King's Business - 1913-11


By Rev. G. M. Canright. Cloth..... 1.00 Seventh Day Adventism: What Is It? By A. Booth. Paper.......... ............06 Seventh Day Adventists. By J. Ritchie. Paper .....................................05 T heir origin, history and erroneous doctrines. What Was the Sabbath? and What is the First Day of the Week or Lord’s Day? By C. 8 . Paper......................... 04 Socialism Modern Socialism: Satanic or Divine? By Wm. Robertson. Paper.................. 05 Socialism. By I. M. Haldeman. Paper .10 The Bible and the Problem of Poverty. By Samuel M. Goodboy__:.............. 1.00 E specially valuable in th ese days of so much socialistic propaganda. Theosophy Theosophy or Christianity! Which? By I. M. Haldeman. Paper.............. .20 Spiritualism Apollos the Orator, and the Holy Spirit (Palmistry). By Wm. Thomson ................-........................................ 10 Demon Possession and Allied Themes. Being an Inductive Study of the Phenomena of Our Times. By Rev. John L. Nevius, D. D. Cloth.......... 1.50 Earth’s Earliest Ages, and Their Connection with Modern Spiritualism and Theosophy. By G. M. Pember, M. A. Cloth...................................... 1.50 The Last Days. Compiled by John E. Redd......-............5c each; per dozen .50 A very convenient sm all te x t book on th e second coming. Spiritualism Exposed. By A. Sims. Paper ..................... ................................15 Universalism Universalism" Palse and Unscriptura). Cloth ...................... :............. -.............. 25 EVANGELISM Alleine’s Alarm. By Joseph Alleine. .40 A ppeals to the unconverted. Two volumes in one. And Judas Iscariot. By J. Wilbur Chapman, D. D................................ .50 Believe and Live ................—,— .10 Call of the Ministry to Young Men. By R. W. Hogue..................-........-.........05 A Call to the Unconverted. By Rich- - ard Baxter ....................—. .40 Can I Be Assured of Salvation and How? By W. T. .08 Claims of God, The. By C. H. Spurgeon .05

paper ....... .10 The Intermediate State. A Reply to Dr. E. W. Bullinger. By W. Hoste. Paper ...........................- ........... —— ........20 Mohammedanism Islam and Christianity. By a. Missionary. Cloth .... 75 The Moslem Christ. By Samuel M. Zwemer. ' Cloth ................. 1.00 The Moslem Doctrine of God. . By Rev. Samuel M. Zwemer.Cloth...............50 Mormonism The Mormons and Their Doctrines. By -John Ritchie. Paper...................... 05 The Mormon God is not the God of the Bible. By R. P. Boyd. Paper....... 05 Mormonism, The Islam of America. By Bruce Kinney, D. D. Cloth........... 50 W e hope th a t m any will form thousands of study classes for th e u se of th is book. Order of the Star in the Bast Concerning the ‘‘Order of the Star in the Bast.” By Philip Mauro. Paper .05 Millenial Dawnism Millenial Dawnism. By I. M. Halde- man, D. D. Paper........................... .10 Millenial Dawn Teaching on the Person of Christ. By C. Grain. Paper .05 Pastor Russell’s Position and Credentials, and His Methods of Interpretation. By J. H. Burridge. Paper.. .05 Pastor Russell’s Teaching on the'Coming of Christ. By J. H. Burridge. Paper ..............................................— .05 Seventh Day Adventism Adventism Refuted in a Nutshell. By D. M. Canright. Paper package........... 35 Benefits of the Sabbath. By Henry A. Nelson, 8 . S...................................... 02 The Inviolable Sanctity of the Sabbath. By W. Williams..................... .40 Is Saturday or Sunday the Christian Sabbath? By Rev. William Armstrong. Paper .............................. - .20 A refu tatio n of S abbatarianism . The Lord’s Day. By Rev. A. B. Simp- • son. Paper ..............................—- ...... 05 The Lord’s Day Our Sabbath. By James H. Potts, D. D. Paper............... 15 Ought Christians to Keep the Sabbath? By R. A. Torrey. Paper........... 10 The Sabbath Rest. By F. W. G. Paper ............................................ ..........03 Seventh Day Adventism. By D. A. Berry, M. D „ ................... - .25 W hence It, Is, w h at it m eans, w h ith er it tends. ■ 'Convincing and startling . Seventh Day Adventism Renounced.

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