King's Business - 1913-11


Upoii ÎÉ& eentent, and historical fê la i th e Bible. m eaning, literary style, ionship of each book in Books of the Bible with Relation to Their Place in History. By M. 0« Hazard, Ph. D., and H. D. Fowler, Pb, D. Boards..................................... 50 The ÎÎüritéïiesl Bible: Being a- Revised Translation of the Holy Scriptures, with Expository Hates; Arranged, Divided and Briefly Characterized According to the Princi- ' pies of the Numerical Structure. Arranged and edited by P. W. Grant, 6 vols................ ....'................15.00 Thé same with leather back and tips ........ ............... 21.00 The Numerical Structure of Scripture; ft Seal Upon Its Perfect Inspiration, ftfld a Divinely Given Help to Its Right Interpretation. By P. TV. Grant. Cloth ............. ........... .............. 75 But God. By Rev. A. B. Simpson. Cloth .................................................... 50 A book unique as its title, on th e resources and sufficiency of God. The Bible and Other Ancient Literature in the 19th Century. By Luther T. Townsend........ .7 ....................................... _40 The Bible is in harm ony w ith ali established facts of science. What the Bible Teaches. By B. A. Torrey, D. D. Cloth..............j......... 2.50 What Is tBe Bible? A Modern Survey. By J. Warschauer........................ . 1.25 The Word of God. By John Ritchie. Paper each, 5c; per doz......g............... 50 An excellent little help to Bible study. The Word of God. By Chas. H. Waller. Cloth boards................................. 40 BIBLE DICTIONARIES A Dictionary of the Bible. By John Davis, Ph. D., D. D. Cloth........ ..... 2.50 A Dictionary of the Bible: Its An. tiquity, Biography, Geography and Natural History. With numerous illustrations and maps. Cloth........ 1.50 Bible Dictionary and Cyclopedia. By A. R. Pauseet; M. M. Cloth............ 1.75 A g rea t m asterpiece of compressed riches. Reeton’s Bible Dictionary. A Cyclopedia of the Truths and Narratives of the Holy Scriptures. Boards......... 40 Characteristic Difference of the Four Gospels. By Andrew Jukes. Cloth .60 Considered a s revealing various relations of th e L ord Jesu s Christ. Chart Bible, The. By I. R. Kaye. Cloth -----p£..............................___ 1.50 T he fo rty -eig h t ch a rts p resen t th e fa cts and,

events In a condensed, com prehensive m an ner. Christ, Christianity and the Bible. By I. M. Haldeman, D. D............... Christ in the Bible. By Rev. A. B. Simpson, D. D. 12 vols., each......... 1.00 Isaiah. Kings and Prophets of Israel and Judah. Pree Grace, or Christ in Galatians. ' The Gospel of Luke. The Gospel of John. Acts. The’ Apostolic Church; The Apostolic Testimony. Joshna. Judges, Ruth and Samuel. Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy. . Genesis and Exodus* , Gospel of St. Matthew. T his series covers th e en tire Bible. Is a com prehensive view of God’s plan of re dem ption and th e p erso n an d work of th e L or dJesus' C hrist. Christ in t.he Tabernacle. By Rev. A. B. Simpson. Paper.......................... 15 Chronology in the Bible. By William . Beecher ........- ....- ..... - .......................... 25 J ” b rief stu d y of th e sources and principles of chronology. Codes" of Hammurabi and Moses. By w Davies-....- ......—........................75 Colossia.ns' PWlemon. By Rev. Alexander Maclaren, D. D............... D r M arls -err h as th o ro ug hly grasped th& arg um en t o r" th ls pro f ou,nd e£ istlec Creation, Ages, Kingc w Seals; By J; s ; 150 A valuable addU k 'to o u rlit'e ra tu re on this subject. . ■ _ Colossians, Expo. “ Oneness with Oh m t' W’ B . nn Nicholson, D. D__... .................. Daniel the Prophet, Let. tures on’ y ' . . H. A. Ironside .... Daniel the Prophet. By A. Gaebe' -n le i“ ' G loth ...... ----------- iro u s proplie- A splendid exposition of wcmk cies. I , Dated Events of the Old TeSk ment* By Willis J. Beecher........... . '¿'are'ful An indispensable hand-book for tfne student, teach er or preacher. Devotional Hours with the Bible. Rev. J. R. Miller. In 8 vols. Each,. . net . . . ........... ¿h. Dispensation and Ages of Scripture. By G. B. M. Clojiser........ .............. .75] The Divine Unity of the Scriptures. By Adolph Saphir .................... . .50, One of th e very heat hooka on th e in sp iration of th e Bible.

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