King's Business - 1913-11



Questions and Answers. Gonduded from pa?e 545 (Isa. 26:16). Many an honest soul in its eagerness to obey God hurries on ahead of God because he does not fully trust God and thus wait for God to make the way perfectly clear. When one does thus hurry on before God he gets into difficulties and oftentimes has to come back and he finds that the thing that he did at great sacri­ fice he was not called upon to do. A Christian should live without worry and anxiety (Phil. 4:6). He should not even be anxious lest he may have disobeyed God in some uncertain thing that he thinks perhaps God wanted him to do but concern­ ing which he is not quite sure that God wanted him to do. We are not slaves but children. We-have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear, but the spirit of placing as sons whereby we cry, “Abba, Father” (Rom. 8:15). .The life of mental torture and self-condemnation that some conscientious souls suffer for fear they may have disobeyed God in not doing something that it was not at all clear that they should do, is not a life of intelligent faith. We should simply trust God absolutely, sur­ render to Him absolutely, look to Him to guide us day by day, trust Him to guide us and go on gently and trustfully just so fast as He makes the way perfectly clear, and no faster.

said, “Y-e-s, sir; that is so.” “Then pray to Love—it will help you. Will you prom­ ise?” He promised. That night the young man prayed in the privacy of his room. He kneeled down, closed his eyes, and strug­ gling a moment uttered the words: “O Love.” Instantly, as by a flash of light­ ning, the old Bible text came to him: “God is love,” and he said, brokenly, “O God!” Then another flash of Divine truth, and a voice said, “God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son”—and there, instantly, he exclaimed, “O Christ, thou in­ carnation of divinest love, show me light and truth.” It was all over. He was in the light of the most perfect peace. He ran downstairs and told his mother that he was saved. That young man is today an eloquent minister of Jesus Christ. Others shall sing the song, Others shall right the wrong,— Finish what I begin, And all I fail of win. What matters I or they, Mine or another’s day, So the right word be said, And life the sweeter made. — Whittier. Conversion and Social Service. Concluded from page 544 The sands and the sea claimed the inter­ est and attention of the majority of the holiday makers, who returned by the 8:20 p. m. boat, safely arriving at Newport short-

UP°n a hfe 1 dld not llve . Upon a death I did not die, Another’s life, Another’s death,

ly before 10 p. m. 1 stake my whole eternity. Here is a great work going on among the poor for nine years because nine years ago Notice: 15 cents Is offered for copies of / „ , . * , s the KING’S BUSINESS, F ebruary, 1911. a man came to a Gospel meeting and was Send to th e Blble | n stltu te, Auditorium truly converted. Building. ’

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