King's Business - 1929-03

March 1929


T he

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s

onomy, “Begin to possess” ; as in Isaiah, “Take hold” of God; and here is almost the closing word of Scripture the same, “Take!’’ “Taking” means appropriating. .............Take the case of Elijah. God fed him by ravens by the brook side, then He fed him by the widow who had not any­ thing to feed him with, for God is able to give even through the instrumentality of those who have nothing of their own. All this was that He might get him into the habit of “taking.” He fed him with mir­ acle bread, .that he might learn to be en­ tirely at the disposal of God.— Rev. C. A. Fox. March 28— “A ll things work together for good,” (Romans 8:28). Do let us try to take up the sealed sorrow that has been dropped into our hearts, saying trustfully, “God’s angel has left this for me. It will have some bless­ ing inside.”; “The ills we see, the mysteries of Provi­ dence, deep and long, The dark enigmas of permitted wrong, have all one key. . This strange sad world is but our Fa­ ther’s school— All chance and change—that love shall grandly overrule.” — Selected. This needless anxiety may stand as a common type of innumerable worries con­ cerning difficulties which never arrive. How anxiously these women had grappled with the disturbing problem of their own weakness! They yearned to do the last love-service to the dear body of their Lord. “But who will roll us away the stone? We shall not be able to move it! And no one will be about at this early hourl It will be still dark and the gar­ dener will not have come to his work! We may take our spices to the grave, but the stone barrier will mock our weak­ ness, and we shall have to turn home again!” And so they fretted and worried, and, worrying, they went to the tomb. “And they found the stone rolled away from the sepulchre. For the angel of the Lord descended from heaven and came and rolled back the stone from the door.” All their worry had been quite unnecessary. The difficulty which they had foreseen never arrived. And that is only one example of countless others in which we bother about things for which our Father has made ample provision.— Dr. J. H. Jowett. March 30— “We trusted” (Luke 24:21). I have always felt so sorry that in that walk to Emmaus the disciples had not said to Jesus, “We still trust,” instead of “we trusted.” That is so sad—something that is all over. If they had only said, “Everything is against our hope; it looks as if our trust was vain, but we do not give up ; we be­ lieve we shall see Him again.” But no, they walked by His side declaring their lost faith, and He had to say to them, “O fools, and slow of heart to believe 1” Are we not in the same danger of hav­ ing these words said to us? We can af­ ford to lose anything and everything if we do not lose our faith in the God of truth and love. Let us never put our faith, as these dis- March 29—" Who shall roll us away the stonet” (Mark 16:3).

An Income Assured —

The Bible Befriended

Your gift on the annu­ ity basis to the Amer­ ican Bible Society will assure you a guaran­ teed income of from 4% to 9% as long as you live. Ultimately your g i f t will be released for the important and essential w o r k of translating, publishing and distrib­ uting t h e Scriptures thereby h e l p i n g to make the Bible more widely and more easily available. Twenty-seven q u e s ­ tions similar to those in t h e opposite column are answered in the booklet “Bibles a n d Bonds,” a c o p y of which is yours upon re­ quest. Write for book­ let No. 1-J.

? What is an Annuity • Bond Agreement?

9 A r e Annuity B o n d • Agreements unques­ tionably safe?

? .D o men of recognized • business ability secure Annuity Bond Agree­ ments from the Amer­ ican Bible Society? 9 What will money in- • vested in A n n u i t y Bond A g r e e m e n t s eventually accomplish through the American Bible Society? 9 What advantages do • Annuity Bond Agree­ ments have over many forms of investments ? Are A n n u i t y Bond • Agreements r e c o m- mended as a source of income for widows and persons unfamiliar with financial matters?

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