Tas Resident Handbook -web

Phone & Internet If you need a home phone or internet services, you will need to have the National Broadband Network (NBN) connected to your property.

Under the terms of your lease, you are responsible for any connection fees and charges for services to the property. How often you receive bills will depend on your service provider and plan and some may even offer prepaid services. If you’re moving into a brand new property that no-one has lived in before, there will be an additional NBN New Development Installation Fee. This fee is usually around $300 and is charged by your service provider as part of your regular billing. This amount needs to be paid by you. Once payment has been made, Housing Choices will reimburse you for this amount.

Who do I talk to about organising an NBN Connection? You will need to contact a Service Provider of your own choice to organise the NBN to be connected at the property. There are a range of service providers for this. You might be familiar with Telstra, iiNet or Optus. You can compare services available and pricing by using an online tool such as www.canstarblue.com.au , or contact the providers directly.


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