for understanding and using the Word in a soul-saving and soul-building ministry. The two-year course includes 304 hours of study in the English Bible.

Training in Methods of Service The several courses of study offered, including The General Course, The C h r i s t i a n Education, Missions, M u s i c , and Pastors’ Courses; pre­ pare those who complete them for Leadership in the Educational Pro­ gram of the Church, for direction of Music in the local Church and Evan­ gelistic Field, for Mis­ sion Service at home and abroad, and for all- around use wherever the Lord may lead.

An Unexcelled Faculty The Faculty of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles is composed of men and women of God, of real consecration, possessed of spiritual power, highly trained, widely expe­ rienced, and of interna­ tional reputation. No one finds a p l a c e on the teaching staff o f the In ­ stitute who d o e s not w h o l e-heartedly sub­ scribe to the fundamen­ tals of the Christian Faith as outlined in the Statement of Doctrine held by B. I. O. L. A. since its founding.

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Abundant Material Provision School activities are conducted in commodious build­ ings which in size," location and general arrangement are exceptionally well adapted for such use. Living quarters for both men and women are provided—single rooms comfortably furnished. Table board is ample in quantity and excellent in quality.

The Finest of Christian Fellowship A carefully selected student body brings together young men and women of one heart and mind in loyalty to Christ, and desire to serve Him. Classroom activities, social life, group and private devoitons and dormitory life—all notably reveal the Presence of the Holy Spirit and the fruitage of His gracious work.

ATI. OF THIS OFFERED AT A VERY REASONABLE PRICE No tuition fees. Nominal registration and nurse and hospital fees.

For Bulletin containing full information address Extension Department

E I E L E I N J T I T E I T E C E L C I A N G E L E X Five-thirty-six to Five-fifty-eight South Hope Street, Los Angeles, California ^ . CW

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