Orange County Insight February 2024

Feel Connected to History at the African American Commemorative Park

By: Orange County Communications

Another worthy stop while celebrating Black History Month can be found at the intersection of Church and Chapman streets in the Town of Orange. Here lies a unique commemorative park focused on bringing recognition to the vibrant history and culture of Orange ’ s historic African American commercial and residential district. Following a groundbreaking ceremony in February 2022, the park officially opened later

that same year, on Juneteenth. Features of the park include historical signage focusing on elements of African American life in the area, which centered around Chapman, Church, and Mill streets, along with Railroad Avenue. On these streets, African Americans, not permitted to access many of the businesses on the other side of town, created their own opportunities through entrepreneurship and determination. A plaque near one of the benches features a poem by Lulabelle Robinson, titled Mill Street (featured on the cover of this issue), which transports the reader back in time and helps make clear the strength of the community. Those interested in sinking their teeth into additional history should view the Orange Uncovered series. Mill Street features prominently in the “ Potato Salad Sandwich ” episode, which focuses on the power of food when it comes to uniting communities and cultures. This dish, created from a fusion of African American, English, and German flavors and techniques, was a lunchtime favorite in the area. It was known to sell out quickly when prepared by home cooks. For more information about this park and other projects, visit the Orange County African American Historical Society at

Page 11 | February 2024

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