King's Business - 1913-11


Harmony of the Gospels. By John H. Kerr, D. D. Cloth___ _______ ......... .50 A chronological arran g em en t of parallel p assages so as to show th e ir ag reem ents and differences. Harmony of the Gospels. By W. H. Withrow, D. D. Cloth...................- .50 It h as given th e life and person of C hrist m arvelous vividness. Harmony of the Gospels. Edited by Benjamin Davies, Ph. D. Cloth......... 60 HEBREWS The Hebrews Epistle. By Sir Robert Anderson, K. C. B. Cloth..............., 1.25 Aim s to b ring th e light of th e P en tateu ch al types to b ea r on th e m ain tru th s of th e E pistle. Hebrews. By Rev. Principal T. C. Edwards ...................................... . - C arries th e re ad er to th e h e a rt of th e Gospel, an d enriches his m ind w ith th e living trea su re of evangelical doctrine unfolded in th is epistle. The Epistle to the Hebrews. By Rt. . Rev. G. A. Chadwick, D. D. Cloth.. 1.00 F ull of rich and suggestive thought. The Epistle to the Hebrews. By W. Douglas Moffatt, M. A. Cloth____ .40 An Explanation to the Epistle to the Hebrews. By Safnuel T. Lowrie..... 1.00 The Highest Critics vs. The Higher Critics. By L. W. Munhall, D. D. Cloth ..............._________......______ 1.00 To Bible stu d en ts especially we commend th is volum e as an answ er to ratio n alistic publications which are being poured o ut like a flood. Historical Geography of Bible Lands. By John B. Calkins, M. A. Cloth.... 1.00 A book for all Bible readers, b u t especially Sunday School teachers. The Holy Gospel. By Prank J. Firth, Cloth 4 4 . __________ __________ 1.00 A parallel presen tatio n of th e th re e P ro te sta n t and Rom an C atholic versions. How to Mark Your Bible. By Mrs. Stephen Menzies. Paper, 35e; cloth .75 I t is a book th a t every C hristian w orker will do well to have am ong his Bible helps. How to Master the English Bible. By James M. G ray............................... 40 Gives th e au th o r’s experience as a Bible stu d e n t an d teacher, sta te s h is m ethod, speaks th e resu lts which m ay be obtained by th e study of th e Word. How To Read the Bible. By Walter P. Adeney .......................„....................50 An elem entary introduction to th e study of th e Bible. How to Study the Bible. By I. M. Haldeman .... ............. ..........1.50 How to Study the Bible for Greatest ....Profit. By R. A. Torrey, D. D..............75 S tates th e m ethods and fu n dam en tal conditions th a t y ie ld 'th e b est results.

Foundation Truths of the Gospel. A statement of evangelical truth. Cloth ..............----- 4 .50 From Reason to Revelation. By Philip Mauro. Cloth ■.......................................50 From the Nile to Nebo. By Franklin E. Hoskins............................ ....... 3.00 A discussion of th e problem s and the- route of th e Exodus. Illu strated w ith 85 h alftones. contains 366 pages of type m atter. Fruitful Bough, A. By C. Knapp........... 25 Galatians. By Rev. Prof. G. G. Pin- lay, D. D. — -50 M arked by vigorous, fresh an d spiritu al thought. Gems from Genesis to Revelation. By Geo. Herbert Bates. Cloth...................40 Genesis. By Rev. W. H. Griffith- Thomas, D. D. 3 vols., cloth, each.. 1.00 Genesis, Commentary on the Book of. By J. G. Murphy, D. D., T. C. D. Cloth ...................... 1----1.................... God’s Apostle and High Priest. By Philip Mauro. Cloth ...... .35 P u ts before th e read er three-fold work of th e Son of God; past, as th e Apostle of God; p resen t a s H igh P rie st in th e heavenly san ctu ary, fulfilling th e types of th e g reat D ay of A tonem ent; and fu tu re as K ing P rie st "of th e age to come. God’s Adversary and Ours. By L. George Buchanan, M. A., T. C, D__ A tim ely w arning to th e C hristian w arrior. God’s Image in Man. By James Orr, D. D. Cloth ............. ,......... . 1.50 Its success cannot exceed its m erits. God’s Living Oracles. By A. T. Pierson. Cloth ............ ................................50 C alculated to aw aken fa ith w here it does not exist an d stren g th en an d confirm it w here it does. God’s Pilgrims. By Philip Mauro. Cloth ..A................ ......................... ........50 God’s Gift and Our Response. By Philip Mauro. Cloth........,...1................50 God Spake All These Words. By Dr. James H. Bookes....,........... ............... A dm itted to be th e m ost concise and vigorous book on inspiration. Gospel in the Stars, The. By Joseph A. Seiss, D. D.........................._____ 1.50 Or, The P rim eval A stronom y. Tells the story th e different constellations have to tell to C hristians today. Great Doctrines of the Bible. By Rev. William Evans, D. D. Cloth............ 1.50 D irector of th e Bible Course, T he Moody Bible In stitu te of Chicago. Hand-book To the Old Testament Hebrew. By Samuel G. Green, D. D. C ontaining an elem entary g ram m ar of th e language, w ith reading lessons, notes on m any S cripture passages, an d copious exercises.

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