King's Business - 1913-11


Shaw. Paper, 35e; eloth................ 1.00 Tells how to bring ab o ut an old-tim e re vival. Oneness With Christ. By Rev. W. R. Nicholson, D. D...................... ......... 1.00 E xpository lectures on th e E pistle to th e Colossians. Our Giving. By J. Forbes Moncrieff.. .75 “Gives an in sigh t into w h at our giving is and w h at it o ught to be.” Out of His Treasure. By Charles G. Moore. Cloth ...................———.... .40 B eads like a strin g of pearls, gem s of in spiration. Overcoming Life, The. By D. L. Moody. Paper, 15c; cloth.................. 35 Pathway to Life in God, The......... ...... .10 Pilgrim Songs. By Henry Weston Frost. Cloth ............ 1.25 Practice of the Presence of God, The. By Brother Lawrence. Paper, 8 e; decorated boards ................................. 35 The b est rule of a holy life. Present Day Life and Religion. By A. C. Dixon. Cloth..............................50 Price of Power, The. By J. Stuart Holden. Cloth ..................................... 50 W onderfully suggestiveand helpful. Goes rig h t to th e very root of th e m atter. Rabboni. By G. H. C. MacGregor, M. A. Cloth ........................... 40 A charm ing volum e dealing w ith personal consecration. Redeeming Vision, The. By Rev. J. Stuart Holden, M. A. Cloth.................25 P oints th e w ay to peace and power through self-surrender. Royal Commands and Royal Bounty. By Frances Ridley Havergal............... 35 A wonderfully helpful volume. Short Meditations un the Psalms, Chiefly in Their Prophetic Character. By J. G. B'ellett. Cloth......— .50 Psychology of the Christian Life. By Horace Emory Warner, Ph.D.'Cloth 1.50 Satan and the Saint. By James M. Gray, D.D. Cloth ................. .50 I t will do imm ense good. Saints’ Everlasting Rest, The. By Richard Baxter. Cloth........... .75 Sanctified Ones. By Pastor Otto Stoekmayer. Cloth........................... 1-00 Scripture Promises: Or, The Christian Inheritance. By Samuel Clark, D.D. Cloth, 35c; leather........................- .75 'All th e prom ises of th e Bible classified and arran g ed u nd er proper headings. Second Mile. By H. E'.Fosdiek........... .40 A book of inspiration to accept e x tra duties, beyond those on th e program . Self-Life and the Christ Life, The. By Rev. A. B. Simpson. Antique

Life Transfigured. By Rev. E. W. Moore, M. A. Cloth........:..... I...... 1.00 A w idespread welcome is assured for th is fu rth e r helpful volum e from th e pen of one who is so w ell-known as a speaker in K esw ick circles. Life Without Worry. By Mrs. Board- man —................-...............——- -io Life Worth Living, The. By Rev. Dyson Hague. Cloth.................... ,40 Life Worth While. By Frederick A. Atkins. Cloth ................-....................75 A volume of inspiration for young- men. Like Christ. By Rev. Andrew Murray. Cloth ............................-........... 35 T he blessed life of conform ity to th e Son. Living in the Sunshine. By Hanna Whiteall Smith. Cloth....,......... ....... LOO Tells how to Overcome th e difficulties, in the ordinary C hristian experience. • Lost Art of Meditation, The. By J. W. Mahood, D. D. Cloth.............. 1.00 T he a u th o r w rites feelingly and forcefully upon 'the power in h erent in th e quietness of th e soul. Making the Most of Life. By J. R. Miller, D. D. Cloth,............................. 65 A Man in Christ. By C. H. Spurgeon .05 Man and His Mirror. By Rev. G-eo. C. and Mrs. Needham............................20 Man and the Mule, The. By Alfred T. Schofield, M. D. Cloth.............. 1.50 A book in which th e w riter seeks to set fo rth th e teaching of th e W ord of God as to th e m astery of m an over th e b ru te in hum an nature. The Master’s Indwelling. By Rev. Andrew Murray. Cloth.......J................ 35 N orthfleld addresses. The Ministry of Reconciliation. By C. H. M. :..................-....................... .10 Mountain Tops with Jesus. By Theodore L. Cuylér, D. D. Boards—...... .25 Calls to a hig her life. My Brother and I. By Peter Ainslie. Boards ............ ............. ....................... 25 A brief m anual of th e principles th a t m ake for a w ider brotherhood w ith all m ankind. My Lord and I. By Rev. F. S. Webster .................................. ........-............. ^3 W ill help every read er to a fuller know ledge of w h at C hrist claim s as well as be- stows. My Spiritual Autobiography; Or, How I Discovered the Unselfishness of God. By Hanna Whiteall Smith. Cloth ................................................ 1.00 Much Fruit; The Story of a Grain of Wheat..............—....................... -15 The New Life, Not the Higher Life. By A. W. Pitzer, D.D...........................25 Old Time Religion. By Rev. S. B.

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