


domestic violence or sexual assault within UIF)BXLFTCVSZ011QPMJDJOHBSFB3PVMFBV responds to police referrals for her services when they encounter a situation involving either family violence or sexual assault. She also takes referrals from any one of the other 7"1QBSUOFSBHFODJFT5IBU JODMVEFTTFMG referrals made through the Victim Services agency. 3PVMFBVQSPWJEFTTVQQPSUGPSIFSDMJFOUT up to an including the end of the case. She also helps her clients “navigate” through the criminal justice system while a case is before the court and also helps with finding referrals for victim support services from other agencies. For now the VAP program operates 25 IPVSTBXFFLEVSJOH JUT JOJUJBM UISFFZFBS mandate. For more information on the VAP, QIPOF 7JDUJN4FSWJDFT 1SFTDPUU3VTTFMM  UPMMGSFF BU

Solicitor General for creation of the VAP. The ministry approved a $179,300 grant UPDPWFSUIFDPTUTPGBUISFFZFBSTUBSUVQ for the program. “The minister herself called me at home,” said Inspector Hemmerick, “to inform me that we were one of the successful (grant) ap  plicants. The ministry was very impressed.” 4BCSJOB3PVMFBVXBTIJSFEGPSUIF7"1QSP gram. Her educational background includes a Bachelor’s Degree, majoring in criminology, with a minor in social work. Her practical experience includes three years working for Maison Interlude and, before that, for a defence lawyer. She was hired in December as Victim Advocate and reported a full caseload so far. “I have almost 30 cases now after being IFSFNPSFUIBOBNPOUI u3PVMFBVTBJE The focus of the VAP is to aid victims of

Victims of family violence or sexual assault in Prescott County now have a new ally in the Victim Advocate. Marc Hemmerick, acting inspector for the Hawkesbury OPP detachment, welcomed local media to the police station February 26 to introduce the new Victim Advocate Program (VAP) for the Hawkesbury OPP policing region. “This program will enhance police services for the area,” said Inspector Hemmerick. Last summer the Hawkesbury OPP, in partnership with the Hawkesbury Police 4FSWJDFT#PBSE $FOUSF/PWBT$"-"$4GSBO DPQIPOF1SFTDPUU3VTTFMM .BJTPO*OUFSMVEF )PVTF BOE7JDUJN4FSWJDFT1SFTDPUU3VT sell, sent a proposal to the Ministry of the

Sabrina Rouleau est le visage du nouveau programme de défense des victimes, qui travaille avec l’OPP de Hawkesbury pour aider les victimes de violence domestique ou d’agression sexuelle. —photo Gregg Chamberlain



cameras installed in proximity could assist police in a theft investigation.” Anyone with information about the thefts was asked to contact the Hawkesbury OPP BUPS Ice warning Meanwhile, those venturing out onto the ice were warned to take care as spring approached. The Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs asked snowmobilers to take care and personal responsibility for their own safety and wellbeing, as well as to check the status of local trails before heading out. Other residents, including those who went ice fishing, were asked to let somebody know of their whereabouts and when they planned to return. “If you are missing, rescue crews can narrow their search and potentially save your life,” the OPP said in a statement. “If you are missing, rescue crews can narrow their search and potentially save your life.”

Officers with the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) Hawkesbury detachment are investigating the theft of two snow- mobiles from properties in the region. The snowmobiles were both stolen over  night while left outside next to the owners’ houses. The OPP said officers were also investigating the attempted theft of some vehicles under similar circumstances in the region. In a statement, the OPP asked snowmo  bile owners to be vigilant if their vehicles XFSFTUPSFEPVUTJEFXIFOOPUJOVTFi&YUSB precautionary measures should be consi  dered such as securing the equipment and PGDPVSTF  MFBWJOHTOPXNPCJMFT JOXFMMMJU area, preferably visible to neighbours,” the statement said. “If possible, use a locked garage or compound to park your snow  mobile overnight. The use of surveillance

Les agents de la police provinciale de Hawkesbury, en Ontario, enquêtent sur le vol de deux motoneiges dans des propriétés de la région. — photo d’archives

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