Helping Children Cope with Death

to conduct a short, simple memorial service just for children. Invite all the children who might like to come. Perhaps it can be held at the grave site, and the children can take photos in remembrance. Children may want objects, clothing, or a photograph of the loved one. Do not worry if they want to take these objects to bed with them. Making up games that begin with, “Remember when” or “Do you remember” to facilitate expression of feelings may offer additional ways to remember the person who died. Remember Your Loved Ones at Holidays Like you, children will be especially aware of the absent loved one around holidays and will want to find ways to include the deceased in the festivities. Young children especially mark time by the passage of holidays. You may not feel much like celebrating, but the maintenance of tradition is important. Nevertheless, even young children will understand that things have changed and may have some ideas of ways to do things differently if following family traditions will be too painful. Take Care of Yourself as Parent or Caregiver Caring for a bereaved child may be painful and time-consuming. Realize that you, too, are moving through various phases of grief, just like the children. However, you will rarely be at the same place they are at the same time.


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