King's Business - 1913-11


M. Clow, B. D.________________ _ ,1.50 A series of stud ies on th e events of th e last day of th e earth ly life of C hrist. The Death of Christ. By Bev. James Denney, D. D.... 9 ____ _________ _ 1.50 Splendid statem en t of th e value o f th e aton em en t and w hy it h as been considered foolishness and a stum bling block. The Divine Reason of the Cross. By Henry C. Mabie, D. D....................... 1.00 A stud y of th e aton em en t as th e ratio n ale of our universe. The Dynamics of the Cross. By John Thomas ..................................................50 T he irresistible power of the cross well p resented. ‘ ‘G-ethsemano-Calvary. ’’ By F. Gillette Cory. Cloth __ _______________35 T he w onderful love story of Jesus. The Greatest Theme in the World. ■ By Bev. F. E. Harsh. Cloth.......... .75 The aton em en t of C hrist tre a te d in its v a rious relations to th e church an d th e individual. Handbook on the Atonement. By G. E. Morgan, M. A. Paper........... .........20 An outline review of th e atonem ent, w ith a selection of ap p ro priate S cripture references. The Heart of the Gospel. By James M. Campbell. Cloth ____________ 1.25 A popular exposition of th e doctrine of atonem ent. How Does the Death of Christ Save Us? By HJenry C. Mabie, D. D. Cloth __________________ ..________50 Shows 'how th e w ork accom plished in the d eath of C hrist Js related to our sin so as to become effective to our salvation. Law and the Cross. By C. P. Creighton, D. D. Cloth.......... ................... 1.50 Meaning and Message of the Cross. By Henry C. Mabie, D. D. Cloth.... 1.25 “A most wise, balanced, helpful and altogether suggestive contribution to missionary apologies.” Parables of the Cross. By I. Idllias Trotter _____ ________ ._________ ÿ 1.40 A m ost delightful book, profusely illu strated in color. Salvation by Blood. By Wm. Thompson ......................... ,...............................05 The School of Calvary. By J. H. Jowett ........................ ______I.............. 50 A splendid book on th e atonem ent, perm eated, w ith th e th o u g h t and sp irit of this g re a t preacher. Social Aspects of the Cross. By Bev. Henry Sloan Coffin ............. ................ 60 Concerning socialism which ignores th e atonem ent. The Universal Cross. By John Hunter ................ ................ ..._________ .15 The Way of the Cross. By Bev. J. Gregory Mantle. Cloth boards___ 1.00

Rev. F. B. M eyer says of th is book: “T his deepest teaching of th e cross is constructive and unitive and deserves rev eren t pondering.” The Way of the Cross. By E. S. Holt.. .50 OH BIBLICAL CRITICISM Butler’s Analogy. By Joseph Cummings ........... ..........................................75 T he m onum ental defense of Bible tru th w ith notes. Inspiration and Accuracy of the Holy.... Scriptures. By Bev. John Urquhart 1.40 Pronounced by m any to be th e b est book published on th e in sp iration of th e Bible. Lines of Defense of the Biblical Reve- lation. By Rev. Margeliouth.......... *1.50 Reasonable Biblical Criticism. By J. Beecher, D. D. Cloth................... . 1.50 A settin g fo rth of orthodox ideas th a t will appeal to th e th in k ing of th e present, generation. Science and Christianity. ByS. Bettex .50 Stories of Old. By Chas. D. Michael.. 1.00 Bible stories in th e light of m odern k'nowl- edge. What About the Old Testament Is I t Played Out? By Bev. Andrew Craig Bobinson. Paper, with illustrations ........... ..........:.... .......................20 BIBLE BIOGRAPHIES The Apostles as Everyday Men. By Robert Ellis Thompson ........... ........... 50 To see th e tw elve as real m en w ith th eir w eaknesses and noble ch aracteristics sym p athetically se t forth, is th e privilege of every re ad er of th is book. Delilah. By Samuel W. Odell. Cloth .50 Elijah, the Man of God. By Mark Guy Pease _____ ............................... .50 Elijah, the Tishbite. B y K rum m acher .50 Splendid in terp retatio n of the life an d tim es of th is m ighty m an of God. Elisha and the Meaning of His Life. By Geo. P. Trench, B. A................,.. .40 T his is an em inently suggestive little book. Handbook of Bible Biography. By Chas. R. Barnes............................ 2.00 An encyclopedic account of every person m entioned in th e Bible. Jonah of Gath—Hepher. By Edward A. Marshall ........... .......................... 1.00 "T he simple tale is as wholesome as in te resting, highly d ram atic, y et a tta in s a happy end.” Joseph, The Story of. By J. R. Miller, D. D............................................ .50 “The lessons in th e life of Joseph are b rought o ut in such a w ay as to help the re ad er to live to please God.” King Saul, a Man After the Flesh. By S. Bidout ........... ........................ 1.00 Paul, The Apostle. By Alexander Whyte ......,......._______ ......;. 1.00 Paul, the All-round Man. By Robert

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