King's Business - 1913-11

ouft b o o k l i s t

Human Destiny. By Sir Robert Anderson, K. C. B., LL. D. Cloth___ 1.00 T hese pages are th e re su lt of p atien t study- on th e p art of one who w as wholly u n bound by tram m els of a creed to reach the tru th , and is a plain statem en t of w h at the Bible teaches on th is im p o rtant subject. The Indwelling Spirit. By Thomas....... Parry, D. D............................... ......_ T he purpose of th is volum e is to glorify the work of th e H oly S pirit in th e life of m an. The Inspiration and Authority of Holy Scripture. By John Munro Gibson, M. A., LB. D. Cloth......................... 1.00 Israel My Glory. By John Wilkinson. Cloth ................................1.00 The book is ^ full of Scripture, and will strengthen faith in the Bible as the Word of God, as well as to further the spiritual interests of Israel. Isaiah, Exposition of. By William Kelly. Cloth .................................... 2.85 James, The General Epistle of. By Rev. Chas. Brown. Cloth.................. 1.00 Jeremiah, I-XX. By Rev. C. J. Ball. ' A strong, - sensible and scholarly book, marked by unusual vigor and outspokenness on moral questions. Jeremiah, XXI-LII. By Rev. Prof. W. H. Bennett ......:.......1,.... ............ Excels in the vivid and graphic portraiture of the historical setting of the prophet’s message. Joshua. By Prof. W. G. Blaikie, D. D. Your ministers will find it a mine of treasure. ST. JOHN- John, The Epistles of. By William Lincoln. Cloth ......................................65 These lectures have been used of God as a means of enlightenment and comfort to thousands of the Lord’s people. The First Epistle of St. John. By Rev. Canon Aitken. Cloth boards...............50 A splendid, short interpretation of the first epistle written by the author of the Good News according to John. The First Epistle General of St. John. By Rev. G. S. Barrett, D. D. Cloth.. 1.00 The Fourth Gospel (John). By David M. McIntyre .......... .......................... .40 The Word of Life. A book calculated ’to lead men to firmness of faith and fullness of life. The Living Word in St. John...................40 The Story of Joseph. By J. R. Miller, D. D. Cloth ...................... 50 Judges and Ruth. By P. C. Jennings. Cloth — ...V .................................... i.oo The Kings of Judah and Israel. By C. Knapp...... I—| ....................... 1.00 Knowing the Scriptures. By Dr. A. T. Pierson. Cloth'........................... 1.50 Fifty laws and methods of Bible study which

will lead read ers to a m ore reverent and thoughtful appreciation of th e Word. The -Law of the Ten Words. By J. Oswald Dykes, D. D............ ................50 A help to th e b e tte r u nderstanding of th e T en Comm andm ents. Leaves from the Book: Being Miscellaneous Papers for the Household of Faith. By P. W. Grant. Cloth.. 1.00 Leviticus. By Rev. S. H. Kellogg, The splendid unfolding of th e ritu a l and m eaning of th e tabernacle worship. Life in the Word. By Philip Mauro. Cloth ................................... .50 Light from the Ancient Monuments. By S. A. Sayee, LL. D., D. D. Cloth 1.20 A sketch of th e m ost strikin g confirm ations of th e B ible from re ce n t discoveries in E gypt, P alestine, A ssyria, B abylonia, Asia Minor. Light on the Old Testament from Babel. By Rev. A. T. Clay............... 2.00 An au th o ritativ e statem en t of th e results of recent archaeological discoveries, and the light th ey throw on th e Old T estam ent. Lines of Defense of the Biblical Revelation. By D. S. Margoliouth, M. A. Scholarly b u t thoroughly popular and in teresting. Living Messages» from Genesis to Es- ther. By G. Campbell Morgan. Cloth .......— ........^.......... .......... i.oo Living Messages, from Job to Malachi. By G. Campbell Morgan. Cloth..... 1.00 Luke. By Rev. Henry Burton, M. -A. A clear, eloquent and judicious settin g forth of th e tru th s of th e th ird Gospel. Man’s Day. By Philip Mauro. Cloth .75 Makes us think, and give reason and re ferences for all he advances. Mark. By Rev. G. A. Chadwick, D. D. W ill find it m ost helpful. The Master’s Blesseds. By J. R. Miller, D. D. Cloth............ ................. .A-1.00 A devotional study of th e B eatitudes. Matthew, The Gospel of the Kingdom of. By C. H. Spurgeon. Cloth...... 1.25 Matthew. By Rev. J. Munro Gibson, D. D. Cloth.......... ............ .....:............. 50 T his volum e deserves a h ea rty welcome from all stu d en ts and m in isters of God’s Word. Messages for the Morning Watch. By Charles G. Trumbull......................... 1.00 T hey throb w ith life. Methods of Bible Study. By W. H. Griffeth-Thomas _____ .50 The Mind of Christ in St. Paul. Greenhouse ...................... 1 .,.............. ......... The Minor Prophets. By W. W. White Miracles of Jesus, The. By W. H. Sail- man .............. .20

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