King's Business - 1913-11


Anecdotes and Illustrations. By R. A. Torrey. Paper, 35c; cloth..................75 Gives m any of th e illu stratio ns used by Dr. T orrey in his world-w ide evangelistic cam paign and will be helpful to all those who preach th e Word. Famous Stories by Sam Jones. By George R. Stuart. Cloth.................. 1.00 “R ich w ith p ath etic incidents, clever w itticism s, b iting sarcasm s, hum orous anecdotes an d sh a rp th ru sts a t th e sins, foibles and follies of society an d individuals.’’ Feathers for Arrows. By C. H. Spurgeon. Cloth .........;.............................. 75 Illu stratio ns for teachers and preachers. Five Hundred Scriptural Anecdotes. Compiled by Harold P. Sayles.............25 T hese are carefully classified u nder fifty different subjects and a re arran g ed alp h abetically. s ADULTS’ STORIES Alcohol and Science, or Alcohol: What It Is and What It Does. By Wm. Hargreaves, M. D. Cloth........... .........65 At the Crossing with Dennis Mc- Shane. By William Allen Knight....... 60 Mr. K n ig h t’s la te st and b est story. The Centurion’s Story. By P. C. Mac- Parlane. In mailing envelope.............25 The story of th e trial, d eath and re su rrection of C hrist as told by th e C enturion, Surgius. Daniel Quorum, and His Religious Notions. By Mark Guy Pearse. Second Series. Hlustrated ...................... 25 S piritual tru th in the- q u ain t language of a Cornish Shoem aker. Down North on the Labrador. By Wilfred T. Grenfell. Illustrated, cloth ........................... .........;..... ........ i.oo Splendid collection of L ab rado r stories. Doctor Luke of the Labrador. By Norman Duncan. Hlustrated, cloth 1.50 Down to the Sea. By Wilfred T. Grenfell. Illustrated .....,...... 1.00 A story of th e fisher folk of th e fa r N orth. Dr. Grenfell’s Parish.By Norman Duncan. Illustrated ................ i 1.00 A splendid sketch of Dr. G renfel's work am ong th e deep sea fisherm en. Expectation Comer. By F. L. Chappell ............................................................35 Contains som e of th e m ost inspiring words and p rayers th a t we have ever read. Foxe’s Book of Martyrs. By W. Grin- ton Berry. Cloth................................. .75 F or 350 y ears th is book h as inspired C hristian s of all climes.

How They Came to Bethlehem. By David deForest Burrell. Presenta- tion edition, b&autifully printed.,........25 The S tory of th e W ise Men who cam e seeking th e new king. In the Twinkling of an Eye. By Sydney Watson. Cloth.......................... .40 T his book deals w ith th e sub ject of th e n ear re tu rn of C hrist, in th e form of an intensely in terestin g story. An Irish Saint. By Helen E. Bingham .50 T his book >m ight well be called “G race A bounding,” for it savors largely of. Bun- y an ’s experience of grace. Jimmy Moore of Bucktown. By Melvin Trotter. Cloth............................... 75 A story of work in th e slum s and of th e power of th e C hrist life through a w aif in th e street. A Legend of Jerusalem. By' David Smith, D. D.... .............. so A companion story to th e Legend of B ethlehem . Scarlet and Purple. By Sydney Watson ..................................... .65 T his book, which is a th rilling story full of th o ug ht and pathos, will be a helpful book to m any. Shepherd (The) of Jebel Nud. By William Allen Knight. Envelope series .... 25 Deeply spiritual, and is an aid to m editation and appreciation of th e protection of the Divine Shepherd. S. H. Hadley of Water Street. By J. Wilbur Chapman. Illustrated, cloth 1.25 The Signs in the Christmas Fire. By William Allen Knight. Envelope Series ................................................ .25 U sed widely in telling children th e story of the W ise Men and th e Star. The Life of Jerry McAuley. By Rev. R. M. Ofiord .......................’............ i.oo T he Hbro of W ater S treet Mission, New York. The Love Watch. By William .Allen Knight. Envelope series......... .............25 In terp retatio n of th e m ind of L azaru s afte r his re tu rn to th e B ethany Home. The Lure of a Soul (Bewitched by Spiritualism). By Sydney Watson. Cloth ........... ..... ..................,.................65 A story of intense in terest, dem onstrating th e dangers of spiritualism . The Man in the Dark. By Lettice Bell ....................................................... 25 A fine stud y of Nicodemus. The Man Who Pointed the Prodigal Home. By Rev. C. A. S. Dwight. Artistically printed and bound in handsome cover ................................' ,25

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