GREGG CHAMBERLAIN gregg.chamberlain@eap.on.ca
Plans for turning part of the old Hawkesbury OPP station into the new food bank site are underway. “The idea is to move in the first day of July,” said Robert Lefebvre, spokesman for the Hawkesbury Central Food Bank board. The non-profit group is waiting for a response to its application for a $30,000 grant from the Ontario Trillium Foundation. The money would go towards the estimated $45,000 budget needed for renovation work to part of the old OPP building on Cartier Boulevard that is the new future site of the food bank. “To make it more accessible for the handicapped,” said Lefebvre, adding that the electrical panel also needs upgrading to accommodate the number of freezers used for storage of meat and other perishables. Lefebvre expects a response later this month on the Ontario Trillium grant request. Meanwhile the food bank received $7000 from Food Bank Canada to buy some new freezers and also shelving for the building. Other renovation work involves general clea- nup and repainting of the area dedicated to the food bank’s operation. “There is very little actual conversion needed,” Lefebvre said. Hawkesbury council approved a request last autumn to dedicate half of the old OPP building to the food bank. The current Main Street location is a two-storey house, which
La planification a commencé pour la rénovation d’une partie de l’ancien bâtiment de la Police provinciale de l’Ontario sur le boulevard Cartier afin qu’il puisse servir de nouveau site pour la Banque alimentaire centrale de Hawkesbury. —photo Gregg Chamberlain
donations of food and other basic necessi- ties to help its clients. The Main Street location has about
creates access problems for some clients. The relocation means more storage space available for the non-profit group for
2500-square-feet of storage space compa- red to more than 4000 square feet at the former OPP building.
STEPHEN JEFFERY Stephen.jeffery@eap.on.ca
but noted that several parts of the building required repairs. Mason work on the east side of the building’s exterior wall was com- pleted in 2019, but COVID-19 delayed other POHPJOHQSPKFDUTBUUIF.BJO4USFFU&BTU property. &MFDUSJDBMBOETUSVDUVSBMXPSL BTXFMMBT the installation of a new fire alarm system, were underway but were affected by the delays during the pandemic. In a statement, the township said $150,000 had been allo- cated to repairs for the building in the 2021 municipal budget. “Township staff are working closely with the engineering firm to prepare a detailed work plan to address the priority deficiencies and to establish a 1–5-year budget based on the work identified in the report,” the state- ment said. “The library board supports the township’s 2021 investment in the building. 8FVOEFSTUBOEIPXJNQPSUBOUUIFMJCSBSZJT to our citizens and we will reopen the library as soon as feasible.” The library’s website said the building was closed to the public “for safety rea- sons”. Curb-side pickup services and vir- tual programming continued through the
Champlain Township staff are working with an engineering firm to fix “priority deficiencies” in the municipal library building in Vankleek Hill. A building condition assessment study presented to the council in fall 2019 found the building’s overall condition was “fair”,
Appel aux propriétaires d’une petite entreprise Vous pourriez recevoir une aide financière en lien avec la COVID-19. • Des fonds allant jusqu’à 20 000 $ dans le cadre de la Subvention ontarienne pour le soutien aux petites entreprises • Des fonds allant jusqu’à 1 000 $ pour l’achat d’EPI dans le cadre de la Subvention ontarienne de secours visant à redonner vie aux rues commerçantes • Des remises pour les impôts fonciers et les coûts d’énergie
pandemic. More details are expected about the engineering report and the status of the library building at Champlain council’s March meeting. Le bâtiment de la bibliothèque Champlain à Vankleek Hill est fermé au public, tandis que 150 000 dollars ont été alloués pour des réparations et des améliorations de la structure. — photo d›archives
Publié le mercredi par • Published on Wednesday by: La Compagnie d’édition André Paquette Inc. Imprimé par • Printed by: Imprimerie Prescott et Russell, Hawkesbury, ON # convention : 0040012398 1100, rue Aberdeen Street, C.P. / P.O. Box 1000, Hawkesbury, ON K6A 3H1 1-800-267-0850 Fax.: 613-632-6383
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