King's Business - 1913-11


.12 D escribes th e effectual, ferv en t p ray er of a righteous m an th a t “av aileth m uch.” Christ’s Cure for Care. By Mark Guy Pearse ........ ................ .—................ .40 Very helpful and encouraging volume. Do You Pray? By Dr. C. P. Harford. Cloth ............................... -------------.. .30 A word to boys. W ill be found useful to C hristian workers. Elijah, the Man of Prayer. By Rev. P. S. Webster.........................................40 God’s “ Ifs.” The Problem of Unanswered Prayer. By John A. D. Adams (of Dunedin). Cloth.....------ 1.00 How Can God Answer Prayer? By Dr. W. E. Biederwolf. Wolf........ 1.25 “Learned, y et popular.” How God Answers Prayer. By Charlotte A. Mason. Cloth.................. .75 “T his is a very delightful book. It Is a story th a t will be found very in stru ctive to any one who desires to learn God’s w ay of w orking.” How To Pray. By R. A. Torrey, D. D. Paper 15c, cloth............ ........... . .50 T his book should have w ide circulation am ong C hristians. The Inner Chamber and the Inner Life. By Rev. Andrew Murray. Cloth ....................... ............. .75 Intercessory Prayer. By Rev. William Romain ........................ ........... . .06 T he d uty of praying for others. Lessons in Prayer. By P. S. Goodman .05 Let Us Pray. By W. Arthur Cornaby. Cloth boards......1.00 T his rem arkable book cannot fail to be helpful to those who are troubled by the difficulties of prayer. Lord’s Prayer...........—:......................... .25 An exquisitely illu strated booklet suitable for either young or old. Lost Art of Meditation, The. By J. W. Mahood, D. D. Cloth...., ........... 1.00 A work very m uch needed in th is m aterial age w hen ru sh an d m ultiplying engagem ents have well ? n ig h t banished th e quiet hour. A Method for Prayer. By Rev. Matthew Henry ................................... .50 W ith S cripture expressions proper to be used. A Mighty Means of Usefulness. By James C. K. McClure, D. D. Cloth.. .75 Studies in th e power and service of in te rcessory prayer. The Ministry of Intercession: A Plea for More Prayer. By Rev. Andrew Murray, D. D. Cloth........ ............. ... .75 The Pathway Series of Booklets. Each .03 Call to Prayer. By Bishop J. C. Ryle.. .05 Can the Modem Man Pray? By Prank T. Bayley ......................... ,.______ _______ —..

Popular Lectures on Sam Jones... Edited by Walt. Holcomb. Cloth......... 75 Priesthood of the Laity. By A. R. Ryder, B. D............... ................... .... 1.50 Primer of Homiletics, A. By The Rev. John Edwards. Cloth......... .... .75 Reasons for My Faith as To Baptism. C. H. M. _____________ _______ _______ _______ ...

The Redeemed Family of God. By Rev. J. H. Jowett, D. D................... . .50 The Responsibility of God. By Ambrose Shepherd -------- ----- ----......... .15 Retracings of Truth. By E .W. Grant .20 In view of questions th a t have been lately raised. Sermons on Gospel Themes. By Rev- Charles G. Finney. Cloth---- ------ - 1.50 Spiritual Law in the Natural World. By F. W. Grant .............................. 1.00 Nature is throughout a witness for God. Stories and Story Telling in Moral and Religious^ Education. By Edward Porter St. John.......... |................50 Supposition and Certainty. By J. Stuart Holden, M. A. Cloth...............75 P ull of hope an d faith fu l w arning. Thoughts on the Lord’s Supper. By c. h . m . __ ...... .10 The Lord’s Table. By Rev. Andrew Murray. Cloth ...... 50 The Westminster Shorter Catechism. By James E. Boyd, 13. D.................... 40 W ith analysis, S cripture proofs and explanations. What Is Calvinism? By W. D. Smith, D. D. .15 T he Confession of F a ith in harm ony w ith th e Bible- and common sense. What Life Means To Me. By Wilfred T. Grenfell, M. ,D. Gift edition. Boards ...................... .-.................... .50 Why and What at the British Museum? By ...i,,............................1------ T he book is full of inform ation told in an in terestin g fashion, and will well repay reading. W e commend it to our read ers both old and young. Winsome Womanhood. Familiar Talks on Life and Conduct. By Margaret E. Sangster. Illustrated, cloth, gilt top .........1..................... ..... . .*. 1.25 White vellum, gilt top...................... 1.50 Words of Jesus. By Albert Hallett... Chronologically arran g ed w ith d ates and places inserted. PRAYER Availing Prayer. By W. W. White,. .05 Answers to Prayer. Prom the Experiences of George Muller....... _.............. 50

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