Take care of yourself. Attend victim support groups, write in a journal, or seek counseling for a while. The best thing you can do for your child is to deal with your own bereavement in a healthy way. If you have questions or concerns or would like additional support in helping your child
cope with death, call a local hospice, grief center, local MADD chapter, your child’s guidance counselor at school, or a mental health professional. Many hospital social work departments can refer you to appropriate
Reach out to your community to find support for your children.
programs or professionals. Funeral directors and faith-based community leaders are also good resources. Get Back Into a Routine Children thrive in routines. Routines establish safe expectations for them and can help children cope after the chaos of a crash. Going through the simple routine of getting ready for bed, taking a bath, and reading a book can help to start re-establishing a feeling of normalcy. Try to get the children back into a routine as soon as possible with regular times for waking, sleeping, eating and going to school.
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