King's Business - 1913-11


Way Made Plain, The. By Rev. James H. Brookes, D. D. Cloth............. . .65 Way of Salvation, The. By Chas. G. Finney. Cloth ---.----- ........---- 1.50 Way to God, The. By D. 1». Moody. Paper, 15c; cloth............. :— ...............35 Weighed and Wanting. By D. L. Moody. Paper, 15e; cloth...................35 What Will You Do With Jesus Christ? By Wilfred T. Grenfell, M. D. Board .................... .—................. ........35 T his is an earn est address delivered a t H a rv ard U niversity on a Sunday morning. Why Do You Not Believe? By Rev. Andrew Murray. Cloth........... . .35 E ncouragem ent for, all who are seeking the Lord. With Christ at Sea. Cloth.............-........75 The very thrilling story of a C hristian who shipped as a sailor. W ill stren g th en th e fa ith of anyone. Wonderful Conversions, 500. Compiled by Harold F. Sayles. lamp cloth cover ............................. ........ .25 A book of g re a t value to m in isters and C hristian workers. FAITH Be of Good Cheer. By Adolph Saphir .25 Factors of Faith in Immortality. By the Rev. Prof. James Denney, D.D. Cloth .............. :........... .......................... 40 Faith and the Faith. By T. T. Eaton, D.D., LL; D.......... ........i.......50 Faith in Christ. By G. H. Spurgeon.. .05 Faith, Fellowship and Fealty: Part I. Becoming a Christian. Part II. Becoming a Church Member. Part III. Becoming a Church Helper. Quiet Hour Series, paper, 10c; cloth .25 Faith of a Modem Christian, The. By James Orr, D. D. ...—................... —. 1.50 B ased upon th e f a c t, th a t in S criptures we have a revelation, divine, historical, p rogressive, given in divers .portions and divers m anners. First Thing in the World, or The Primacy of Faith. By A. J. Gordon, D. D. Illustrated cover, board's .25 The Great Shield of Faith. By C. H. Spurgeon .......................-....................... 15 The Life of Faith. By Adolph Saphir .50 A splendid in terp retatio n of its n a tu re and power as illu strated in H ebrew s XII. A Man’s Faith. By Wilfred T. Grenfell, M. D. Superintendent of Labrador Medical Mission Fift Edition. Paper ...............................—-—............50 Our Life Day. By Adolph Saphir........... 50 T houghts on Jo h n m u st w ork th e w orks of H im th a t sen t m e.” Primers of the Faith. By James M.

T hey will m ake revivals even In th eir prin ted form . Revival and tlie Pastor, The. By J. K. Peek ...— :................................. 1.00 R esults of th e experience of a very successful evangelistic pastor. Revival Lectures. By Chas. G. Finney. Cloth ...................................... 1.50 T his book gives, th é secret of F in n ey 's success as an evangelist. Revivals of Religion. By Charles Grandison Finney ............ ...—---- -— 1.50 T his fam ous C hristian classic h as delighted, in stru cted and stim ulated two g enerations of readers, y et its m essage never grows old. Revivals, Their Laws and Leaders. By James Burns __ .........i,—............. 1.50 Risen With Christ. By A. J. Gordon, D. D. Board...... —.J..........-— -25 Salvation and the Old Theology. By Len G. Broughton, D. D......... ..... .. .75 Search After Happiness, The. By C. H. Spurgeon .......... ....................- ........15 Seven Deadly Sins, The. By Rev. ■ James Stalker, D. D. Cloth..............35 Simon Peter, Shepherd. By Francis B. Upham. Cloth....,......... .......— L etters w ritte n from a fa th e r to his son. Soul Stirring Scenes, or, Death, Hell and Heaven. By A. Sims—........—........50 Sowing and Reaping. By D. L. Moody. Paper, 15c; cloth......... ...........25 Spiritual Awakening, A. By C. G. Finney ...............................-....................10 E x tra c ts from F in ney ’s lectures on revivals. Supreme Conquest, The. By Rev. W. L. Watkinson, D. D.......................... 1-00 Tales of Grace. By C, Knapp........ .30 Or, th e Conversion of tw elve persons of em inence. Talking Rock, The. By C. H. Spurgeon .15 Tekel: Weighed hut Wanting. By A. Gardner. Cloth .............................. AO That Ye May Know. By David Kep- pel ..............— ....................... - — -35 “How m ay I know th a t I have etern al life?” —answ ered from 1st John. The Transfigured Church. By J. H. Jewett, D. D. Cloth— ......... ........... 1-25 T his book should inspire every C hristian w ith new hope and increased zeal. True Evangelism. By Rev. L. S. Chafer .......... - ............. —— ................50 N ot critical b u t constructive. One of th e b est books on m odern evangelism th a t has come to our notice. Twentieth Century Revival, The. By H. B. Roller .......... .......................... - .50 M aking p ray er th e basis and medium through which revivals are to be brought about. Turn Ye, Turn Ye--------------------- ------- 05

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