King's Business - 1929-03

March 1929


T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

But Jacob could not sleep. He could not even lie down. He was in a thousand minds. He was tossed with tempest, and not comforted. And when he had taken the decisive step of crossing the Jabbok, and when his household had all laid them down to sleep—Jacob was left alone, and Jacob set himself to “watch and pray." He deliberately, and of set purpose, pre­ pared himself for a whole night of prayer. “But thou, when thou prayest,” said our Lord, “enter into thy closet and shut thy door.” Well, that was just what Jacob did that night, and I suspect that he had not done so much as that for the past twenty years. “Leave me alone,” he said. There are seasons in our lives when true prayer demands time and place and prep­ aration and solitude. Whenever any really serious business has hold of us, we have no scruple in saying that we must be let alone.— Alexander Whyte, D.D. Let us notice how God makes His eagles. God makes all things by a plan in His own mind. The first step in the process of an eagle saint is to stir up the nest. When the young eagles have become large enough to fly, the mother bird forces them out of the soft nest by tear­ ing away the soft lining and throwing everything out of the nest that would make it comfortable, and letting the young birds down on the sharp sticks and thorns so that they become dissatisfied with their home. This is the way God deals with those of His servants that He calls into close and heroic union with Himself. God takes away the soft things on which we lean, the dear old props of nature, of friends, of old forms, and old ceremonies and old comforts. He undermines our natural foundations and lets us down on the bare rock. If God did not thus stir our nest, we would be unwilling to move out into His realm. Abraham is a pattern, and He was God’s immigrant, and all true saints are immigrants nest of natural things intothe upper air of the things of God.— G. D. Watson. March 27— “And the Lord saith unto me, Behold, I have begun to give . . . . begin to possess, that thou mayest inherit his land” (Deut. 2:31). “I have begun to give.” I look upon this as the exact description of what God has done. He has “begun has given His Son; He has given His. Spirit; He has given “all things,” not only to the Church, but to each individual case. Now then, “begin to possess!” As we take more, He gives more, and the reason why many have so little, is because when He began to give they did not begin to possess. They took from Him at first, but they did not go on taking, and so they did not receive more. There is another passage in Isaiah 64:7: “There is none that stirreth up himself to take hold of Thee.” This is what we want—to stir up ourselves . . . . .1 would join with this another passage. It is Revelation 22:17: “If any man thirst, let him take the water of life freely.” “TAKE.” It is the old Bible story still; the same as in Deuter- March 26— “As an eagle that stirreth up her nest” (Deut. 32:11).

away till I felt sure I had had an audi­ ence. And I sometimes felt as sure that I was having an audience as if He had been before me in the body.”— Alexander Whyte, D.D. —o— March 22— “Yea, they spake against God : they said, Can God furnish a table in the wilderness?” (Psalms 78:19). They said, “Can God?” It hurt and wounded God so deeply that he has print­ ed it in His Book. Say no more, “Can God ?” Rather say this, “God can 1” That will clear up many a problem. That will bring you through many a difficulty in your life.— C. A. Fox. — o— March 23— "I exhort that . . . suppli­ cations, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men” (1 Tim. 2 : 1 ) . When God gives grace to souls, it is in answer to the prayers of His children. You will see this on the day of Pentecost; Ezek. 37:9 shows that, in answer to the prayer of a single child of God, God will give grace to a whole valley full of dry and prayerless bones. When God puts it into the heart of His children to pray, it is certain that He is going to pour down His Spirit in abundance. Now, where have been your prayers, O children of God? The salvation of those around you depends on your asking, and yet “hitherto ye have asked nothing in Christ’s name.” —Robert Murray McCheyne. —o— March 24— "Filled unto all the fulness of God” (Eph. 3:19). Many times I have stood upon the sea­ shore when the tide has been out. I have walked into the caves; I have examined the inlets and indentations in the rocky shore; I have peered into the little bays and basins, hollowed in the rock by the pounding of the boulders, but now empty and dry, excepting for the remains of some stranded shellfish and withered sea­ weed. I have waited until the tide has rolled majestically in; filling every inlet and indentation, pouring over and over­ flowing every bay and basin. I have had to climb out of the way, for the white- crested waves were flooding the caves and penetrating the clefts of the rock. The whole shore was completely submerged by the ever-rising sea of waters. That is a picture of what the Spirit of God will do in your nature if you will only allow Him. He will fill every void. He will flood every part of your inner man, your understand­ ing, your emotions, and your will with tides of divine energy. He will turn your inability into ability, your incapacity into capacity, your feebleness into strength; and He will do it now if you will only ask Him, for this is His loved Word.—■ J. G. M. “Father, by this blessed filling, Dwell, Thyself, in me, I pray! I am waiting, Thou art willing! Fill me with Thyself today!”

AT HOME! L et us tell you how you can quickly and easily learn to play your favorite instrum ent, rig h t in your own home and in your spare time. Music will m ake you popular, welcomed every­ w here, and offer many big-moneyopportunities. E a sy a s A -B -C You need know nothing about music to begin. We give you personal, individual instruction right from the start and guarantee your satisfaction. You will be surprised and delighted that music can be made so easy and fascinating. Courses in Piano,V iolin,V oice,Trum pet, M ando­ lin, O rgan, Bt,_jo, Tenor Banjo, Spanish G uitar, H aw aiian G uitar. Surprisingly low cost; easy terms. Send for Our New Catalog Today It will tell you all about this great School—now in its 25th successful year—and the wonderful National Academy Method that has meant success to over 200,000 enthusiastic students. Send for it right now, while you think of it. It is FREE. NATIONAL ACADEM Y O F MUSIC Dept, 2 0 0 702 East 41st Street, Chicago D E A G A N f i ■Standard Sets $4375up. A living memorial—a lasting tribute. | Write for information. _r J. C. DEAGAN, Inc. 191 D eagan B uilding, C hicago Piayed Direct From Organ -, P R O F I T S For Your Cliixrcli Organization GOTTSCMALK’S METAL SPONGE RIG. UL9. RAT. OFF. ‘TheModern Dish Cloth” WRITE FOR FULL INFORMATION— MBTAL spo n g e sa le s c o r p o r a t io n ^ « - DEPT A - LEHIGH AND MASCHER STREETS . . . PHlLAjw O rder E a r ly Your Ea s te r COMMUNION CUPS G la sse s $1.00 ^ D o zen . T ra y a n d 36" g lasses $6.50 u p . B e st T R IA L O U T F IT . W rite f o r fre e C a ta lo g ^ THOMAS COMMUNION CO.,Box 542 ,Uma,Ohlo 5000 WANTED to sell Bibles, Testaments, good books and hand­ some velvet Scripture mottoes. Good commission. Send fo r F ree C atalog an d P rice L ist GEORGE W . NOBLE, PUBLISHER D ept. N o. 7C, M onon Bldg., C hicago, I1L a u a lity C o lle c tio n and B re ac h P la te s a t lo w p ric e s. S e n d fo r

from theold

to give” ;He

Our new address: No. 207 N. Wells St. ICHURCH FURNITURE Everythingfor ChurchandSundaySchool j use»FromFactorytoYou. Finecatalog free. DeMoulin Bros* 8C Co. 1151 South4th St., Greenville, Illinois M

March 25— “So went the present over before Jacob; and himself lodged that night in the company” (Gen. 32:21).

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