Orange County Insight February 2024

Winter One - disc - erland Hosts a Flurry of Participants

By: Joe Falin, Programs & Facilities Manager, Orange County Parks & Recreation

On Saturday, January 27, Orange County Parks & Recreation hosted our annual Winter One - disc - erland Disc Golf Tournament. This year ’ s tournament was our most participated - in disc golf activity ever, with 39 entrants filling out seven flights. Each participant in the tournament received a commemorative disc, a wall hanger for their disc (courtesy of regular participant and friend of the course Mike Richardson), a golf towel, and a mini disc. The top three finishers in each of the seven

flights received a gift card to a local area restaurant. Top finishers in the Champions Flight received additional prizes from Dynamic Discs. The

weather was as good as anyone could hope for in late January. Participants enjoyed a spring - like, sunny day with temperatures as high as 61 degrees.

For the Winter One - disc - erland Disc Golf Tournament, participants are only allowed to use the provided commemorative disc during play (hence the “ one - disc ” name). Information on the make and model of this disc is kept secret until check - in. For this year ’ s tournament, the disc was manufactured by tournament sponsor Dynamic Discs. The make of the disc was a Prime Burst EMAC Truth midrange disc. The provision of a midrange disc allowed players to be comfortable in most situations, with multiple players getting hole - in

Page 13 | February 2024

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