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The question of whether Alfred- Plantagenet Township needs a “pest bird” bylaw nested on council table. “I question the need for a bylaw like this,” TBJE$PVODJMMPS*BO8BMLFSEVSJOHUIF'FCSV - ary 16 council session. “I question how to regulate it.” $PVODJM JTDPOTJEFSJOHBi%P/PU'FFE 8JMEMJGFuCZMBXUIBUXPVMEBMTPJODMVEFDFS - tain species of birds classified as “pests” like pigeons, gulls, and crows that “become a nuisance and may cause damage to prop- erties” when they flock together in large numbers. 5IF JTTVF EBUFT CBDL UP /PWFNCFS XIFODPVODJMSFDFJWFEBQFUJUJPOBTL - ing for a “do not feed wildlife bylaw” from TFWFSBMIPNFPXOFSTJOUIF%PNBJOF4USFFU OFJHICPVSIPPE JO UIF7JMMBHFPG-FGBJWSF They complained that two people in their OFJHICPVSIPPEXFSFGFFEJOHWBSJPVTLJOET of wildlife and justifying their actions by DMBJNJOHUIBUUIFMPDBMBOJNBMTMJWFEJOUIF area before any humans did. /PX  UIFDPNQMBJOBOUTTBJE  UIFJSPXO QSPQFSUJFTIBWFTVGGFSFEEBNBHFBOEUIFJS own pets are at risk from the wild animals UIBUIBWFCFDPNFVTFEUPUIJOLJOHPGUIFJS neighbourhood as a “feeding area”. The property damage includes bird dung from gulls splattering onto roofs, windows, patio GVSOJUVSF BOECPBUDPWFST BOEPOUPWFIJDMFT parked outside. 4PNFXJMEBOJNBMTIBWFEBNBHFEHBS - dens and lawns, and neighbourhood dogs IBWFGSFRVFOUFODPVOUFSTXJUITLVOLT0OF concern for area residents is that raccoons, skunks and squirrels that get used to find- ing food in the neighbourhood may also be potential carriers of rabies. Township staff drafted a bylaw that would forbid feeding certain kinds of wildlife, includ- ing “pest birds”, within the municipality.

Quel type d’oiseau est considéré comme un «oiseau nuisible» et Alfred-Plantagenet a-t-il besoin d’un règlement disant aux gens de ne pas les nourrir ? Le conseil municipal poursuit ses discussions sur la nécessité d’un règlement «Ne pas nourrir les animaux sauvages». — photo tirée d’une banque d’images (Pexels)

Besides the birds defined as “pest birds”, the bylaw specifies skunks, raccoons, foxes, groundhogs, bears, and deer as examples of wildlife that residents should not feed. The CZMBXBMTPGPSCJETMFBWJOHBOZGPPEMFGUPWFST or insecure garbage or compost containers PVUTJEFUIBUXJMEBOJNBMTDPVMETDBWFOHF

The bylaw would not forbid setting out bird feeders for small songbirds like cardinals, sparrows and such or penalizing homeown- ers if some wildlife or birds feed on berries and nuts that grow on bushes and trees in the neighbourhood. $PVODJMMPS8BMLFSTVHHFTUFEUIFUPXOTIJQ

MFUUIF.JOJTUSZPG/BUVSBM3FTPVSDFTEFBM with people who create problems by feeding wild animals. The proposed bylaw will come up for fur- UIFSSFWJFXBOEEJTDVTTJPOEVSJOHBGVUVSF council session.

EAP NEWSROOM FUTURE SURPLUS POSSIBLE FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOL BOARD board meeting that less money was spent during the first four months of the school year than anticipated.

GPVSNPOUIQFSJPEIBWFCFFOCFMPXBOEUIBU could mean a potential surplus at the end of the school year.  4FWFSBM GBDUPST BSF DSFEJUFE GPS UIF reduced expenses, including lower supply DPTUT MFTTUSBWFMBOEQSPGFTTJPOBMEFWFMPQ - ment costs for staff, and less demand so far GPSTOPXSFNPWBMXPSLBU$%4#&0GBDJMJUJFT )VUDIJOTPOBMTPOPUFEUIBUUIF$%4#&0 IBT SFDFJWFENPSF UIBONJMMJPO GSPN UIF&EVDBUJPO.JOJTUSZUPBTTJTUXJUIFYUSB operation costs related to the pandemic.

One school board in Eastern Ontario may finish the current school term spending less money than expected. Trustees for the Catholic District School #PBSEPG&BTUFSO0OUBSJP $%4#&0 SFDFJWFE encouraging news in the financial report for first half of the 2020-2021 school ZFBS'JOBODF.BOBHFS"TIMFZ)VUDIJOTPO SFQPSUFEEVSJOH UIF'FCSVBSZ$%4#&0

i0VSUPUBMFYQFOEJUVSFTBSFUSBDLJOHBQ - proximately 4.4 per cent less than what we TQFOUUIJTUJNFMBTUZFBSu)VUDIJOTPOTUBUFE  regarding the September to December 2020 financial report. 5IF$%4#&0CVEHFUFEBCPVU million for the 2020-2021 operation year. )VUDIJOTPOOPUFEUIBUUIFFOEPG%FDFNCFS expense total indicates actual costs for the



Board of Directors Call for Nomination

Conseil d’administration Appel de candidatures

Vous avez à cœur le bien-être des enfants et des adultes qui ont une déficience intellectuelle? Service Coordination Soutien (SCS) pour les personnes ayant une déficience intellectuelle est un organisme à but non lucratif, financé par la province, qui aide les personnes et leurs familles à planifier et trouver des ressources communautaires. Nous servons les adultes et les enfants qui ont une déficience intellectuelle ainsi que les enfants ayant un trouble du spectre de l’autisme. Les services sont fournis dans les deux langues officielles. Nous sommes à la recherche de bénévoles de la région d’Ottawa et des comtés de Stormont, Dundas et Glengarry, de Prescott Russell et de Renfrew. Les candidats idéaux ont une expérience pertinente des fonctions au sein d’un conseil en plus d’avoir fait preuve d’un grand leadership et posséder une solide expérience dans l’un ou plusieurs des domaines suivants : • Services aux personnes ayant une déficience intellectuelle; • Gouvernance d’organismes à but non lucratif; • Relations avec la collectivité et les intervenants; • Gestion des ressources humaines; • Juridique. Le Conseil a actuellement un besoin particulier de membres dont la langue maternelle est le français. Date limite : Le 19 mars 2021

Are you passionate about the welfare of children and adults with developmental disabilities? Service Coordination Support (SCS) for People with Developmental Disabilities is a non-profit provincially funded agency that helps individuals and families plan and find available community resources. We serve adults and children with a developmental disability and children with an Autism Spectrum Disorder. Services are provided in both official languages. We are seeking volunteers fromwithin the Ottawa region and from the counties of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Prescott Russell and Renfrew. Ideal candidates have demonstrated experience with Board duties and governance issues and exhibit strong leadership and expertise in such areas as:

• Developmental Services; • Non-profit Governance • Community and Stakeholder Relations; • Human Resource Management; • Legal. The Board currently has a particular need for members whose first language is French. Deadline is March 19, 2021.

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