King's Business - 1913-11


Condit, D.D. Paper.................... . -10 Christ of History, The. By John Voting ___— ............................................. E stab lishes beyond all doubt th e C hrist of history. Christian Certainty and the Modern Perplexity, The. By A. E. Garvin, D. D............................ -----....... ........ 2 -00 T o show th a t a liberal evangelism can both satisfy th e needs of th e soul and th e mind. Christianity and Non-Christian Religions Compared. By Edward A. Marshall. Cloth .............-...................50 Collapse of Evolution. By Prof. L. T. Townsend, D.D. Paper.—......... —- - .10 Codes of Hammurabi and Moses. With copious comments, index and Bible references. By W. W. Davies, Ph. D. Cloth..................... -....-............ 75 Coming Prince, The, Or, the Seventy Weeks of Daniel, with an Answer to the Higher Criticism. By Sir Robert Anderson, K. C. B., LL.D. Cloth ............. .............................L50 Deluge, The. History or Myth? By Luther T. Townsend..............................65 T his book will set your m ind a t re st as to th e au th en ticity of th e Bible account. Devil’s Righteousness, The. Or Satan Come to Town Again. By I. M. Haldeman .............................................. 10 The devil exploiting him self as a n angel of light. Destructive Criticism, vs. Christianity. By Rev. A. C. Dixon, D.D.................... 10 Does God Reveal Himself to Man? By J. F. Clark........... \ ....- ................. -10 A question for agnostics. Does It Matter What a Man Believes? By Frank Ballard............................. LOO Studies of them es relatin g toC hristian thought. Evolution. By Thomas Cooper.................40 Faith of a Modem Christian, The. By Prof. James Orr, D.D. Cloth.......... 1.50 E ach ch apter in th is book deals w ith some point in m odern fa ith o r doubt over which m uch blood h as been h eated and m uch mk spilled. Farmer Tompkins and His Bibles. By Rev. Willis J. Beecher. Cloth........... 50 U nder th e garb of a pleasing n arrativ e it discusses questions of v ita l im portance w ith regard to th e Bible. Folly of Unbelief. The, and Other Meditations for Quiet Moments. By J. H. Lovett. Cloth.......... ............- .50 Highest Critic, The, vs. The Higher Critics. By L. W. MunhalL........... 1.00 100 Incontrovertible Arguments for Believing in the Deity of Christ. By Rev. Samuel Greene. Paper.—...... .05

Bible, arran g ed so as to form a continuous history. Illustrated. Transformation. By Pastor Stock- mayor. Cloth ................. 40 Treasury of Scripture Knowledge. Cloth....... ........................ 2.00 Contains every reference to each verse in the whole Bible. Trial and Death of Jesus Christ. By James Stalker, D. D. Cloth............ ¿50 An exceedingly helpful devotional history of C hrist am ong H is foes. Two Great Prophets: Jonah and Jesus. By Pastor It. W. Beachey.....................50 Two Silver Trumpets, The. By Frank H. White. Cloth.................... .......'... .35 Thessalonians, St. Paul’s First Epistle to the. By Rev. A. R. Buekland, M. A. Cloth........................................1.00 The exposition is m arked by th e m ethods of th e preacher as well as th e Bible student. The arran g em en t of th e book lends itself to purposes both of p riv ate devotional reading and of pulpit preparation. Timothy, The First Epistle to. By Eev. T. A. Gurney, M. A. Cloth............ 1.00 Types, The Study of the. By Ada R. Habershen..................................... i ..... 1.00 V ery exhaustive y et en tertain in g and certain ly exceedingly instructive. Thessalonians. By Rev. Harrington Lees, M. A. Cloth boards....... ........ .40 The system atic Bible read er who is seeking for spiritu al food will do well to read th is volume. Walking in Love. By Rev. A. B. Simpson, D. D. Cloth........................ .75 A stan d ard volum e on th e finer g races of th e C hristian character. Warfare and Satan. By Mrs. Penn Lewis. Cloth ..................... -............. 2.00 Warfare With Satan and the Way of Victory, The. By Mrs. Penn Lewis. Cloth ....... ...... ......... ..:......... - - —-• -85 Wayfarers of the Bible. By David James Burrell. Cloth ........... .50 BOOKS OF COMFORT Music from the Harps of God. (For the solace of the sorrowful). By Mrs. Campbell. White Cloth...............40 The Silver Lining. By J. H. JoWett. Cloth ....-.................-........1.00 Should find a. very large circle of g rateful readers. Words of Comfort and Consolation. Paper, 50c; each, per dozen...................50 Words of Comfort for Tried Ones. By Rev. A. B. Simpson.................... 60 D iscourses on th e E pistle of P eter. CHRISTIAN EVIDENCES Christ and the Critic. By Rev. I. M.

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