King's Business - 1913-11


Mark Guy Pearce. Cloth................... 25 Book on Devotion. The Christology of Jesus... By Rev. James Stalker, M. A., D.D. Cloth.... 1.25 The Compassion of Jesus. By Adolph Saphir. Cloth ................................. ,25 The Crisis of the Christ. By G. Campbell Morgan, D. D. Cloth................ 1.50 T rea ts of th e seven critical epochs of C hrist’s life. The Crowned Christ. By R. W. Grant. Paper, 20e; cloth.......... .50 The Days of His Flesh. By David Smith, D. D. Cloth...................... . 2.00 The earthly life of our L ord and Saviour, Jesu s Christ. The Deity of Jesus Christ. By S. W. Pratty, D. .D. .50 The topic of th e book is discussed from th e stan d po in t of th e Gospel of John and Is an analysis of th a t Gospel. Did Jesus Rise? By Rev. James H. Brookes, D. D. Cloth ..... .....................50. “U nansw erable evidences.” The Education of Christ. By Sir William Ramsay _.75 Supplies definite inform ation about the early education of th e youth of A sia M inor in th e tim e of Christ. The Exalted Christ. By F. B. Meyer, B. A. Cloth .................... ....................40 Glimpses of Jesus. By W. P. Balfern. Cloth .............. ..........1.20 He Is Not Here; The Resurrection of Christ. By Rev. J. H. Brookes, D.D. Cloth ......................... 50 The Hidden Life. By Adolph Saphir. Cloth ....... .75 “All who value th e reality of p ray er should secure th is volum e.” The Hidden. Tears at Nazareth. By G. Campbell Morgan, D. D. Cloth........25 Himself, By Rev. A. B. Simpson. 2c each; per dozen ........................ 20 The Holy Mount. By Rev. E. T. Vernon. Cloth boards.—'......................... 1.50 Studies on th e T ransfiguration of our Lord —carefully and reverently w ritten. How Christ Came to Church. By A. J. Gordon, D. D. Cloth...........................75 Imago Christi. By James Stalker, D.D. .50 Imperialism and Christ. By Ford C. Ottman .......... 1.25 The Indwelling Christ. By James M. Campbell. Cloth .......— .................. .75 T he religious sp irit of th e book is thoroughly w holesom e.' Jesus Only. By Hannah More Johnson. Cloth ....;....... .............. ............. .35 D aily Bible readings: "In th is little volume th e Bible p assages' are choice.”

Jesus Himself. By Andrew Murray. Cloth ............................. .....i............ .25 Jesus, the Joyous Comrade. By John Richard Brown ................................ .40 C hrist is here presented as a stro ng leader of stro ng men. The Last Days of Jesus Christ. Compiled by A, G. Jennings. Cloth.............35 T he Gospel account of th e g re a t atonem ent, including th e b etrayal, trial, sufferings and d eath of our L ord and H is resu rrectio n and ascension. The Letters of Christ. By Charles BroWn ........................... The Life of Christ. By James Stalker, M. A., D. D. Cloth............................. 60 The Lord .from Heaven; Chapters on the Deity of Clutist. By Sir Robert Anderson, K. G. B., LL. D. Paper, 15c; cloth ...... 50 The Lord Jesus Christ as Seen in the Epistle to the Hebrews. By John ■ R. Caldwell. Cloth ......................... .50 The Man of Galile'e. By W. E. Geil.. .25 A life of C h rist in th e very w ords of S cripture. modified by observations in the Holy. L and. • The Masculine Power of Christ. By Jason Nobel Pierce.......................... .25 The Mind of Christ. By A. D. Batchelor, A. M., S. T. B. Cloth................... 50 Exposition of th e E pistle to th e Philippians. “W ill inspire to deeper devotional stu d y .” The Miracles of Our Saviour. By W. M. Taylor, D. D., LL. D. Cloth...... .50 D r. T aylor considers all points of view in his discussion, and evolves a rev eren t explanation, ‘acceptable alike to th e scientist and th e theologian.” The Moral Glory of Our Lord Jesus Christ. By J. G. Belllett.....................20 JESUS CHRIST Our Life Day. My Adolph Saphir......... 50 F iv e ch aracteristics of C hrist’s life; the u nity of our life. Parables of the Christ Life. By I. Lillias Trotter .:....................... ....... 1.40 A m ost charm ing volume, beautifully illustra te d in colors. Parables of our Lord (The). Spurgeon 2.50 Person of Christ in Modern Thought (The). By E. Digges La Touche, Litt. D. Cloth........ ....................... . 2.00 Pre-eminent Lord (The). By Rev. J. Stuart Holden ............ ..................... 1.25 A splendid p resen tatio n of C hrist as Lord. Resurrection of Jesus (The). By Prof. James Qrr, D, D........... .'..............50 Revelation of Christ to His Servants. By F. W. Grant................................ 1.00

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