King's Business - 1913-11


Revelation (The) of Jesus Christ By T. B. Baines. Cloth__ ....___ ...___ 1.85 Secret of the Lord (The). By Rev. W. M. Clow, D. D........ . 1.50 The self-revealing teachings of C hrist Im m ediately preceding and following th e tra n s figuration. Seven Words from the Cross (The). By W. Robertson Nicoll, LL. D. Cloth .............................................. . .35 Short Studies of Christ, The Ideal Hero. By Emma A. Robinson. Cloth ........ ...............................M .75 T he w riter, while preserving th e gentler ch aracteristics of C hrist, has magnified the m ore heroic elem ents in th e life of Christ. Sinlessness of Jesus (The). By Carl Ullman, D. D. Cloth...........______ 1.00 T his w ork h as been generally recognized as one of th e m ost im p o rtan t contributions to th e g re a t subject of which it trea ts. Son of God (The). By J. G. Bellet. Paper 25c; cloth............... ....................50 Studies in the Life and Teachings of Our Lord. By R. A. Torrey, D. D... 1.50 A consecutive and system atic course of studies in our L ord's life an d teachings, divided into 140 lessons and ad apted either to individual or class use. Story of Jesus (The). By Anne Batchelor. Cloth ......................... . .75 A charm ing volum e of Bible stories, simply w ritten for children. Story of Jesus (The). By Jesse Lyman Hurlbut. Cloth ...............-....... .75 E very child should read th is book. Story of the Nazarene (The). By Noah K. Davis, LL. D. Cloth........ 1.25 Is probably th e m ost straig h tfo rw ard and readable account of th e earth ly life of our L ord which has been issued. The Teachings of Jesus Concerning the Scriptures. By David James Burrell, D. D., LL. D....................... A book th a t m u st appeal to every th o u g h tful mind. The Teachings of Jesus in Parables. By Rev. Geo. Henry Hubbard. Cloth ___........................ :.......I:.:......I 1.50 ‘‘.The au th o r shows unu su al skill in finding and presenting th e lesson of th e parable.” Tell Jesus. By Anna Shipton. Cloth .50 The Temptation of Jesus. By Mary Stewart. Cloth .............................. 1.25 A very clear statem en t of how H e overcame. The Testimony of Paul to Jesus Christ. By Rev. J. R. Knowling, D. D........................................... 2.50 An im p o rtan t exposition and defense of the C hristian faith th a t no stud ent of th e New T estam ent can afford to neglect. That Beautiful Name. By H. W. Webb-Peploe. Cloth ___ 40

R eading th is volum e one gets a new er and higher conception of our L ord Jesu s Christ, and realizes a s never before the w onderful height and depth of th e Divine love. The Verities of Jesus. By David James Burrell, D. D., LL. D. Cloth .50 Dr. Burrell is certainly at his best in this exposition of the sayings of Jesus which are thus prefaced. The Virgin Birth of Christ. By James Orr, M. A., D. D. Cloth...... 1.50 What Jesus Said. Cloth.................... . l.oo The great discourse of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. What Noted Men Think of Christ. By Luther T. Townsend ........?.........i... .10 Tributes to the character of Jesus. What Will You Do With Jesus Christ? By Wilfred T. Grenfell, M. D. Gift edition. Cloth ............................ 50 With the Risen Christ. By Rev. Dr. W. Harvey Jellie ........ ;..... .................. 40 A new edition of that popular devotional volume, “Prom Gloom to Glory.” Work of Christ (The). By P. T. Forsyth, D. D. Cloth............ 1.50 MISSIONS Africa Waiting, or the Problem of Africa’s Evangelization. By D.M. Thornton ......... 35 The Beginning of a Story. By Amy- Wilson Carmichael ................................25 Tells just enough about missionary work to make you want to know more. Children of Africa. By James B. Baird ...............................1.................. .65 Children of China. By G. Campbell Brown. Cloth ................................... .60 Children of Egypt. By L. Crowther. Cloth ............... .65 Child of the Ganges, The. By Rev. Robert N. Barrett. Cloth................ Children of India. By Janet Harvey Kelman. Cloth ............................ 65 China and the Gospel. By Broomhall .65 An illu strated repo rt of th e China Inland Mission. Chinese Revolution. By Arthur J. Brown .............r...__ ,......,..,.j.......,„..... .50 Christianity and Non-Christian Religions Compared. By Edward A. Marshall ........ ...................I _................... .50 Gives in classified p aragrap h s every essentia l teaching of th e ten principal system s and prom inent idol gods. Church of Christ in Corea, The. By Malcolm C. Fenwick ....................... 1.00 An autobiographical m issionary record. Citizens of Tomorrow. By Alice M. Guernsey ........................ .50

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