King's Business - 1913-11


win W. Bice, D. D. Cloth..................65 A han d-bo ok for colleges, norm al masses a n d ’ Sunday Schools, on th e authorship, contents, p reservatio n an d circulation of the C hristian S criptures. Outline Studies in the Acts and Epistles. By W. G. Moorehead, D. D. Cloth___.......______ ......----- 1.20 A book for thoughtful stu d en ts of th e Bible. Outline of the Books of the Bible. By James H. Brookes, D. D. Cloth .50 E specially helpful to young C hristians and those who desire to know God’s Word. Outline Studies in the Books of the Old Testament. By W. G. Moorehead, D. D. Cloth............................ 1.50 Panorama of Creation. By David L. Hollbrook .-...................—................ .., .50 Parables of Jesus. B. W. H. Sallmon .15 Patriarchs, The. By J. G. Bellett..... 1.00 Pentateuch, The. By S. Bidout. Cloth 1.00 Show ing how C hrist is th e K ey to th e whole P en tateu ch. Philippians. By Principal Bainy.___ M arked by thorough sym pathy, fine discernm ent and devout, sober expression. C arries one to th e h e a rt of th e epistle, an d is helpfully suggestive. God’s Self-Emptied Servant—A Key to the Philippian Epistle. By B. C. Morgan. Cloth___ ______ ........ .40 A welcome light on one of th e ' m ost im porta n t epistles of John. The Apostle Peter: An Outline Study. By W. H. Griffieth-Thomas..............

Miscellaneous Writing of C. H. Ml. Vols. 1-6. Cloth, each.....------------- ¿75 C ontaining th e chief w ritin gs of C.' H . M. not included, in his “N otes.” Mysteries of Grace, The. By- Bev. John Thomas .................................. 1.50 Miracles, The Study of the. By Ada B. Habershon. Cloth....... ......... 1.50 Mosaic Institutions, Studies in the. By W. G. Moorehead. Cloth............. 1.00 Men of the New Testament, Representative. By George Matheson, D. D. 'Cloth............ 1.50 A sem i-devotional stud y of th e m en of th e New T estam ent. New Acts of the Apostles, The. By A. T. Pierson. Cloth.................. 1.50 New Man and the Eternal Life, The. By Andrew Jukes. Cloth................ 2.00 New Testament View of the Old Testament, The. By Bev. James B. Donehoo. Cloth ................................... 50 T his trea tise p resen ts th e view s expressed by o u r L ord and th e N ew T estam en t w riters as to th e designation and divisions, the extent, authorship, n atu re and au th o rity of th e Old T estam ent. The Night Scenes of the Bible. By Bev. P. E. Marsh. Cloth...................... 75 T rea ts twelve nig ht scenes from th e Bible, from th e nig ht of C reation to th e n ig h t of G ethsem ane. Notes on Parables and Miracles. By Bichard C. Trench. Cloth.............. 2.00 Notes on the Pentateuch, Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy. By C. H. McIntosh. 2 vols. Cloth, each, 50c; the set, 6 vols, boxed ............. .................................... 3.00 “More th an m ere comm entaries.” Number of Man, The. By Philip Mauro. Cloth ...............................— .75 “A startlin g arraig nm en t of th e m an-m ade conditions which are combining th e ir influence in th ese la tte r days to destroy C hristian ity .” Numbers. By Bev. B. A. Watson, D. D. ............................................................... H e h as furnished us w ith w h at w as much needed—a reliable and intelligent guide through one of th e m ost im p o rtan t periods of Israel’s history. Oracles of the New Testament, The. By Bev. Canon Edward Cams Sel- wyn ............. ......................... ............. 3.00 An a ttem p t to discover th e use m ade of the Old T estam ent by th e w riters of th e New. Our Misunderstood Bible. By H. Clay Trubull ____:........................... ......... 1.00 R everses some common notions about Bible m eanings, while illum inating obscure p assages th a t have puzzled m any. Our Sixty-six Sacred Books; or, How Our Bible Was Made. By Bev. Ed­

F o r helpful guidance in personal m editation of th e S criptures. Plan for Memorizing the Scriptures. By James A. Worden, D. D............ . .05 Power of God’s Word, The. By Balph E. Prime ____ ___.:.......i........ .03 Praise. By Mark Guy Pearse.......... . .25 V ery helpful m editations on th e 103d Psalm . Progressive Bible Studies. By P. S. Goodwin ............ ...........______......... .15 N ine introductory lessons on th e Bible and its use. Progressive Bible Studies, No. 1: For Elementary Classes. By Free S. Goodman. Boards ...... 25 Progress of Doctrine in the New Testament. By Thomas Dehany Bernard, M. A. Cloth................... 75 Proverbs of Solomon. By George F. Trench, B. A. Cloth............. 65 PS A T.M S The Psalms, I to XL. By Bev. J. Elder Curdming, D. D. Cloth............... The Psalms, XLH to LXXXIX. By J. Elder Cumming, D. D. Cloth.......... T hese volum es will be found exceedingly

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