King's Business - 1913-11

Hints and Helps

Divine Love. “Even so it is not the will of your Father which is in heaven, that one of these little ones should perish’ Matt. 18:14 1. Thé Father’s Will. “It is not the will of your Father.” 2. The Saviour’s Love. He yearns for the little odes’ safety. 3. The Holy Spirit’s Word. He has written it. 4. The Source of Joy. The salvation of the children. 5. The Light of Hope. Not one shall perish. The Supreme Question. “What 'must I do to be saved ?” Acts 16:30. ’ This question implies: 1. The fact that man is lost. “What must I do to be saved?’’ 2. That something must be done to be saved. “What must I do to be saved?” 3. : That this something to be done is im­ perative. “What must I do to be saved?” 4. That the penitent soul is willing to do anything to be saved. “What must I do to be saved?” 5. That salvation is a personal matter. “What must / do to be saved?” Acquaintance With God. “Acquaint now thyself with Him, and be at peace, thereby good shall come unto thee” job. 22:21 I. What is implied in this acquaintance? Knowledge. II. The means for attaining it. 1. The Word. . 2. The Spirit’s' influence, 3. Prayer. t 4. Faith in Christ. III. The time to commence it—“Now.”-. 1. It is God’s time. 2. It is the only certain time. IV. The blessed result of it.

Philippians, or the Optimism of Paul. Introduction, 1:1-7. 1. Joy in Prayer, 1»11. 2. ' Good out of 111, 1:12-20. •.3.' Real Life, 1:20-30. 4. Paul’s Full Cup, 2 :l-22. 5. Realizing God’s Plan in Your Life, 2:12-18. 6. Fellowship, 2:19-30. 7. The Holy,Quest,-3 :1-14. 8. Following the Road, 3:15-21. 9. 'the Garrison of Peace, 4:1-9. 10. Paul’s Initiation, 4 :10-23. Soul Winner’s Need.—Prov. 11:13. 1. A clear, joyful experience, Ps. 51:12, 13. The psalmist has lost his. Have you? Joy wins. 2. The touch of *the live ' Coal, Isa. 6 : 5-8. Isaiah’s vision, confession, preparation and call. 3. Wisdom from above, James 1:5; 3 :7. If you lack “ask.” 4. A prayerful reliance on the Holy Spirit,' Acts 1:8. Keep in touch. Listen for his voice. 5. À burden for souls, Ps. 126:6. Go forth weeping. Seed of the word. The result seen, Isa. 55:11. Conditions of Discipleship. —Luke 9:23. 1. Denial of self. Christ’s .other uses of word deny.' Matt. 10:33; Matt. 26:34;- Rev. 2:13; Rev. 3:8. To deny self means'to disown, renounce, dethrone self. 2. Take up his cross daily. Difference between cross and voke. A yoke means service ; a cross sacrifice. After self has been dethroned, it must be put to death. And “daily.” Self may soon work itself loose again: 3. Follow me. Sanie command as to the. fishermen by Galilee. A call not to imita­ tion, primarily, but to obedience. Make me your master. Become my “followers,” my subjects, my servants.— Rev. Balcom Shaw, D. D.

1. Peace. 2. Good.

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