Orange County Insight February 2024

- ones during their round.

Determining the winner of the Champions Flight, and the overall winner of the tournament, came down to a throw - off between Caleb Roberts and Thomas Forrester who both shot a 44 (11 under par). In the end, it was Caleb Roberts that won the throw - off and took home the crown of tournament champion. Not far behind Roberts and Forrester was our third - place finisher, Brady Finnegan, with a score of 45 (10 under par).

Excitingly, the Champions Flight throw - off to determine the overall winner was not the only throw - off we saw that day. Between the six remaining flights, nine additional “ Top 3” spots were decided in that manner, which made for an exhilarating end to the tournament. Altogether, 20 of the 39 players participated in a throw - off to determine their final standing in their respected flight. Orange County Parks & Recreation ’ s next disc golf related activity will be the “ Spring Fling ” tournament held on Saturday, April 20, 2024, where each participant will have the option to purchase a plastic egg containing a mystery modifier for their second round. For more information about OCPR programs and activities, please visit us online at or give us a call at (540) 672 - 5435.

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