King's Business - 1913-11

The Bible Institute of Los Angeles Thanksgiving.

earth. In the course of the year many steamers every month have started out on their trips along the coast and across the vast seas supplied with the Gospel. Today names of many vessels remind the workers of one, two, sometimes six men, who made their choice for eternity with Him. Hun­ dreds, yes, thousands, have had a personal interview, received the Gospel in print, which we furnish in a dozen languages, and trusting God to give the increase. Only eternity will reveal the measure of His grace. Letters have gone to converts and those in need of more truth. Looking back, we think of a number of men who have gone to meet their God and who cannot be reached. On a half dozen occasions steamers, after being visited for the last time by the workers, have met with disaster. Today a number of them are lying with their dead at the bottom of the sea. The hallways and cabins, once echoing the tread of the feet of God’s mes­ sengers, hold the bodies of some whom only the voice of the resurrection morn will bring from their prison. In many in­ stances men had to battle with all their might to escape from the sinking ships. In those moments we trust God’s message has touched hardened hearts. As God gave strength and time the seed has been sown, and as His children with us will claim the power of intercessory prayer, to that extent will He be glorified. We are in sore need of friends to pray for us in a hard field, among awful sin and hardened hearts, for the next year of serv­ ice, while He tarries. O scar Z im m erm a n . A Letter from Miss Easley. A Former Bible Woman. Dear Mr. Horton :— Your very good letter of June 16th re­ ceived and I was glad to hear of the prog­ ress on the new building and of God’s blessing upon you and Mrs. Horton. The K ing ’ s B u sin ess is a very welcome visitor and I rejoice to know that the Lord is thrusting forth so many of the young peo-

We give thanks to God and the Fath'er for Charles M. Stimson and his magnifi­ cent gift to the Lord through the Institute (see page 509). Pray for him, that grace abounding may be his in the Spirit. Good Words for Professor Peckham. President’s Office, United Society of Christian Endeavor, Tremont Temple, Boston, Aug. 1, 1913. My Dear Professor Peckham:— Allow me on my return to my office to thank you heartily for your very helpful services at our recent Convention in yout city. The Convention Chorus was one of the most attractive features of the Convention. I know that I am speaking not only Tor myself and for my colleagues in this of­ fice, but for thousands bT Christian En- deavorers all over the continent, when I thank you for the help that you gave us in the memorable Convention, “Los An­ geles, 1913.” Faithfully yours, (Signed) F rancis E. C lark . P. S.—We have never had such a chorus as yours. Please thank all the members for me if you have,a chance. The Work in San Pedro Harbor. First Anniversary. With the increased opportunities every day and the Panama Canal nearing com­ pletion, we look back over the year, the first year of service at the Harbor, to praise God for His help, His guidance and His grace, and to bring the great need before all, for real heart-burdened prayer, also to take courage and step out to possess the “land” this coming year. No attempt will be made to give figures except in one or two cases, to show the vastness of the field and the need for prayer. The field and opportunity is "large. On an average of 204 vessels, coast and foreign, entered the port every month last year. In this parish we labored among 108,000 men, coming from ports of all the

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