King's Business - 1913-11



phasizing God’s right to make and carry out His own plans, and the presumption of anyone who willfully preferred his own way instead of God’s way. At the close of the class an unsaved girl from out of town, who had come in with her friend as an in­ different worker, very earnestly testified as to her condition and then and there be­ came a new creation in Christ Jesus, going back to her home with new convictions and new purposes. From a hard life a young Spanish girl was saved to a victorious life, in Jesus Christ. She brought to the mid-week girls’ class an American-born Chinese girl to be saved, and her faith was rewarded. The next week she brought a girl whom she had been seeking for some time. This girl’s mother having withheld her permis­ sion to attend the Bible study, our inde­ fatigable worker wrote the mother a letter of pleading which brought permission for her daughter to attend once. The Holy Spirit had everything prepared in the girl’s heart and in the teacher. There was great rejoicing in that class when the young girl gladly accepted the Lord Jesus as her per­ sonal Saviour. She could only come once, but she had at that time such a vision of Christ that her whole life will be too short in which to honor Him. Word From the North The past month has been one of great blessing from God on the work here. The work of Immanuel Church at Oakland has closed with many expressions of apprecia­ tion for the help received in understanding the Book of books. Several are taking up the study of the course in class work, and there will doubtless be a class formed of from ten to fifteen for the systematic study of the Scofield Course. The work at San Quentin grows so rap­ idly and there are so many demands com­ ing, that the writer is beside himself at times how to meet the numerous requests. This month I have given lessons at the reg­ ular periods and beside this have had many personal interviews with men, some about

parole and others about their soul’s wel­ fare. I have written letters for many of the men to relatives, wives especially, tell­ ing of their charged attitude toward God and' Christ. In a few instances I have re­ ceived grateful replies from these and only eternity will tell the extent of the good accomplished. The requests for prayer, from the men individually, are too numerous to keep tab on. Many of them will not make manifest in the public service their desire for prayer, but will come to me privately and ask me to pray for them. Unless' one knows the atmosphere inside a prison, they cannot understand the horrible condition among the men, and any attempt on the part of any man to change his life is ridiculed by the multitude, and should he persist, he is marked for persecution from his pals for a long time. Should his crime be a loth- some one, the Christian men will stand him off for a long time and demand of him that he show them that he is really sincere before they will have much confi­ dence in his Christianity. There should be definite prayer intercession for. these men every day. Three of the men came to me on Satur­ day and asked me what procedure they should have to take to enter the Institute after they are released. They are all Chris­ tians and have been for some time. In each instance they have been brought to see the beauty of the Christian life since the beginning of the. Bible study in No­ vember of last year. They were Chris­ tians, members of the prison Christian En- de,avor and seeking for light for a long time. The definite stand has come as the result of the -opening of the Word for the past ten months. This is only a few drop­ pings from the full measure that is filling up and running over each week, as I have been doing the work. The evidence of the appreciation of the officials of the prison for the work is mani­ fested in the following little instance: One of the men died during the week, Thurs­ day, I think. They kept the body till Sat­ urday that there might'be a funeral cere-

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