King's Business - 1913-11


Gray, D. D. Cloth—................ 1.00 Biblical in stru ction and C hristian evidence. The Three Facts That Abide: Faith, Hope, Love. By Sir W. T. Gairdner, K. C. B., M. D. Cloth.................... . .40 What Is Saving Faith? By Bev. Charles S. Bobinson ............................ 03 A word of explanation and counsel. FOE THE JEW Amurru, The Home of the Northern Semites. By Prof. A. T. Clay, Yale University ................... 1.25 The origin of Israel’s religion as set forth in th e Old T estam ent is sub stan tiated. Christ and Israel. Lectures and Addresses on the Jews.. By Bev. David Baron. Cloth ................................... 1.60 Cod’s Chosen People; A Historic and Prophetic Outline of God’s Words With Israel. By John B. Caldwell. Cloth ............... v............. .50 God’s Oath. By Bev. Ford C. Ott- man.................................................... 1.25 S piritual h istory of Israelth roughout the Old T estam ent and th e New. Israel, My Glory, Or Israel’s Mission and Missions to Israel. By John Wilkinson. Paper, 50c; cloth...... 1.00 Jewish Problem, The: Its Solution, or, Israel’s Present and Future. By David Baron. Paper, 20c; cloth......... 40 Messiah, The. Shown to be the Son of God from the Old Testament. By a Converted Jew. Paper.......... ..... Pictures of Jewish Life. By Aus Dem Cheder. Translated from the German by Mrs. Baron. Cloth boards.. .40 What Think Ye of Christ? An Appeal to the Jews. By David Baron. Paper .95 FOE YOUNG CHRISTIANS The Christian: His Creed and Conduct. By Wm, Evans, D. D................50 Im p o rtan t questions of daily life are here discussed in an earn est way, affording real help to an inquiring mind. The Convert and His Eolations. By L. W. Munhall, M. A., D. D. Cloth_ 1.00 Discipleship. By G. Campbell Morgan, D. D. Cloth 50 E arn est, p ractical and devotional. W ill be a real help for th e C hristian life. The Growing Christian. By W. E. Biederwolf ,....... 40 A book fo r th e young C hristian. Salvation From Start to Finish. By James M. Gray, D.D. Cloth.............. 50 A series of ch apters designed to build up young converts in th e g re a t doctrines of th e C hristian faith. That Ye May Know. By David Kep-

pel. Cloth ....___ ,.... ..............................35 The question: How m ay I know th a t I have etern al life? A nsw ered from th e 1st E pistle of John. Words of Counsel. By Maj. James H. Cole. Each, 10c; per dozen....... . 1.00 A book of encouragem ent and instru ction for young converts. Worldly Conformity in Dress. Compiled by various authors. 17 reasons against worldly conformity in dress. . 26 common excuses are answered. GIVING Christian Giving. By Charles William Harshman. Cloth ............... ............. .25 Should be read by every C hristian. The Law of the Tithe as Set Forth in the Old Testament. By Arthur V. Bobbes, A. B. Cloth....................... 1.50 Illu strated , explained and enforced from B iblical an d from extra-B iblical sources. HISTOEY AND PEOPHECY Addresses on Prophecy. By Dr. C. I. Scofield. P ap e r............................ ;... .25 An excellent hand-book on th e predicted com ing events. Anglo Israelism. By David Baron...... .15 Or th e T rue H istory of th e T en L ost Tribes. Between the Testaments. By C. M. Grant, D. D. Cloth........ .....;..... .75 A study of th e 400 y ears sep aratin g th e Old and th e New T estam ents. Bible History, The. By Alfred Eder- sheim, D. D. 7 Vols. 12 mo. cloth, Each ....................... . 1.00 Popular edition, the set, boxed, cloth 3.50 1. The W orld before th e flood, and history of th e P atriarch s. 2. The E xodus and W anderings. 3. Israel u nder Joshu a and th e Judges. 4. Israel under Samuel, Saul and David. 5. Israel and Ju d ah from th e B irth of Solomon to th e R eign of Ahab. 6. Israel and Ju d ah from A hab to th e Decline of th e Two K ingdoms. 7. Israel and Ju d ah from th e decline to th e A ssyrian and B abylonian captivity. Containing full S cripture references and subject index to th e whole series. Christianity as Taught by Christ. By Henry Stiles Bradley.......................... 1.25 S tirring, instructive, simple, easy to read easy to understand. Coming Golden Age, The........ ......_..... .15 W h at w be like? W hen will it begin’ How long will it la st? Daniel the Prophet, and the Times of the Gentiles. By Edward Dennett. Cloth ...................... ............................... 70 Eight Lectures on Prophecy. By W. Trotter. Paper ...............■„.................... 35 From the Eapture to the Manifestation. By Alfred Page. .20

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