King's Business - 1913-11


per dozen .................... .................... .45 Gives th e Word direct from th e Bible for all perplexing questions. SUNDAY SCHOOL The Adult Bible Class, Its Organization and Work. By W, C. Pearse........25 Our Big Boys and the Sunday School. By A. H. McKinney, Ph. D. Cloth....... 50 ,The book will be of in te re st to those who are concerned w ith th e w elfare of th e boys and th e Church. The Boy and the Church. By Eugene C. Foster ..............................................75 A study of th e boy’s "religious life, habits, grow th, etc. Boy’s Eye Vietys of the Sunday School. By Pucker ........................................... 65 A real boy te lls ' how he th in k s a .Sunday School should be ru n in order to reach and teach boys.. Bright Beams from the Blackboard. Edited by Henry Pickering. Cloth....... 50 Chalk talk s on Bible them es. The Child for Christ. By A. H. McKinney, Ph.D. Cloth .......................... 25 A m anual for p arents, teachers, p asto rs and Sunday School workers. Child Nature and Child Culture. By E. P. St; John ...................................... .50 Gives help in some of th e m ost v ital problem s of th e p arents’ work. The Children’s Saviour. By Mildred Duff. Cloth boards ......................... 1.75 An attra ctiv ely w ritte n and w ell-printed life of C hrist for children. The Christmas Story in the Primary Room. By Lee McCrae.................... .10 A suggestive line of study of tw elve verses to be used in th e prim ary room for the twelve w eeks before Christm as. The Fascinated Child. By Basil Matthews, M. A. Cloth.................... 1.00 A quest for th e child spirit, and talk s w ith th e boys and girls. Getting and Holding. By Wm. H. Hamby .......................................■:..........50 A book of sound suggestions for gathering and teaching a Sunday School class. - Girl in Her Teens, The. By Margaret Slattery .............i........ ,........ ~ .50 Gospel Outlines for Addresses to Chil dren, Young People and Adults. By J. W. Jordan. Cloth......... .50 C ontaining 120 entirely new outline a d dresses, 80 Bible readings, 160 Sunday School subjects. Guide for Teachers of Training Classes, A. ’By Margaret Slattery.. .50 Gives direct and sym pathetic aid to th e teacher of th e train in g class. Hand Work in the Sunday School. By Milton S. Littlefield ......................... 1.00 Tells how to keep both th e m ind a n d th e hands of young people busy.

A. series of straig h tfo rw ard talk s on th e im p erative d u ty of soul winning. Passion for Souls, The. By J. H. Jowett. Cloth ...................—-,............ 50 This -book should he' in th e han ds of every teacher, p reach er and C hristian w orker. Personal Soul Winning. By William Evans, D. D...................................... 1.00 Personal Touch, The. By J. Wilbur Chapman, D. D. Cloth, net........ ..........50 Inspiration for C hristian workers. Price of Winning Souls, The. By Charles L. Goodell. Paper..... :..... .10 Recruiting for Christ. By John Timothy Stone ........................................ 1.00 T his is a helpful and arousing hook on th e subject of personal work. Simon Peter, Fisherman. By Thomas .75 Soul Winning. By P. R. Carroll. Soul Winner, The. By C. H. Spurgeon. • Cloth .............................................. 1.00 Tells how to lead sinners to th e Saviour. Social Task of Christianity, The. By Samuel Zane Batten, D. D. Cloth.... 1.25 A summons to the new crusade. Soul Winning Church, The. By Len G. Broughton, D. D. Cloth.......... .50 230 pages of soundest common sense. Steps to Salvation. By A. A. Johnston ............ ......... ................— ..... .25 T he w ay into th e blessed life of conscious salvation. Talks With Beginners. By Evan H. Hopkins ............................................. ' .40 Splendid help for those ju st commencing the C hristian life. Truth for You. By J. H. Sammis. An ingenious weaving of Cardinal Texts, on Cardinal Teachings, for Workers and Converts. Manilla, 10p; leather ..............................- .......... 25 Truth in a Nut Shell. By Harold P. Sayles. Each, 2e; per dozen.................15 A sixteen-page tra c t of S criptural verses w ith brief explanations enforcing th e tru th . A clinic in regeneration. Ways to Win. By Rev. Dyson Hague. ' Cloth ..........................................4 3 s -40 T houghts an d suggestions w ith regard to personal wprk for Christ. Winning Men One by One. By H. Wellington Wood ......... ......................... , .50 How a consecrated business m an h as used every-day opportunities to w in m en to Christ. Winning Souls. By Rev. Dwight E. Marvin. Paper, 15c; cloth.................25 Without Excuse. By Rev. Arthur J. Smith. Red manila, 10c; leather...... .25 P o ck et m an u al fo r C hristian w orkers. ■ Word for the Work, The. By Harold F. Sayles. Manila cover, 5c each;,

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