Orange County Insight February 2024

Two Orange County Locations Selected for VBAF Grants

By: Orange County Communications

Two locations in Orange County have been selected to benefit from Virginia Brownfields Restoration and Economic Redevelopment Assistance Fund (VBAF) Site Remediation Grants totaling over $600,000!

The selected locations are the former Virginia Metal Industries property on Old Gordonsville Road and the former Earl ’ s Glass Shop at the intersection of Caroline and West Church streets in the Town of Orange. Receiving these grant awards was a major economic win for Orange County. Six total locations were chosen across Virginia, and Orange County was the only locality to be awarded grant funds for more than one location. More information about this year ’ s grant awards is available in a press release from the Governor ’ s Office.

Brownfields are properties where the presence of hazardous materials, pollution, or contaminants may complicate the reuse or redevelopment of the location. VBAF grants help local governments address these obstacles. Orange County and the Orange County Economic Development Authority will utilize these funds with the aim of making these former commercial locations attractive for new business uses. “ In Orange County, we are always seeking to attract new businesses while preserving the character of our community ’ said Julie Perry, Interim Director of Economic Development and Tourism. “ Rehabilitating brownfields is particularly gratifying work because it occurs at the intersection of old and new. Rehabilitating and reutilizing existing properties to attract new businesses maximizes the utility of our available buildings and allows us to breathe new life into a space, ” she added. “ Ensuring project - ready sites in every region increases Virginia ’ s overall competitiveness and prosperity, and VBAF paves a path for economic opportunity in rural communities across the Commonwealth, ” said Secretary of Commerce and Trade Caren Merrick in the Governor ’ s press release. “ We applaud each of the localities for their commitment to economic development and look forward to the redevelopment of these brownfield sites. ” Visit for more information on the Virginia Brownfield Restoration and Economic Redevelopment Assistance Fund. For more information about these locations, or Economic Development in Orange County, contact the Economic Development Office at (540) 672 - 1238.

Page 21 | February 2024

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