King's Business - 1913-11


Happy Hours for the Boys and Girls. By Rev. D. E. Lewis........ ............50 A book for leaders of Jun io r societies, teach ers, superintendents. The “ HOW” Book. By Marshall A Hudson .......................... .,„.L».............. 50 Tells how to reach men, hold men, teach men. The *‘B arak a" class m anual. The HOW BOOK. By Milton S. Littlefield ........ .-.................................. 1.00 F o r reaching men. . How to Teach a Sunday School Lesson. By H. E. Carmack................ 75 Sets fo rth new plans, new w ays, new m eth ods, in a very in teresting w ay. Ideal Adult Class. By Amos A Wells.. .50 Over 100 short, pith y paragraphs, o r “re c e ip ts ” for m aking th e ad u lt class go. Illustrations on the Beatitudes. By Sadie Eastwood. Boards.......................50 Just Over the Hill. By Margaret Slattery ......... ............ .................1 .75 Answers m any troublesom e questions and gives m any new and v ital ideas to boys and girls betw een 16 and 20. Kindergarten Stories for the' Sunday School and Home. By Laura Ella Cragin ........................ .............. f........ 1.25 The them e is th e Life of C hrist taken up chronologically. Knowing and Teaching the Scholar. By A. F. Schauffeler ......... ............ .50 How to study th e child; how to do blackboard w ork; how to use handw ork in teach in g . Making of a Teacher. By Martin G. Brumbaugh ............................... 1-00 A te x t book for special use in th e teacher train in g c la s s.. Seven Laws of Teaching, The. By John M. Gregory ................ 50 R eaches Avery p ractical rule which can be of u s e , in a te ac h e r’s work. Stories and Story Telling. By E. P. St. John .......~................................... .50 A m agnificent book th a t will accomplish g rea t resu lts w ith younger scholars. Sunday School" and the Pastor. By John T. Faris ................ .25 P ractical h in ts for the p asto r who w an ts to help his Sunday School, telling w h at m any p asto rs have actually done. Sunday School Teacher Training. By H. M. Hamill ........ ............ .50 Should be read by every p asto r and su p erintendent. Supplemental Bible Question Course. By John B.'Smith..................... ............50 A m an u al of Bible drill facts, places, etc. Talks with School Girls. By A. M. P. Price .......................................40 W ritten to enable school girls to realize more fully the m eaning of C hristianity. Talks with the Training Class. By Margaret Slattery___ _________..... .50

Gives lots of good, sound, p ractical advice in Miss S lattery ’s inim itable style. Teacher That Teaches, The. "By Amos ; R. Wells ........................... ,.... . .50 F u ll of h ap py hours for m aking th e class hour in teresting and instructive. Teaching of Bible Classes. By E, F. See ..........c.y^ti,..,.,....:................ ........ .40 A splendid help for an y teacher. That Boy—Who Shall Have Him? By W. H. Daniels ........................ ....... .25 Through Eye-Gate to Heart Gate. By Henry Pickering. -Cloth —__x.........' .50 100 original object lessons for use w ith blackboard. Timothy Stand-By, The Sunday School Man. By Joseph Clark .................... 25 Tim othy has his own w ay of sizing up S unday School problem s and som e very good w ays of solving them . Training the Teacher. By Four Authors ........... ..... ........... ......................... 35 In four p arts: T he Book, The Pupil, The T eacher, The Sunday School. The Unfolding Life. By Antoinette Abernethy Lamoreaux. Cloth ........... 75 A study of developm ent w ith reference to religious training. Winning The Boy. By Lilburn Merrill, M. D. Cloth ............ Hf.......... .75 R egards th e boy a s hum an, and tre a ts him as such. Working Manual of a Successful Sunday School. By Marion Lawrence. Paper, 10c; cloth ........... ......*....... .50 Tells all anyone can expect to find in a book. Is m ost excellent. Young People and the Church. By Woodrow Wilson. Paper, 10c; cloth .50 One of the most significant and searching utterances on this theme that has every appeared. Anti-Christ ...................... ................. 15 Who is he? W h at will he do? Who are his ag ents and forerunners? The Coming Prince, or The Seventy Weeks of Daniel. By Sir Robert. Anderson, K. C. B., LL. D. Cloth.. 1.50 The Great Apostacy Set In .................... 15 H as it? If so, by w h at signs do you recog- nize it? In Full Armour; or the Disciple Equipped for Conflict with the Devil. Paper .... 20 Man’s Deification: Satan’s Lie. By Bishop W. R. Nicholson...............;........10 S atan ’s old story, try in g to m ake m en thin k th ey can be as God. Satan: His Person, Work, Place and Destiny. Cloth ..................... 1.00 Temptation and Victory. By Rev. Arthur T. Pierson ................................01 God’s W ord and looking to Jesu s th e m eans of victory over th e tem ptation of Satan.

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