King's Business - 1929-03

Students everywhere say enthusiastically about Thompson’s Chain Reference B IBLE Because it helps you find the Truths you seek and it makes their meaning clear— Because it turns the Searchlight of Knowledge and Understanding on the pages of HOLY SCRIPTURE. ONLY BIBLE WITH TEXT CYCLOPEDIA A com prehensive encyclopedia of Bible te x ts an d related in ­ fo rm atio n grouped an d classified u nder easy su b ject headings. A condensed reference lib rary in itself. N othing like it ever attem p ted . F ru it of fifteen y ears of devoted effort. Com bines all th e reference chains of over 100,000 individual references, each chain com plete u nder its topic, to g eth er w ith general Bible inform ation, d ictio n ary m aterial, biographical sketches, Bible readings, an d com prehensive tre a tm e n t of d octrines, places, m anners an d custom s. CHAIN REFERENCE SYSTEM qu ick ly a n d easily to follow an y th o u g h t, to p ic o r c h arac te r stra ig h t th ro u g h th e Bible. O nly R eference S ystem in existence th a t does aw ay w ith le tte rs and figures a n d confusing sig n s in th e text. EXPOSITORY VERSE ANALYSIS | | v erse in th e Bible is analyzed in to th o u g h t topics— som e in to a s m any as seven. These a re p rin ted in th e reference colum n d irectly opposite th e verse. Being b o th suggestive an d ex ­ p o sito ry , they th ro w lig h t on hidden tru th s. FULL BIBLE LIBRARY IN ONE VOLUME T u rn s th e search lig h t of know ledge and u n d erstan d in g on th e p ag es of H oly S cripture. L eads you to v ital tru th s an d c la ri­ fies th eir m eaning. C ontains full Bible te x t (K ing Jam es) A uthorized V ersion, an d th e equivalent of 3,200 colum ns of reference d a ta , B ible H elps, etc., o r th e equal of over 800 pages. Y ou r i s k nothing. A f t e r th ree d ay s’ tria l, if you w ish to re tu rn th e Bible for an y reason, y o u r m oney will be p rom p tly refunded, plus postage. D T P 1 7 0 1 7 1 7 D D A Y C ontains sam ple Bible p ag es a n d r K i l e - P V M i i full description. D on’t buy a n y Bible u n til you have ou r illu strated book an d a re fam iliar w ith th e exclusive featu res of th e Thom pson C hain R eference Bible. MAIL COUPON NOW B.B.KIRKBRIDE BIBLE CO. K 18D. Meridian Life Building, Indianapolis, Ind.

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