King's Business - 1913-11


Christ and the Comforter. By Eev. P. S. Webster, M. A.........___.75 Tells of and insists strongly oh th e com fort to be found in th e know ledge of Christ. Emblems of the Holy Spirit. By P. E. Marsh.............. .......................... 1.00 T rea ts of th e fourteen emblems of th e Holy Spirit, as given in th e Bible, in a m asterly way. The Full Blessing of Pentecost: The One Thing Needful. By Eev. Andrew Murray. Cloth......... ........... . .35 Fullness of Life. By J. -Stuart Holden .40 Em phasizing th e w ork of th e Holy S pirit both in life and service. The Fullness of the Spirit. By Eev. C. Inwood .......... ....................fiS .05 One of th e very feest sm all books on th e baptism w ith the' Holy Spirit. The Gift of Power. By John Ellery Tuttle, D. D. .............,.....25 A stud y in th e Holy Spirit. Grieving the Spirit. By Eobert P. Sample, D. D........... ......... .05 A m essage to th e thoughtful. The Heavenly Life and Types of the Holy Spirit. By George D. Watson, D. D. Cloth.................... .......... .75 A Help to the Study of the Holy Spirit. By W .E. Biederwolf. Cloth .75 “It is th e m ost charm ing and m ost readable presen tatio n of th e sub ject I have seen.”— George I. ,Robinson. How Do We Receive the Spirit? By Pastor O. Stoekmayer............................ 10 In the Power of the Holy Spirit. By W. E. Boardman.........:......____ 65 The Latter Rain Pentecost. By D. Wesley Myland. Cloth..... .50 An invaluable book of reference on th e sub je ct of th e baptism of th e Holy Spirit. Life in Christ, and Sealing With the Spirit. By P. W. Grant.............. .20 Life in the Spirit. By Mrs. Penn Lewis. Paper, 20c; cloth...............jjg .40 The Master’s Indwelling. By Rev. Andrew Murray. Cloth........ . .35 The Ministry of the Spirit. By A. J. Gordon, D. D ........................ *.......... . .50 Em phasizes and m agnifies th e g re a t tru th th a t th e P araclete is now p resen t in th e church. Oneness with Christ. By Bishop W. Nicholson, D. D. Cloth........... ........ 1.50 A series of complete and deeply spiritu al studies on th e book of Colossians, exalting th e Christ. Our Silent Partner. By Prof. Alva S. Hobart. Cloth ...........U..................... .40 The Outpoured Spirit and Pentecost. By E. C. Morgan.............................. .40

God’s Plan in the Bible. By H. W. Pry. Cloth boards .....—^........1.00 A valuable book on the sub ject of prophecy. God’s Purpose in Man............................. 20 Harmony of the Prophetic Word, The. A Key to Old Testament Prophecy -concerning Things to Come, By Arno 0. Gaebelein. Cloth .............. 1.00 Human Destiny. By Sir Eobert An- . derson ................................................ 1.00 History Unveiling Prophecy; Or, Time • as an Interpreter. By H. Grattan Guinness, D. D. Cloth........... -....... 2.00 Millenialism, and The Second Advent. By Joseph A. Seiss, D.D., LL.D. Paper .....,................ m ................-— -15 Old Testament Shadows. By Mrs. Tapp -40 The Patmos Letters. By Eev. J. L. Campbell, D. D................. ...........1-00 A series oi sound Bible lectures on w h at should be a m ore fam iliar them e. Promise and Prophecy. By George W. West. Cloth boards .................. — 1.00 T races th e w orking o ut of th e prom ises of God from the Call of A braham to th eir fulfillm ent in th e Second Coming of Christ. Prophetic History of the Church. By P. W. Grant ......25 As seen in the- Seven Churches in Asia.. Solomon’s Temple; Its History and Its Structure. By the E ev , .Shaw Caldecott, M. E., A. S. Cloth.......... 2.50 Things to Come, A Short Outline of Some of the Great Events of Prophecy. By John E. Caldwell. Cloth ............ ......L—.............. 50 Things to Come. By Prof. H. W. Macintosh. Cloth boards.................. 40 An outline study of th e R evelation. Unfulfilled Prophecy. By Charles A. Shipman —— A...,...,.—....i....| 1.00 The Works of Flavius Josephus: The learned and authentic Jewish historian and celebrated warrior,, to which are added seven dissertations concerning .Jesus Christ, John the Baptist, James the Just, God’s Command to Abraham, etc. Translated by William Whiston, A. M. Cloth.. 1.50 HOLT SPIRIT The Acts of the Holy Spirit. By Arthur T. Pierson, D. D.................. .......-.... .75 A splendid In terpretation. The Baptism With the Holy Spirit. By E. A. Torrey, D. D.......................... 1.00 T his book is especially valuable because of its firm adherence to S cripture teaching.

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