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of buildings, fees for developments, and whether other sites’ heritage listings had been downgraded. 1MBOOJOH #VJMEJOHBOE&DPOPNJD%FWFM - opment director Dominique Tremblay said a number of public consultations had been held during the development of the district plan to ensure the community’s wishes XFSF SFTQFDUFEi8F GFMU UIJT  JT something that is really important, it’s a

tool for the community,” she said. “If the community does not want to preserve this area, the heritage conservation district of- GFSTOPWBMVF8FSFOPUEPJOHUIJTGPSUIF township, we’re doing it for the people of Russell.” Councillors approved the first reading of the bylaw. The plan and guidelines will be revised ahead of the second and third readings of the bylaw later this year.

A heritage district for the village core of Russell is one step closer to reality, after councillors approved a first reading of a bylaw. The planned district would cover the “old village” core of Russell, and would include both residential and commercial areas on both sides of the Castor River. According to a proposal document, the district’s cre- ation would help with “protecting key views, streetscapes and first impressions when entering this part of the village”. Planning for the district began after the municipality retained MTBA Associates to prepare a report on heritage evaluations for QSPQFSUJFTJOCPUI&NCSVOBOE3VTTFMM5IF preliminary report recommended the creation of a heritage conservation district in the centre of Russell village, due to “a concen- tration of potential heritage resources that might be worth consideration for protection”. The designation of an HCD allows a mu- nicipality to protect the character of an area and guide future changes and development,” the report said. “This protection is not meant to thwart change, but to manage change in

Le projet de district de conservation du patrimoine du canton de Russell pour le cœur du village de Russell est un pas de plus vers la réalité. — photo Stephen Jeffery ways that are positive for the district and for the wider community.” The proposal attracted a number of ques- tions from members of the public watching the meeting in what mayor Pierre Leroux estimated was the greatest number of queries in the time council meetings had been conducted virtually. The questions covered topics such as interior renovations

Russell County Ontario Provincial Police officers charged two people with a number of offences after they allegedly left the site of a collision. Police were called to the single- vehicle incident on February 13. In a statement, police said the driver and passenger both left the scene, but were later found with no injuries. The pair were charged with a number of driving offences. — photo supplied RUSSELL COUNTY OPP CHARGE PAIR AFTER SINGLE-VEHICLE COLLISION SOYEZ PRÊT À L’EMPLOI chez

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