King's Business - 1913-11


cloth .............. ....................!__ ...__ _ .75 Crisis in Church Work, The. By Henry Ostrom ........................................ ....:.. .50 D ealing w ith th e problem of w inning men. F o r young people. Decision Day. By Theodore S. Henderson. Paper ......... ..............__..... .06 A concise booklet, giving p ractical plans for th e observance of th is day. Early Conversion. By Rev. E. Pay- son Hammond. Cloth __s ........... . .40 Eleventh Hour Laborers. By Rev. P. L. Chapell. Paper ............ ......... .25 Splendid trea tise on p resen t-day m issionary labors. Fishin’ For Men, or, the Redemption of Jerilo Kort House. By Joseph Clark ................... 1.00 God’s Answers to Man’s Excuses. By C. R. Haudenschied. Leather.......... .25 V est pocket personal w orkers’ helper. God’s Plan With Men. By T. T. Martin. Cloth .........§......... . 1.00 Good Shepherd (The) Finding His Sheep. By Adolph Saphir.................50 Shows th e M aster’s m ethod w ith men, and w h at we are to learn from it. Great Commission, The. By C. H. M. .15 Greatest Work in the World, The. By A. T. Pierson, D. D................................ 25 How to Bring Men to Christ. By R. A. Torrey, D. D. Paper, 15; cloth......... 75 A plain, simple, forceful treatise, judicious and practical. How to Work for Christ. By R. A. Torrey, D. D. Cloth........................... 2.50 A compendium of helpful m ethods. Individual Evangelism. By Chas. Fisk Beach ........................ .75 Momentous im portance of th e work of the laity in bringing th e world to Christ. Individual Work for Individuals. By H. C. Trumbull ....................... 25 T he personal experience of one of th e best known w orkers of modem , tim es. Introducing Men to Christ. By W. D. Weatherford .... .50 Tells how th e m essage of life m ay be passed on to o th er men. Light for Anxious Souls in Some of • Their Difficulties. By George Cutting ................... ................................... 15 Method of the Master, The. By George Clark Peck, D. D................. T hese studies are tim ely and suggestive. Methods for Soul Winning on Home and Foreign Fields. By Henry C. Mabie, D. D. Cloth:........................... 75 Passion for Men, The. By Edwin F. Hallenbeck. Cloth ........ ................ .40

Tells w h at th e Bible h as to say ab o ut the Second Coming of Jesu s Christ. Sunrise: Behold He Cometh. By G. Campbell Morgan. Cloth.................... 50 T his book will very m aterially aid in placing th e Second Coming of C hrist w here it rightfully belongs. Watcjiing for the Dawn. By Bev. J. H. Townsend, D. D. Cloth.................40 A calm and thoughtful trea tise on o ur L ord’s retu rn . What Good Does I t Do?..........................10 Or 36 em inently p ractical and biassed resu lts which th e . hope and preaching of C hrist’s re tu rn produces upon th e h e a rt an d life. SOCIAL PURITY How To Deal with Temptation. By Robert E. Speer. ClotK................... 25 No one is doing more th a n Mr. Speer to mold th e young m an of today into noble p attern s. T his volum e is one of his best. The Square Man. By Dr. W. E. Bie- derwolf. Manila ........... .............. 10 One of Dr. B iederwolf’s m ost fam ous a d dresses to men. Victorious Manhood. By Howard Ag- new Johnston. Cloth............................75 “A fine book for young men. H igh ideals of model m anhood are presented, illustrated and m ade a ttra c tiv e .” The White Life. By Dr. W. E. Bieder- wolf. Manila ........... ................... .15 The World of Moral and Religious Anecdote. By Paxton Hood................ 1.25 A Young Man’s Questions. By Robert E. Speer. Cloth ................................... 80 “E arn est, lucid, direct, attra c tiv e ." Young Men Who Overcame. By Robert E. Speer. Cloth........... ............. 1.00 SOUL WINNING All Things New. By C. Campbell Morgan, D. D. Paper .................... .10 Art of Soul Winning, The. B. J. W. Mahood .................... 25 F or personal workers. Children, for Christ, The. By Rev. Andrew Murray. Cloth................... 1.00 Children’s Meetings and How to Con- . duct Them. By Lucy J. Rider and Nellie M. Carman ........................ 65 Christ Among Men. By James Mc- Conaughey ..................,..................... -.25 P ersonal w ork is here ta u g h t by tru e p resen tation s of C hrist engaged in it. Christ as a Personal Worker. By L. W. Messer ....................¡MHaj».............05 Come to Jesus. By NewmanHall............05 Splendid invitatio n to give tothose th a t you w an t to bring to Christ. Conversion of Children. By E. Pay- son Hammond, M. A. Paper, 25;

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