King's Business - 1913-11


Evangelism Through Bible Study. By Frederic S. Goodman............................25 A brief, u rg en t appeal for individual soulw inning through' Bible class fellow ship and study. Evangelistic Sermons. By C. H. Car- roll, D. D. Cloth.....'.......................... 1.00 “T hese serm ons glow w ith a ferv en t evangelistic spirit, and are th e ripe fruitab le of a h alf cen tu ry ’s experience in C hristian life and Gospel p resen tatio n .” Evangelistic Sermons. By C. Perren, Ph. D. Cloth .........................................50 Suggestive, enriching and abounding in m ost helpful m aterial. The Evangelists. By J. G. Bellett..... 1.00 A study of th e F o u r Gospels. Evangelism. By G. Campbell Morgan. Cloth ................ ............................ . .50 Every Day Evangelism. By Frederic De Land Lette, D.D. Cloth'.......... The Fact of Conversion. By George B. A. Jackson. Cloth........ .............. 1.25 The Fatal Barter. By William L. Watkinson, D.D. Cloth................... 1.00 “F ull of th è b reath of th e breeze an d th e ligh t of th e sùn—his serm ons are a tonic and a stim u lan t.” The First Thing in the World. Dee- ■ orated paper, gilt top........................... 10 Follow Me, Or, How to Become a Christian. By Martin B. Vincent, d . b . ................___ ................................ 03 Folly of Unbelief, The. By Rev. J. H. Jowett. Cloth —... 50 In stru cts, inspires, com forts and suggests. Forgiveness in Its Three Aspects. By George Cutting .......................... .05 Gethsemane-Calvary. B. F. Gillette Corey. Cloth boards ....................... .40 A revival m essage to th e churches, which will win its w ay into th e h e a rts of God’s people by its sincerity and earnestness. “ Get Right With God.’’ Sticker'in bdoklet form, perforated like postage stamps. 1 book, 100 stickers, 10 c; 1,2 books, 1200 stickers...... 1.00 God’s Evangel. By F. W. Grant.............50 F ou rteen Gospel addresses. God’s Salvation. By John Fort.......... .15 A simple y et very thorough exposition of th e d octrinal portions of th e epistle to th e R om ans.' Good Soldier, A... By A. A. E. Taylor, D. D....................... ............................ .05 Gospel Messages for the People. By F. B. Marsh. .Cloth....................... .50 Gospel of the Second Chance, The. By J. Stuart Holden ........ A cheering m essage to those who despite iioirpst in te n t of h e a rt have somehow failed of ti.e grace of G od.' Greatest Work in the World, The. By

Arthur T. Pierson, D. B. Paper...... .15 T he evangelization of all peoples in th e world during th e p resen t century. History of American Revivals, A. By Frank Grenville eBardsley, S. T. B. Cloth......... ................................. .50 How Shall I Go to God? By Horatius Bonar, B. B. Paper, 15; cloth...............30 How to Promote and Conduct a Successful Revival. By R. A. Torrey, B. B. Cloth ..........:........ ¿ g i i .......;. LOO Just a Minute. By Charles Frederic Goss, B. B. Cloth............................ 50 Know the L o rd ................................—. .10 Looking Unto Jesus. By C. H. Spurgeon ..........i..... .............,........... .15 Making Good. By John T. Faris. Cloth .......-............ ............................ 1.25 “W inning T heir W ay.” Man’s Helpers, A. By Wilfred T. Grenfell, B. B. Cloth................... .50 Coming from one who practices Christianity as Dr. Grenfell does, the book is full of spiritual tone. Men Wanted. By Fred B. Smith....... .75 An inspiring book by th e g re a te st living, evangelist for men. New Testament Evangelism. By Rev. T. B. Kilpatrick, B. B.................... 1.25 A valuable handbook hand-book to evangelistic w ork of th e p erm anen t an d effective sort. Normal Evangelism. By O. Olin Green. Cloth................................ .... ............. 1.00 A book th a t ought to be re ad by every pastor. Old Testament Doctrine of Salvation, The. By W. D. Kerswill................ .50 W h at th e Old T estam e n t says an d “How m en w ere saved in th e Old T estam ent tim es.” Peace for the Troubled, or, Friendly Words for Earnest Seekers. By Rev. David Peck .................... ................. .05 Peter in the Firelight. By William Allen Knight. Cloth..........................50 “T he im pulsive Simon P eter is h ere por- tray ed a t two d ram atic in stan ts in his life, and th ese firelight scenes a re keenly a p pealing.” Problem, of the Work, The. By Rev. J. Wilbur Chapman, D. B.............. .50 G athered from th e a u th o r’s experience in world-w ide evangelism . Popular Lectures of Sam Jones. Edited by Walt, Holcomb ........................ .75 Real Salvation and Whole Hearted Service. By R. A. Torrey, D. D. Paper, 5c; cloth................................. 1.00 B eing th e second volum e of R evival Addresses. Revival Addresses. By R. A. Torrey, D. ,D. Paper, 50c.; doth... _.......... 1.00

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