Orange County Insight February 2024

Orange County Board of Supervisors Attend Strategic Planning Retreat

By: Ashley Jacobs, Management Analyst, Orange County Administration

On Saturday, January 20, the members of the Orange County Board of Supervisors came together at the Orange County Airport to begin their strategic planning process for the future of our community: Orange County 2034 . With a 10 - year vision in mind, Board members began the day by identifying their individual priorities and then worked collaboratively to develop the collective priorities of the Board. The discussion included current projects underway, future projects to consider, and a review of past projects that have been completed because of the Board ’ s previously defined vision for Orange County 2022 . Understanding that the Board ’ s decisions will pave the way for future accomplishments, each member worked diligently to identify focus areas, priorities, and immediate action steps. Once the Strategic Plan is finalized and adopted it will be presented to the public through a new tool: ClearPlans - an online publication that will allow for real - time progress updates on goals and action steps. This platform is hosted by ClearGov, the same provider who currently supports Orange County ’ s award - winning online budget document. Incorporating our Strategic Plan into ClearPlans will provide Orange County with the opportunity to be a leader in strategic plan presentation and tracking in the Commonwealth, and will make it easier than ever for residents to stay up to date on goal progress. With transparency and progress at the forefront, staff will work closely with the Board of Supervisors to implement each priority of the Board. For more information on the Board of Supervisors ’ strategic planning process, please reach out to Ted Voorhees, County Administrator, at, or Ashley Jacobs, Management Analyst, at The Board is expected to formally adopt the plan in the coming months.

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