King's Business - 1929-03

March 1929


T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s




Rejoicing For Transformed Lives NE of the most fruitful branches of the Evan­ gelistic Department of the Institute is the Euodia Clubs. These clubs, numbering sixty or more, are composed of high-school and Junior high-school girls, who meet in their respective clubs each week for the purpose of studying the Word and becoming rooted and grounded in the great fundamentals of the faith and of Christian liv­ ing. A well-defined course of study is followed so that in the cycle of four years during which they attend high school, the whole Bible is covered. Many wonderful, stirring testimonies come to the Cars of the Euodia teachers, and as the Holy Spirit works in the hearts and lives of these young people it is a constant joy to see the transformation in their lives. It is an animated witness to the fact that the Word, faithfully taught, is ever powerful to convict of sin, present a living Saviour and, by His power, to make a new creature of even the most seemingly hopeless girl. So the Euodia work, with all its difficulties and real problems, is carried on with happy hearts—there is so much to cheer and gladden. One teacher reports special blessing as the story of Cain and Abel was presented to the class. The fact that it was on the ground of the OFFERING that one man was accepted before the Lord and the other rejected, and that it did not depend on the character of the man, was a fact that easily carried over to the great truth that unless Jesus Christ is accepted as our Substitute and Saviour we, too, are rejected before the Lord. “My hope is built on nothing less Than Jesus’ blood and righteousness.” Several girls in the class of that teacher have accepted Jesus Christ as Saviour, and several more have sur­ rendered their lives to the care and guidance of the Lord and are willing to let Him map out the plan for their lives. Others are learning the value of prayer and are solving their problems by praying. Their faith and the faith of the whole class is strengthened as the testimonies about answered prayer are given. Faint hearts are encour­ aged to take their burdens to the Lord, and also their joys, for He loves to share those too. In the words of the teacher herself, “We thank God for past victories and look forward with confidence to the new year. We covet your prayers to the end that many girls who have accepted Christ may be built up in the faith and may live closer to the Master—that 1929 may be a great year of fruit bear­ ing for Him.” Faithfulness Bearing Fruit TT was a cheering and refreshing message that Miss Marie Carter, our Field Representative in the Bay Dis­ trict around San Francisco, brought us while spending a few days in Los Angeles recently. She summed up the year’s work with the verse “Hitherto hath the Lord helped — o —

us.” It has been His work and He has fostered and pro­ tected it and caused it to grow. Her part has been as an enthusiastic, prayerful instrument in the hands of the Lord to work out His pleasure in that field. The work is varied, Miss Carter explained. It includes Eteri Clubs for the college young women in Berkeley and Oakland, adult classes, and Sunday-school work. Special speaking, too, in the various churches is part of her work. “It is wonderful how girls’ lives have been changed,” said Miss Carter. “In one class were four girls, one a graduate of high school last year, who had never pre­ viously been in a Christian church in their lives, did not know one verse of Scripture, and had never learned a Christian hymn. We tried to show them Jesus Christ, and they gave unmistakable evidence that they had been saved, and their mother joined the church with them. Out of a family of five, four joined the Presbyterian Church. | “One class is in a hard section, far beyond the factory district. At the last meeting some one would be a miracle if we could get a class there. At that time the epidemic was worse than here. We had seven out at the meeting. One who was ill sent her regards; two others were nursing sick people—so we would have had ten, and the class has only been organized since last November. “The Lord is saving souls. The Lord is giving the in­ crease to all who wait upon Him and present His Word— and always because of the difficulties there I hold the promise, ‘My Word shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.’ We are asking your prayers for San Francisco and the Bay District.” It Shall Not Return Void T HE Lord is blessing the Shop Work “exceeding abun­ dantly” these days. Several of the men who have been attending the meetings have accepted Jesus Christ as their Saviour recently, and one young man consecrated his life to the Lord. In one place it was hard to get permission to hold the meetings, but after prayer and talking to the manager permission was granted. The reason for the reluctance on the part of the manager was that he realized it would be a hard group of men to work with. They seemed to care for nothing but gambling and smoking. It was a very unpromising field as the manager depicted it, but the workers had seen the Gospel reach men who are as sin- hardened and wicked as these men were reported to be, so, undaunted, they set out for the meeting. Mr. Stuchbery, in reporting the meeting, said: “The workers arrived with bags, organ and tracts. The office crew was eating lunch and talking. We asked them to come to the meeting but they would not. The shop crew lived up to their reputation, for they were gathered in groups shooting craps. One group had dice and the other money. When they saw us they started to leave. I told them that we were going to have a meeting and urged them to stay. Some of them stayed and we gathered around the fire where the rubbish was being burned. We -— o —

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