King's Business - 1913-11


ATONEMENT The Atonement. By George Clarke. Cloth boards _______________— .60 Tells of th e w onderful power «?f th e blood. The Atonement and the Modem Mind. By James Denney, D. D. Cloth..... 1.00 An im p o rtan t contribution to th e all-im p o rtan t doctrine of th e A tonem ent. Atonement. By P. W. Grant............ .65 In type, prophecy and accom plishm ent. The Atonement. By Archibald Alexander Hodge, D. D..............................50 T he nature of the atonement, and design or intended application of the atonement. The Atonement. By James Stalker, D. D. _______________ -.................. 1.00 Sets forth, th e Cross of C alvary as th e centra l and m ost im p o rtan t fa ct in all C hristia n experience. The Bible and the Cross. By G. Campbell Morgan, D. D................................50 Splendid in terp retatio n of th e Cross as th e very cen ter of C hristianity. The Blood of Jesus. By Bev. W. Beid .10 The Blood of the Covenant. By Hora- . tius Bonar, D. D................................... 05 Calvary’s Cross. By D. E. Moody. Paper, 15e; cloth ......... .................... .35 The Cross. By Bev. J. C. Byle.............03 The Cross; A Report of a Misgiving. By G. A. Johnston Boss, M. A. Board ........... -............. .................... .25 The Cross in Christian Experience. By Bev. W. M. Clow, D. D............. ............. 50 T his book sets fo rth th e m eaning and m essage of th e Cross in relatio n to hum an sin and need. The Cross in Human Life. By James Little, S. T. D....:............................... 1.00 E ssay s show ing th e tran sform ing pow er of th e cross and giving assu rance of cleansing from all sin in th e blood of th e Lam b. The Cross in the Old Testament. By B. C. Morgan, ’founder of “ The Christian ’’ ................................... . .40 Shows th a t in th e S criptures of th e Old C ovenant th ere a re foreshadow ings clearly projected of th e R edem ption th a t w as __________l-4- w rought o u t th ro u gh Christ. The Cross of the Lord Jesus. By Ho- ratins Bonar, D. D__....................¡._ .05 Christ’s Atonement. By Bev. P. E. Marsh. Antique paper, 25e; cloth.. .50 A fter reading th is book new m eaning will a tta c h itself to m any of th e Old T estam ent types. The Climax of the Bisen Life. By Mrs. Penn Lewis........... .............. . .40 The Cross of Calvary and Its Message. By P. T. Forsyth, D. D......... 1.50 A valuable contribution to th e trad ition al view of th e doctrine of th e atonem ent. The Day of the Cross. By Bev.. W.

H as been m uch used in pointing o th er prodigals home. W ill be well received by any person. The Mark of the Beast. By Sydney Watson. Cloth ..............-....... j............. 65 T he story begins w ith London th e. m orning a fte r “T he R ap tu re” and closes in th e daw n of th e M illennium . The Measure of a Man: A Tale of the Big Woods. By Norman Duncan. Illustrated; cloth ...............——. 1.25 Mister Horn anl His Friends; or, Givers and Giving. By Mark Guy Pearse ......... -25 Mollie Malone, or, Brands from the Burning. By C. Knapp ........................ 40 No Boom in the Inn. By William Allen Knight. Envelope series........ 25 “W o rth a second reading and passing on to a friend who likes good th in g s.” Off the Bocks. By Wilfred T. Grenfell ..... I................................ ............. 1.00 Life stories of th e deep sea fisher folk of L abrador. On the Threshold of Year. By Margaret Sangster. Splendid edition in beautiful envelope ....................... 25 F or C hristm as or New Y ear p resentation. Out of the Fog. By C. K. Ober. Introduction by Dr. Grenfell..................50 A w onderful story of deliverance. Peter in the Firelight. By William Allen Knight .............................— -00 A frien d ’s account of th e stra n g er who “was stan d ing and w arm ing him self,” th e m an whom; th e m aid and th e o th ers k ep t annoying w ith questions u n til he broke down. Pilgrim’s Progress. By John Bunyan 1.00 W ith notes, introductory and p ractical, by Joseph Ivim ey. The Quest of the Yellow Pearl. By P. C. MacFarlane. In mailing envelope; illustrated ......'......................... 50 The Song of Our Syrian Guest. By William Allen Knight. Envelope edition, 25c; cloth, 50c; leather..... 1.25 It m ay be doubted if an y serm on o r com m en tary on th e 23rd P salm m akes it so v ital and com forting a s these p rinted pages do. P rin ted in seven different languages. The Story of Sodom: ..A Biblical Episode. Cloth ...........— ............ ............... 50 The Way of the Cross and Other Tales. By Emily Sarah Holt. Cloth .50 T ales of th e Second C entury, of th e K ingdom of Jud ah , and of m ediaeval tim es. What Can Jesus Christ Do with Me? By Wilfred T. Grenfell.................... .50 The an sw er given in these pages is the secret of a useful C hristian life. White Christopher. By Annie Trumbull Slosson ............ ..............................50 A beautiful story helpful to any C hristian.

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