King's Business - 1913-11


Marsh. Cloth .......................... 50 REVELATION The Apocalypse. By Bev. Isaac Williams, D, D. Cloth..................... ....... 1.25 The Apocalypse of Jesus Christ. By Willis W. Mead.................... 1.00 One of th e best expositions of R evelation th a t h as ever been published. The Book of Revelation. By D. Wesley Myland. Cloth ........................... 1.00 A splendid exposition of C hrist’s la st word to th e churches. Exposition of the Book of Revelation. By 1 Walter Scott. Cloth......... .......... 2.00 A First Century Message to Twentieth Century Christians. By Bev. G. Campbell Morgan, D. D. Cloth....... 1.00 People who are not certain th a t th e Book of R evelation h as a p ractical application should read th e above entitled work. His Last Word. Readings in Revelation. Cloth ......................... ................. 50 Last Days. By A. G. Moore....... ..... 1.00 Studies on th e Book of R evelation. Letters of Jesus, The. By Joseph A. Seiss, D. D................... .................... j 00 An exposition of R evelation II an d III. Tells w h at m essage th e seven le tte rs w ere in tended to convey when w ritten, w h at they have m ean t since, and w h a t they m ean today. Lectures on the Book of Revelation. By William Kelly, pp. 509. Cloth.. 2.25 Now and Then. ..The Book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ. Cloth........ 2.25 A collation of S cripture w ith S cripture for th e assistan ce of th e tru th hunter. The Seven Churches of Asia. By Alfred Page ....................... ........... .......... go Sidelights from Patmos. By George Matheson, M. A., D. D.................... 1.00 The Spirit and the Bride. By Canon J. G. Simpson ................................... 1.50 T he sub ject is presented so as to form" a progression from th e ex altatio n of C hrist to the- hope of H is appearing. Things to Come. By H. W. Mackintosh. Cloth .................................I....... 40 An outline stud y of R evelation. Samuel First. By Prof. W. G. Blaikie, d . d . cioth :._____ .....;.............. ' D elightful and in stru ctive reading. Samuel, Second. By Prof. W. G. Blaikie, D. D........... ..... ....................|__ H ere again D r. B laikie has given us the choicest th o u g h t an d th e m ost precious lessons on th is fascin ating an d in teresting them e. Satan. By Lewis Sperry Chafer. Cloth ...j. ____ _____________________ 50 T his book is simply a careful S criptural exam ination of th e whole question of th e arch enemy of God and m an.

helpful for th e purpose of p riv ate devotion. Show th e alm ost inexhaustible store of sp iritu a l experience, w arning, encouragem ent and guidance laid u p for us in th e P sa lte r.” The Psalms, Their Spiritual Meaning Psalms XC-CL. By Rev. J. Elder Cumming, D. D. Cloth....._______ l.oo B rief, lucid, and pervaded by fine spiritu al feeling. Threshold Grace. Meditations in the Psalms. By Percy 0, Ainsworth. Cloth ......... :........................................... 50 Studies in the Book of Psalms. By Lincoln Hulley, Ph. D. Cloth..___ 1.00 Pusey’s Minor Prophets. Vol. I. Ho- sea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah and Jonah. By Bev. E. B. Pusey, D. D. Cloth.... 6.00 Pusey’s Minor Prophets. VoL II. Mi- cah to Malachi. By Bev. E. B. Pusey, D. D. Cloth.................... ...... 6.00 Redemption, Our. .Jits Need, Method and Result. By Frederick A. Noble, LL. D. Cloth.................................... .50 The serm ons are m anly, strong, earnest, sym pathetic, attra ctiv e. Resurrection and the Life, The. By Geo. Hauson, D. D. Cloth................ 1.00 T his w ork will n o t only m eet th e dem ands of th e scholarly and thoughtful, b u t m in iste r to those who have no questionings. Resurrection and Paul’s Argument, The. By Philip L. Prick, Ph. D. Cloth ........ ........................................ 1.25 S tudy of F irs t C orinthians, F ifteen th C hapter. A fine piece of work. Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth. By C. I. Scofield, D. D. Paper.............05 C orrectly states all th e g re a t doctrinal tru th s. Romance of the English Bible. By John T. Paris. Boards............. ............ *5 How th e Bible w as preserved through th e cen turies and how tran slatio n s w ere m ade in th e E nglish language. Ruth the Moabitess. By Boss C. Houghton ......... .... .................................50 Ruth the IMoabitess. By Henry Moorhouse. Limp cloth........................20 Bible readings on th e Book of R uth. Contain in g m any fresh and original rem arks, all tending to p ractical.u sefu ln ess. Gleanings from the Book of Ruth. By Robert Brown :..___.....____ __......... 1.50 Gleanings from the Book of Ruth. By S. Bidout ....:.................. ..... ................... 15 The Book of Ruth. By Samuel Cox. Cloth ............................... . 1.00 The sto ry contained in th e Book of R uth as dealt w ith In th is volume, and th eir a p plication to th e life o f th e C hristian believer, are draw n o ut w ith strik in g em phasis. Resurrection: What Does the Resurrection of Christ Mean? By P. E.

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