King's Business - 1913-11


John Knox, Life of. By Thomas Mc- Crie, D. D............,............................. 1.00 A classic biography full of inform ation th a t Is indispensable to th e stu d e n t of ecclesiastica l history. David Livingstone, The Personal Life of. By W. Garden Blaikie, D. D., LL. D. Cloth.................................... 1.50 Gives us an enduring im pression of L ivingstone’s simple b u t noble life of self-su rren d er to a g re a t motive. David Livingstone. By Louise Sey mour Houghton ............ ...... .............. .50 T he story of one who followed C hrist. Jerry McAuley: An Apostle to the Lost. Edited by R. M. Offord, LL. D........................ ....................... 1.00 Rev. Robert Murray McCheyne, Memoir and Remains of. By Rev. A. A. Bonar .................................. I........ .50 D. L. Moody, Early Recollections of. By John Y. Farwell.......... ................... 75 Record? of Incidents, circum stances and le tters, in th e career of th e m aster-evangelist. Henry Moorhouse, Life of. By Rev , John Macpherson ........... ,................. 65 George Muller of Bristol. By Arthur T. Pierson. Cloth.............. ............. 1.50 George MuUer, The Life of. By Frederick G. Warne............................. .........50 John G. Paton, The Story of. By Rev. James Paten, B. A. Cloth................ 1.00 “T he m ost th rilling story of m issionary activ ity ever w ritte n .” Pierson, Arthur T. By Delavan L. Pierson .............................................1 1.50 “This In tim ate account of th e career of D r. Pierson Is a notable and m ost welcome addition to C hristian biography.” Robert Raikes. By j. Henry Harris. Cloth .................1................................... 50 B iography of th e m an who founded the Sunday School. Pandita Ramabai, The Story of Her Life, By Helen S. Dyer. Cloth.._ 1.25 “The story of a w onderful life, still in th e m id -career of high usefulness.” Dave Ranney. Cloth ............................... 75 A w onderful sto ry of saving grace. The story throbs w ith h e a rt blood. R anney’s blood and th e Blood of C hrist.” Savanarola: The Prophet. By W. H. Crawford!. Cloth .............................' 1.00 From My Youth Up. ..An Autobiography. By Margaret E. Sangster. Illustrated; cloth ................... 1.50 Gypsy Smith: His Work and Life. By Gypsy Smith ..................................... 1.00 Sun Yat Sen, and The Awakening of China. By James Cantile................ 1.25 Hudson Taylor in Early Years: The Growth of a Soul. By Dr. and Mrs.

E. Speer ..........................;................ .50 Paul in Every Day Life. By John Douglas Adam .......... ............ . .50 Daily readings from- th e E pistles w ith p ersonal applications. Paul, the Many-sided. By George F. Greene ....................................... .75 T hese thoughts are gleaned from th e A cts and th e P auline E pistles. Paul, Life of. By W. H. Sallmon..... ,25 T he ch aracter ' of P au l in his various experiences is d ealt w ith. St. Paul, Companions of. By John S. Howson, D. D......,................................50 A very in terestin g sidelight on P au l’s help ers on his m issionary journeys. St. Paul, Half Hours with. By Daniel Steele .......... 1.00 St. Paul, The Life of. By Rev. James Stalker, D. D. Cloth........I............... .60 P au l’s life In com pact form in Dr. S talk er’s clear, beautiful style. It Is a w onderful little book. Samson. By Samuel W. Odell. Cloth .50 Simon Peter, is Life and Letters. By W. T. P. Holston. Cloth................ 1.00 BIOGRAPHIES----- Augustine, the Thinker. By Geo. W. Oaman .......................... 1.00 Beza’s Life of John Calvin. Translated by Henry Beveridge’._______ .50 One who w ishes to study th e ch aracter and life of Calvin should begin w ith th is book. Carey, William. By John Brown Myers. Cloth ....................................... 75 Peter Cartwright, Autobiography........... 65 Chrysoston: The Orator. By John Heston Willey. Cloth......... ........... 1.00 Fenelon, Archbishop of Cambrai. By H. L. Sidney Lear. Cloth................ 1.25 Finney, Life of Charles G. Cloth....... 1.25 An autobiography of th e g re a te st Am erican R evivalist. Father Flynn: Conflict and Conquest. By Geo. C. Needham. Cloth.......... .50 T h e . story of o ur hero, F a th e r Flynn, explains m any of th e difficulties atten d in g an escape from th e Jesu its to Jesus. Madame Guyon, Autobiography of. Edited by Abbie C. Morrow. Cloth .00 “ Sweet Sm elling M yrrh.” Madame Guyon, Autobiography of. By Anna C. Reiff. Cloth.:........... .........73 F ew books have such a stro ng influence upon th e lives of m en and women. Hadley (S. H.) of Water Street. By J. Wilbur Chapman, D. D. Cloth.... 1.25 The power of fa ith to aw aken and change m en, stren g th en th eir wills and purify th eir lives, is fully exemplified in these simple and moving n arratives. John Jasper. By William E. Hatcher, LL. D...............|.......................... t 1.00 A rem arkable book ab o ut a rem arkable m an.

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