King's Business - 1913-11


Howard Taylor. Cloth........ ............ 2.25 “T his is one of those ra re occasions w hen sub ject and b iographer have been equally fo rtu n ate in each o th er.” Booker T. Washington: An Autobiography. “ Up from Slavery.” Cloth .50 John Wesley. By Thomas J. Dodd......... 25 John Wesley’s Conversion and Sanctification. By Carl F. Eltzholtz............. 25 Sir George Williams, The Life of. By J. E. Hodder Williams. Cloth........ 1.25 The life of th e o rig in ator of th e Young Men’s C hristian A ssociation. BIBLE STUDY —------ Abiding Value of the Old Testament. By G. L. Bobinson ......... ......................35 B est possible introduction to Old T estam en t Study. Acts: Vol. ïil Acts: Vol. II. By Prof. G. T. Stokes, d . d . ..........:,....... ............... “P resen ts th e la te st resu lts of in v estig ation.” “Clear, concise and scholarly exposition of th e te x t.” Acts of the Apostles, The. By A. C. Gaebelein ......................... ........ 1.50 It is a pleasure an d privilege to commend th is book. Acts, Epistles and Revelation. By Prank J. Firth ................................ 1.50 A com parison of th e P ro te sta n t and Rom an Catholic versions. Acts, Pictures in the. By David Anderson. Berry. Cloth............................ 50 Acts, Pictures in the. Or, the Unfinished Work of Jesus. By David Anderson Berry. Cloth.......................50 “It is full of accu rate Bible inform ation, fresh light being shed on m any scriptures h ith erto b u t little understood.” Acts and the Epistles, Outline Studies in the. By W. C. Moorehead, D. D. 1.20 Acts, An Introduction to the Study of the. By J. M. Stifler, D. D. Cloth.. 1.40 Analytical Outlines of the Old Testament. By Margaretta M. Haig............ 50 A handbook for Bible T raining Classes. O ffers a broad, com prehensive know ledge of th e Holy S criptures. Ancestry of Our English Bible, The. By Ira Maurice Price.................. ..... 1.50 Anti-Higher Criticism. By L. W. Mun- hall, M. A. ............. 1.50 A defense of th e in -erran cy and au th o rity of th e Bible. Archaeology’s Solution of Old Testament Puzzles. By Bev. John Urqu- hart, D. D........................................ . .30 B rings w ithin sm all compass some of the chief resu lts of archaeological work. Amos. By Charles H. Waller, D. D. Clotb, boards .........-....................... .40

The Bible As I t Is. By Alexander Patterson. Cloth ........................... . .50 The Bible and Spiritual Criticism. By A. T. Pierson. Cloth____ _____ :.... .50 The Bible and the Problem of Poverty. By Samuel M. Godbey.......... 1.00 E specially valuable in th ese days of so m uch socialistic propaganda. Biblical Antiquities. By Edwin Cone Bissell, D. D. Cloth.......... .............. 1.50 A hand-book for use in sem inaries, S abbath Schools, fam ilies and by all stu d e n ts of th e Bible. Bible Hand-book, The. .An Introduction to the study of Sacred Scrip- ture. By Joseph Angus, M. A., D. D....... .....:...................... ................ 1.50 The Bible, the Word of God. By F. .Better . a ............,: I..................... .50 Bible Work and Bible Study. Bed cloth, 25c; morocco.'...............................35 Bible Studies by Books. By Henry T. Sell, D. D. Paper, 35c; cloth......... 60 Bible Studies by Doctrines. By Henry T. Sell, D. D. Paper, 25c; cloth.. .50 Bible Studies' by Periods. By Henry T. Sell, D. D. Paper, 35e; cloth........... 60 A series of 24 h istorical Bible studies from Genesis to R evelation. Bible Studies in the Life of Paul. By Henry T. Sell, D. D. Paper 35c; cloth ........................................................60 A series of 24 historical Bible studies from Genesis to R evelation. The Bible or the Church. By Sir Robert Anderson ............. 50 The Bible in the World of Today. By Clarence A. Barbour, D. D. Cloth....... 75 An u p -to -d a te p resen tatio n of th e place and power of th e Bible in m odern life. Bible Readings on the Inner Life. By Jessie Penn-Lewis. Cloth................. 1.00 Bible Readers’ Guide. By F. S. Schenek, D. D...... ........ 35 W ith suggestions on “How To Study th e B ible,” by D. L. Moody." The Bible Under Trial. By Prof. James Orr, D. D. Cloth............. 1.75 “It is a book of very g re a t value for its purpose.” The Book of Books. By William Evans, D. D. Paper, 50c; cloth..... 1.00 The Book of Books. By James M. Freeman .........................,....'.................10 Outlines on th e w riters, languages, etc., of th e Bible. The Books of the Bible. By Israel P. Black ............................ 05 F o r little children an d prim ary classes. The Books of the Bible. By H. T. Fowler ............ ....,____...______ ___ .50 Gives th e b est ju d gm ent of th e b est scholars

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