King's Business - 1913-11


D. D. Paper, 15e; cloth................... .35 Bible Briefs for Christian Workers. By Daniel Sloan. Paper, 20c; flexible cloth ................................. .25 A scrip tu ral compendiumof outline suggestions, topically arranged. Christian Workers’ Equipment—and Stimulus for Service............. 1.50 Church and Her Children, The. By Henry W. Hurlbut. Cloth................ 1.00 A p ractical solution of th e problem of child attendance. Crowning Beatitude, The. By A. T. Pierson, D. D............................. .10 Divine Art of Preaching, The. By Arthur T. Pierson..................................60 Great High Priest, The. By Rev. J. Hubert Brooke, M. A. Cloth boards .40 T hose who know of Mr. B rooke’s ability as a B iblical exponent will be glad to g et th is volume. Glory of the Ministry, The. Paul’s Exultation in Preaching. By Prof. A. T. Robertson, D. D. Cloth....... 1.25 Gospel and Its Ministry—A Handbook of Evangelical Truth. By Sir Robert Anderson, K. C. B.; LB. D............50 Five Great Offerings and Their Law. By E. M. S. Cloth.......................... 1.40 In outline only, an d covering a w ide v ariety of subjects. Five Hundred Bible Readings. By Rev. F. E. Marsh. Cloth.......................... 1.25 How to Learn the Bible. By William Evans, D. D. .................................. . .50 T he B erean H and Book of m emory. How to Prepare Sermons and Gospel Addresses. By William Evans, D.D. Cloth ........... l.oo How to Speak Without Notes... By Robert E. Speer..................................... 20 A clear, brief, p ractical address by one of th e strongest, m ost experienced public speakers of our tim e. The King’s Way. By Rev. Harrington Lees, M. A. Cloth boards.............. 1.00 A series of expository stud ies on th e S ermon on th e Mount. HELPS FOR PREACHERS AND CHRISTIAN WORKERS Redemption of the Prayer Meeting......... 50 A help to th e p asto rs and church m em bers to give th is service new vitality. School of the Patriarchs........... ...............40 Scripture Proper Names: And their interpretations, with types, symbols, figures, customs, etc. By John Ritchie. Cloth .....................................25 Shepherd of Israel, The. By David Baron ..... 65

A scrip tu ral and expository elucidation of the w ork of th e Holy Spirit. Owen on the Holy Spirit ................. .50 One of th e oldest, y et one of th e very best works on th e Holy Spirit. Person and Mission of the Holy Spirit. By Geo. Soltau..................................... 65 Person and Work of the Holy Spirit. By Geo. Soltau.................... ............. .25 A very sp iritu al book th a t will help you In your und erstan ding of th e P araclete and H is Office. Person and Work of the Holy Spirit. By R. A. Torrey, D. D. Cloth.......... 1.00 As revealed In th e S crip tures and in p ersonal experience. Praying in the Holy Ghost. By H. C. MacGregor, M. A.................................. 40 A p ray er inspiring ahd increasing volume, full of clear and comprehensive guidance. The Real Holy Spirit. By Cortland Myers, D. D. Cloth,............................. 50 The greatest reality in the world today. The Spirit-Filled Life. By John McNeil, B. A. Introduction by Rev. Andrew Murray. Paper, 15c; cloth .35 The Spirit of Christ. By Rev. Andrew Murray. Cloth ......... ..... ,..................... 35 A m ost helpful trea tise on th e Holy Spirit in th e believer and, in th e Church. The Spirit of Life. By J. Stuart • Holden ....................................................40 U seful to those who are endeavoring to in stru c t o th ers in th e work of th e Holy Spirit. Spiritual Understanding. By Adeline Campbell ........... ....................................40 Beyond m any, th is is a th o ug htfu l and suggestive book. The Temple of the Holy Spirit. By Rev. Andrew Murray .........................05 Things of the Spirit. By C. H. C. MacGregor, M. A. Cloth.................... 40 T he teaching of th e W ord of God about th e S pirit of God. Tongue of Fire, The. By William Arthur ................................................. .60 The Two Covenants and the Second Blessing. By Rev. Andrew Murray. ' Cloth ...............................................2 .75 The Third Person. By Rev. E. R. Drake. Paper, 15; limp cloth.,.......... 25 The Wonders of Radium. By Wm. Thomson ................................................ 05 W onderful as are th e properties of radium , th e a u th o r shows th a t it is th e m ost s trik ing and all round symbol of th e Holy S pirit known to man. HEAVEN Heaven, and How to Get There. By D. L. Moody. Paper, 15c; cloth........... 35 Heaven on Earth. By A. C. Dizon,

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